Evidence, Evidence , Evidence: Why doesn’t it matter?

Evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06yja21V7xg

Evidence: https://vaccineimpact.com/2020/study-covid-19-fatality-fate-worst-miscalculation-in-the-history-of-humanity/

Evidence: https://www.brighteon.com/20fba6f9-f0ce-4d28-b8ce-41ba024b9909

I asked in the title, “Why doesn’t it matter?”  Simply put, because WE DON’T MATTER.  We are to be used, bilked and discarded.

Vaccine activists truly comprehend this scenario because we have had all the evidence all along and it has NEVER MATTERED. The frustration is immeasurable; yet for us, it is “the norm”.

My friend Karen Johnston posted an article that had me dancing a JIG at 3:00 AM in the morning when I read it in 2012, titled “The Vaccine Hoax is Over” (https://archive.fo/A4pKe).  It inspired my third proposed vaccine bill to Congress, “”Ban Vaccines 2013” (now Tinyurl.com/VaccineFreeWorld).  

What I found is that everyone in a position of power already knew but it was an unspoken rule among them to do nothing about it.  Sometimes doing NOTHING is “abuse of power“, don’t you think?

“Once everyone knows what’s in vaccines and the damage they cause, then it will have to stop because the people will demand it!!!”  We’ll see, won’t we?  Everyone practically does know now (or at least has been warned) thanks to our ardent efforts and the imminent threat to themselves.  The same people who ridiculed us for trying to protect the babies.  We actually have the Gates and Faucis of this world to praise regarding people’s heads rearing at the prospect of a forced vaccine (not 33 doses of vaccines, as they give the infants), just one.  We know from our children’s experiences that one will become 70, but just one is enough to bristle 100,000 people in Trafalgar Square to rise in opposition.

Please listen to Journalist Christina England‘s description of the activities at the protest in Central London on 9/26/20 (https://www.republicbroadcastingarchives.org/vaccine-free-america-w-sallie-elkordy-sep-26-2020/).  

Adults being beaten in the UK(https://news.sky.com/story/coronavirus-protesters-and-police-officer-hurt-in-clashes-at-anti-lockdown-rally-in-central-london-12082468) and tazed in America(https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1261739257504075&id=100010040387803). 

 It’s our turn to take the poison.

“Vaccine Free America with Sallie Elkordy” ~ Saturdays at 7pm EST (6c/5m/4p) on RepublicBroadcasting.org & Archive Tinyurl.com/VaccineFreeAmerica ~ Vaccine Free World:  Tinyurl.com/AmbsVFW ~ Vaccine Victims’ Memorial: Tinyurl.com/VVM2020 ~ Contact: facebook.com/VaccineFreeNYC

Short link for this blog update: Tinyurl.com/BeatingAdults.

“No one Has Died from the Coronavirus”

No one Has Died from the Coronaviris

By Rosemary Frei AND Patrick Corbett

Important revelations shared by Dr Stoian Alexov, President of the Bulgarian Pathology Association

Disclaimer: The contents of this article are of sole responsibility of the author(s). The Centre for Research on Globalization will not be responsible for any inaccurate or incorrect statement in this article. The Centre of Research on Globalization grants permission to cross-post Global Research articles on community internet sites as long the source and copyright are acknowledged together with a hyperlink to the original Global Research article. For publication of Global Research articles in print or other forms including commercial internet sites, contact: publications@globalresearch.ca

www.globalresearch.ca contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available to our readers under the provisions of “fair use” in an effort to advance a better understanding of political, economic and social issues. The material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving it for research and educational purposes. If you wish to use copyrighted material for purposes other than “fair use” you must request permission from the copyright owner.

For media inquiries: publications@globalresearch.ca

Robert F. Kennedy: “The Last Battle for the Salvation of Humanity”

Please read the transcripts (attached) and share this information with everyone you know.

Vaccine experts Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Dr Rashid Buttar, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Judy Mikovits PhD, Robert Kennedy Jr., and Del Bigtree, had a round table discussion last weekend hosted by Ty and Charlene Bollinger. Transcripts attached. Highlights:

Robert F. Kennedy:

“We’re the happy few, the band of brothers and sisters. We know what our job is in this life: we have to fight and we have to die with our boots on if necessary.”

  • Doctors don’t know how to treat patients with Covid-19 because it is unique
  • Nurses are saying that people are being murdered in hospitals
  • Governments are proposing to inject humans with an untested, experimental, gene-altering technology designed to change the human genome
  • The former chief chemist of the company said, “There is nothing that could make me put that vaccine in my body.”
  • It is an RNA vaccine that has never been made before and that alters DNA
  • It is genetic engineering that could wipe out the entire human race
  • When a coronavirus vaccine for SARS was tested on ferrets and they were later exposed to the wild virus, they all died
  • The US is now operating under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act, which provides blanket immunity from liability for Gates and the companies pushing the coronavirus/Covid-19 vaccine
  • An upcoming documentary on the (US) National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (“1986-The Act”), which gave companies blanket immunity from liability (
    ) will reveal “premeditated, first-degree murder”, according to Dr. Andrew Wakefield
  • With 5G and vaccines, Bill Gates and Elon Musk have become the instruments of total tyranny, total control, and the surveillance state.

