Latest Plandemic Info compilation 04042020

World-Wide Prayer synchronization TODAY April 4, 2020

at 20:00 (8:00PM) EASTERN USA.

Focus on healing, on wisdom, on us rising as a species to where Creator intends.


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ATTACHED WITH LINKS TO 8 LANGUAGES – ESSENTIAL READING TO UNDERSTAND LINK BETWEEN ELECTRICITY AND FLU: Summary of Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life (8 languages): (links to all 8 languages)



UK media outlets told not to promote baseless 5G coronavirus theories:


Each one of those “spikes” at 11:20 into video corresponds to the spikes of turn-ons of Elon Musk’s STARLINK 5G blaster satellites, 60 new satellites per Space-X launch.

Each new turn-on will cause blasting of more and more people with microwave radiation, causing more and more “corona” deaths.

See Firstenberg’s INVISIBLE RAINBOW book which correlates past turn-on’s (radio, RADAR, satellites, now 5G) immediately followed by pandemic outbreaks.

23 March 2017 – Suit expected to be filed over mystery illness at Arlington junior high school:

Dozens of Nichols Junior High School staff members have reported symptoms including dizziness, headaches and nausea, only while they’re in the school building.

The Arlington Independent School District is responding after the NAACP filed a lawsuit over mysterious illnesses at Nichols Junior High School. They’re asking for an emergency order to keep everyone out of the school until a cause is found.

NBC5 learned on Thursday that there have been more than 500 complaints of illness, including nausea, dizziness and fainting, from 70 different people at Nichols, since this all started back in September.

The District says those number have dropped significantly in the past few weeks. But until there are zero cases, advocates say no one should be in the school.

A six-month search for answers at Nichols Junior High is now heading to the courtroom.

“If they’re not going to advocate and provide a safe and humane educational environment for those students, we’re going to fight for those people,” said Simmons, President of the Arlington chapter of the NAACP.


The Creation of a False Epidemic with Jon Rappoport April 1, 2020 Audio, 3 parts, 2 hs total, listen in background.


PROPAGANDA WATCH – The Washington Post is putting out the daily diary of a Chinese-American doctor slogging it out in a New York hospital. New York City doctor says ‘The things that I see in the ER are scary’. Funny how they contracted with a Chinese-American to produce this “diary”, though, isn’t it? And isn’t “scary” a bit weak here? What about “terrifying”, “horrendous”, “catastrophic”, “heart-stopping” or some other adjective with a bit of meat to it? Or – if people are really dying – how about “tragic”, “sad”, “touching” or “moving” – these are supposed to be human beings, after all.

They are tryng to mimic the chaotic scenes of the Wuhan hospitals, but failing dismally. Perhaps it’ll all hot up a bit next week when they turn the 5G up and really start killing everyone. Or perhaps they could edit in some scenes of people wailing and throwing themselves about. Bring in the Wag the Dog director – he’s obviously needed on set to liven the story line up a bit:


UKC News – 03/04/20 – COVID19 Latest:



Coronavirus Covid-19 Fact Not Fear:


Worried about coronavirus? Make sure you’re getting enough zinc:

… Researchers have found that zinc fights viruses in two different ways. In addition to being a direct antiviral, it also stimulates antiviral activity. And given its proven effects on colds – many of which are caused by a type of coronavirus – and the coronavirus-related SARS infection, it stands to reason that it could also provide benefits for the COVID-19 strain.

It works by stopping the ability of viruses to reproduce and spread. The review of studies that appeared in Advances in Nutrition reported that zinc led to a reduction in the viral load of people with respiratory syncytial virus, and it stopped viral RNA and protein synthesis in gastroenteritis viruses.

Interestingly, one of the signs of a zinc deficiency is a loss of the senses of taste and smell, which also happens to be one of the early symptoms of a COVID-19 infection. Other signs include fatigue, slow would healing, frequent infections, food cravings, hair loss and infertility. …


Tucker Carlson: The WHO helped China cover up coronavirus
Tucker Carlson exposed during a powerful monologue last night how the World Health Organization helped China cover-up the severity of coronavirus and how the U.S. media turned a blind eye. …

Japanese VP: The WHO should be renamed the ‘Chinese Health Organization’
The deputy prime minister of Japan says that the WHO should be renamed the ‘Chinese Health Organization’ for its role in helping Beijing cover-up the severity of the coronavirus outbreak. …

Coronavirus is now the third leading cause of death in the United States
More than 1,000 Americans died from the coronavirus on Wednesday. As you will see below, that now makes COVID-19 the third leading cause of death in the United States on a daily basis. …

