The Wrong Side of the Rapture

Through my own witness and through research, I believe there is much weight to a very soon event happening: the catching away of Christians, the Rapture. It looks like September-October of 2022. If you don’t know Jesus Christ, please ask Him right now to forgive your sins (and He will), and then ask Him to make you brand new. He did it for me, and I’m just like you!

Encourage Men

We hear a lot of talk about the Rapture lately, mostly because it’s upon us; this is the season of the Lord’s return for His Church. While believers everywhere are looking forward to the Master’s return, many of them are totally unaware of the nearness of the Lord’s trumpet call for His bride. As long as we are walking in Christ, we are saved and made worthy of His glorious promises to us outlined in His Word. There will always be those believers who may question their salvation or become fodder for the enemy’s barrage of mental games and assaults. The devil will try and remind you of your forgiven past or most recent mistakes; trying to get you to wonder if you’re really saved are worthy to obtain what God has promised you and all of us who love the Lord.

Paul reminded Titus (and us) that…

“For we ourselves…

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