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TTAV round table 1.pdf
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Robert F. Kennedy: “The Last Battle for the Salvation of Humanity”

Please read the transcripts (attached) and share this information with everyone you know.

Vaccine experts Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Dr Rashid Buttar, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Judy Mikovits PhD, Robert Kennedy Jr., and Del Bigtree, had a round table discussion last weekend hosted by Ty and Charlene Bollinger. Transcripts attached. Highlights:

Robert F. Kennedy:

“We’re the happy few, the band of brothers and sisters. We know what our job is in this life: we have to fight and we have to die with our boots on if necessary.”

  • Doctors don’t know how to treat patients with Covid-19 because it is unique
  • Nurses are saying that people are being murdered in hospitals
  • Governments are proposing to inject humans with an untested, experimental, gene-altering technology designed to change the human genome
  • The former chief chemist of the company said, “There is nothing that could make me put that vaccine in my body.”
  • It is an RNA vaccine that has never been made before and that alters DNA
  • It is genetic engineering that could wipe out the entire human race
  • When a coronavirus vaccine for SARS was tested on ferrets and they were later exposed to the wild virus, they all died
  • The US is now operating under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act, which provides blanket immunity from liability for Gates and the companies pushing the coronavirus/Covid-19 vaccine
  • An upcoming documentary on the (US) National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (“1986-The Act”), which gave companies blanket immunity from liability (
    ) will reveal “premeditated, first-degree murder”, according to Dr. Andrew Wakefield
  • With 5G and vaccines, Bill Gates and Elon Musk have become the instruments of total tyranny, total control, and the surveillance state.

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just click “Reply” and say so. Thanks!

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TTAV round table 1.pdf
TTAV round table 2.pdf

InPower Community Update: June 2019

What we are dealing with needs to be understood by as many as possible- though not everyone.

The ‘higher’ the understanding, the more effective we will be as a whole, but again, not everyone has to grasp everything.

Action is definitely a key, and through action, people start to change internally.

A big part of what needs to happen is the ‘group mind’ or the ‘flocking principle’, where the whole becomes more than the sum of the parts. To that end, we are building a platform for this to be realized on a worldwide scale.  When we can interact, collaborate, teach, help, love one another-  there is nothing that can stop it.

It is not about fighting.  It is becoming who we are meant to be, and that displaces anything contrary, no matter what it is or how long it’s been here, or how much so-called ‘money’ is behind it.

May 2019 has been ground-breaking:  we have launched the first automated Beta version of our NoL Creator application for a group (which had been held at Round 3), and they have now been moved into the billing Rounds!

Also, we launched the UK smart meter NoL!

The Vaccine Choice NoL has a dedicated group completing its research and will be soon ready to go into final formatting for the Beta system, as well as the first draft of the Geo-engineering NoL. We’ve started that editing process and then it too needs to be formatted for the system.

The 5G NoL is not yet complete, but is well underway.  Our 5G expert is also called upon to write legislation rebuttals to proposed legislation in various states in the US, which have deadlines, etc. and cannot be postponed, so she has to deal with those ‘distractions’.

We also have the completed smart meter NoL for Australia and New Zealand which only need to be formatted and then launched with groups there.

There is a lot to do, but it is moving very quickly…

This ‘movement’ is already past the point of no return (so to speak) with much movement.   Great things are about to manifest.



Cal Washington


InPower is a global movement of men and women who are peacefully reclaiming our authority through the world’s first mass action of liability.

Many people have expressed concerns about super technologies, like 5G, and other often unwanted interventions which have been advertised as ‘progress toward a healthy and fantastic new living experience’, claims which do not stand up under scrutiny and are actually causing harm.

In response, we have developed a lawful, peaceful remedy that utilizes foundational laws and rules of commerce to turn the tables on the individuals who have been hiding behind corporations and governments as they inflict for-profit harm upon men, women, and children.

We invite you to learn more and join our community, launching in late summer 2019.

Take advantage of this introductory offer to join the InPower Community for a reduced rate of $10 per month.

You will be able to:

  • Create a secure profile where you can learn, create, and share
  • Access our exclusive learning management system
  • Receive guidance from leaders within our organization
  • Connect with like-minded people
  • Get up-to-speed on the most current tools available to reclaim your authority in the United States, Canada, and United Kingdom (and we are actively expanding to more countries)

This limited-time offer is good through July 15, 2019.

To save your seat, go to http://www.inpowermovement.com/community

Detailed pricing:

We’re running a reduced membership promo through July 15th, which is $10 monthly for 3 months, or 6 months, or 1 year, or 2 years.

These prepaid membership promo prices save $15 for 3 months, $30 saved for 6 months, $60 saved for 1 year, or $120 saved for 2 year memberships.  After July 15, the normal monthly membership will be $15, offered at 3 or 6 month accounts, or 1 or 2 year accounts.