Nursing home infections and deaths are still rising, even after coronavirus lockdown
Across the country, nursing homes have been in lockdown for weeks under federal orders to protect their elderly residents from the coronavirus. However, a wave of deadly outbreaks in these




On a freedom of speech issue, word is out that Huawei & Chinese carriers want to redesign a key aspect of the internet. There is a proposed new protocol at the ITU, New IP, that theoretically offers more efficient addressing and network management than the existing TCP/IP standard but also appears to have hooks that allow authoritarian regimes to censor and surveil their residents. Most notably there would be a “shut up” command that would let a central part of the network cut off data going to or from an address. That would effectively silence an activist without resorting to extra tools. There are also concerns that New IP would require authentication and authorization of not just new internet addresses, but also the humans involved and the data packets being sent. China has long called for linking real names to internet users, and this potentially links people to the very internet connection itself. The left in Europe has the same covert ideas. We are looking at the loss of free speech in many parts of the world. New IP should be ready for testing by early 2021.


It’s the 5G Stupid! British Nurse Speaks to 5G Killing Elderly in the Hospital:




4 minutes THE WORLD IS IN GREAT DANGER | 02/04/2020:


COVID-19 Operation is here:



ESSENTIAL READING TO UNDERSTAND LINK BETWEEN ELECTRICITY AND FLU: Summary of Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life (8 languages): (links to all 8 languages)


Reprise: Claire Edwards and Shai Danon discuss the New World Order agenda and Coronavirus:

Full references are under the video and in the first comment


‘Conspiracy theorists BURN 5G masts’ as UK mobile network providers are forced to deny ‘baseless’ claims that ‘radiation sparked coronavirus’ as they spread online:

  • Mast in Birmingham erupted in flames last night and onlookers claim it was arson
  • Conspiracy theorists posted on Facebook claiming it was due to 5G
  • Mobile network trade body called the conspiracy theories ‘baseless’

British mobile network providers have been forced to debunk ‘baseless’ theories circulating online that 5G masts are linked to coronavirus after several were set on fire.

MobileUK, the trade organisation representing Three, O2, EE and Vodafone, added it was concerning the pandemic was being used to further such untruths and said some of the industry’s key workers are being abused over the unfounded 5G myths.

It comes after videos emerged online of phone masts ablaze, including one in Birmingham and one in Coventry.

Shocking footage posted to Facebook captured the moment the 70ft (21m) masts erupted in flames, with firefighters dispatched to tackle the inferno.


Journalists and social media users face up to five years in prison if they are convicted of spreading “fake news”, including reports judged to “agitate or alarm” the public.

Ministers insist the state of emergency is temporary and necessary to control the Covid-19 outbreak, in which at least 525 Hungarians have so far become infected and 20 have died.


ID2020 Plans Digital Registration To Accompany Vaccines:

Digital identity is a computerized record of who a person is, stored in a registry. It is used, in this case, to keep track of who has received vaccination.“We are implementing a forward-looking approach to digital identity that gives individuals control over their own personal information, while still building off existing systems and programs,” says Anir Chowdhury, policy advisor at a2i. “The Government of Bangladesh recognizes that the design of digital identity systems carries far-reaching implications for individuals’ access to services and livelihoods, and we are eager to pioneer this approach.”


UK media outlets told not to promote baseless 5G coronavirus theories`;


New Oxford Study Hidden By Mainstream Media: Millions Already Infected, Recovered, & Immune?:

‘A new Oxford study said that millions of people in the United Kingdom (and, therefore, in other countries) have likely already gotten the coronavirus, recovered from it, and are immune. But the mainstream media doesn’t want this information to get out, and some went to work quickly telling people “not to believe it.”

A newer model, which predicts the progression of the novel coronavirus, set off governments’ reactions around the globe and has systematically ruined lives across the Western world (not because of the virus, but the reaction to it). Pandemic produced by researchers at Imperial College London set off alarms across the world and was a major factor in several governments to lock things down. But a new model from Oxford University is challenging its accuracy, the Financial Times reports.


Patrick Wood – The Common Roots Of Climate Change And COVID-19 Hysteria:

People want to know: just how bad is the COVID-19 virus and is fighting it worth the destruction of the world’s economic and financial system while disrupting the lives of hundreds of millions of people? The story behind the story will make it clear that things are seldom as they seem.

In short and when seen through the lens of Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy, the whole world has just been punked and then panicked into destroying itself over COVID-19.

The culprit? A world-class Technocrat in Britain: Dr. Neil Ferguson, PhD is a professor at Imperial College in London that bills itself as a “global university”. It is thoroughly steeped in Sustainable Development and more dedicated to social causes than academic achievement. In fact, Imperial is very well-known for its alarmist research reports on climate change, carbon reduction, environmental degradation, loss of biodiversity, etc. …


3D to 5D Consciousness – Coronavirus & Anti-Christ connection, POTUS Activates Reserves, FED is Dead, Quarantine Extended:


Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Professor Emeritus of Medical Microbiology at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, released a now-viral video in which he calmly explained why nationwide lockdowns are “collective suicide”.


Prof. Hamamoto and Lena Pu: 5G, COVID-19, 60GHz, and “social distancing”:


Repost (there’s no proof that he did work for Vodafone and he gets the frequencies wrong, which is odd. What is his motive for saying this? I’m not saying it’s untrue, but I am not satisfied with the legitimacy or origins of this recording) – FORMER VODAFONE BOSS BLOWS WHISTLE ON 5G CORONAVIRUS (shorter version):


Boris Johnson To Pull Out Of Huawei 5G Contract Due To CCP Misinformation:




15 August 2019 – How the Georgia Guidestone Prophecy to Eliminate 93% of Population Will Likely Be Administered:


Technocratic Agenda Dominates COVID-19 Panic:

The Corona Crisis has in a matter of weeks profoundly affected every aspect of life and become the perfect trigger event to kick-start the Great Digital Transformation with its “smart” solutions and stringent surveillance measures. In the wake of this crisis we now see rekindled calls for Global Government, a restructuring of the economic system, and an “opportunity” to include the European Green Deal in the stimulus package. This is a crisis which in record time can lead to a global Technocracy. To paraphrase Naomi Klein: this changes everything!


Coronavirus across Europe: An inside view as Europeans search for signs of hope:


NEW LIVESTREAM ~ “Coronavirus & Global Lockdown” ~ LIVE ROUND TABLE Discussion (2) [Age Of Truth TV]:

Steven Whybrow, Brad Olsen, Donald Jeffries, Julius Grantzau


Italy Risks Losing Grip in South With Fear of Looting, Riots:

As Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte fights to hold Italian society together through a crippling nationwide lockdown, the depressed south is turning into a powder keg.

Police have been deployed on the streets of Sicily’s capital, Palermo, amid reports gangs are using social media to plot attacks on stores. A bankrupt ferry company halted service to the island, including vital supplies of food and medicines. As the state creaks under the strain of the coronavirus pandemic, officials worry the mafia may be preparing to step in.

Preventing unrest in the so-called Mezzogiorno, the underdeveloped southern region that’s long lagged behind the wealthy north, has become the government’s top priority, according to Italian officials who asked not to be named discussing the administration’s strategy.

1Summary of Invisible Rainbow- A History of Electricity and Life.pdf

From “Take Back Your Power” Josh Del Sol

(See Related TBYP article)

Things are so polarized right now. Even the realities, it seems: of tragedy and hope. And in this, you are not alone in experiencing bewilderment.

Let us boldly inquire: Is humanity is being intentionally traumatized?

Information is continuing to come out that we are being lied to about the virulence of the Coronavirus. While YES, people are dying (as with any bad flu strain, for example), the response is Orwellian and surreal; and the ramifications are unprecedented.

To support the return to a common-sense perspective, see & share:
 Ben Swann video – the breakdown of WHO’s disinformation
 Wall Street Journal article – fatality rate too high by orders of magnitude
 New England Journal of Medicine article – Dr. Fauci’s admission
 CNN article – “majority of people with Covid-19 only suffer mild symptoms, then recover”


It’s becoming increasingly clear that elitist criminals in government, media, and corporations are pushing forward a carefully-orchestrated agenda to establish a global society of technocracy.

Here’s our working hypothesis. This premeditated agenda appears to include:

  1. vaccines which may be mandatory (or coerced via digital certificates, wristbands, or social credit score);
  2. a rapid, covert expansion of 5G;
  3. global biometric systems (such as this) to track who has been vaccinated or recovered from COVID-19;
  4. the continuing implosion of the economy to make the public dependent on the State;
  5. a digital currency linked to the biometrics and 5G;
  6. fear-based social control system to normalize “social distancing” and unjustified fear of other human beings.

The only way we will make it out of this precarious situation is to continue to educate our loves ones and community…

» Read this special report in full…

» Follow our research trail: more than 75 news items