20-Year MD Reveals Major Underreporting of COVID Vaccine Damage, Deaths

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“I have been a doctor for more than twenty years. I have never witnessed so many vaccine related injuries until this year. There was no plausible explanation for these injuries other than the fact that the patients had recently been vaccinated. I have spoken with colleagues who have also had similar experiences. While some seem willing to accept these vaccine injuries as unavoidable collateral damage in a mass vaccination program, many do express dismay. None of them would speak publicly about their experience.”

~~ Dr. Patrica Lee with 20 years as an ICU MD and surgeon, 10/28/2021

Dear friends,

COVID Vaccine Cover-up

In a letter to top officials at the U.S. FDA and CDC, a fully vaccinated ICU physician spelled out her concerns about and direct experiences with the many adverse reactions she personally witnessed in people who had received a COVID vaccine, including several deaths.

Dr. Patricia Lee, a licensed physician in California with 20 years of experience in the ICU and as a surgeon, said her experience with patients harmed by the vaccine “does not comport with claims made by federal health authorities regarding the safety of COVID-19 vaccines.”

In her letter copied below, Lee described observing entirely healthy individuals suffering serious injuries, sometimes fatal, including transverse myelitis resulting in quadriplegia, pneumocystis pneumonia, multi-system organ failure, cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, postpartum hemorrhagic shock and septic shock.

More alarming yet, she relates how fellow doctors who were seeing similar results were unwilling to share their experiences for fear of the potential backlash. If doctors are not willing to share the severe problems with these vaccines, who can we trust? Many thanks to Dr. Lee for her courage in sending this letter and making it public.

With best wishes for a transformed world,
Fred Burks for PEERS and WantToKnow.info
Former White House interpreter and whistleblower

Note: The lawyers for Dr. Lee posted this letter on their website, adding commentary that nine days after she sent the letter she had still received no response, nor had anyone reached out to her. Official government reports on vaccine damages through the FDA’s VAERS system show over 16,000 COVID vaccine related deaths to date. Yet a project funded by the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services found that “fewer than 1% of vaccine injuries are reported” to the FDA. See dozens of tragic personal testimonies of those injured on this website. Why isn’t this widely reported?

Letter to Dr. Peter Marks (FDA) and Dr. Tom Shimabukuro (CDC Vaccine Task Force)
By Dr. Patricia Lee
September 28, 2021

Dear Dr. Marks and Dr. Shimabukuro,

As a physician, I am compelled by conscience to write this letter. I am fully vaccinated for Covid-19, but my experience this year with treating patients in a busy ICU does not comport with claims made by federal health authorities regarding the safety of Covid-19 vaccines.

I am a licensed physician practicing in the state of California. I obtained my medical degree from the University of Southern California and received my postgraduate training from Georgetown University and Harvard-affiliated hospitals. I have been a doctor for more than twenty years and I have never witnessed so many vaccine related injuries until this year. As a fully vaccinated doctor, it hurts me to admit this. But I am conscientiously compelled to set the facts when I see them on the front lines.

Below are some vivid examples of damage related to the Covid-19 vaccination that I have observed firsthand. While causality is difficult to clearly prove, my clinical judgment is that each of these injuries was caused by a Covid-19 vaccine because there was no plausible explanation for these injuries other than the fact that the patients had recently been vaccinated. I had a direct doctor-patient relationship with each of the patients listed below and have removed all personal data. To further assure patient anonymity, certain medical but inconsequential details have been withheld or changed to ensure the absence of any PII [personally identifiably information].

  1. An otherwise healthy patient under 40 developed lower back pain and an episode of urinary incontinence after receiving a Covid-19 vaccine. The day after the second dose, the patient felt numbness and tingling down one leg. The symptoms progressed rapidly, so that a few days later the patient was admitted to the hospital for bilateral leg paralysis. MRI showed transverse myelitis. Weekly follow-up imaging showed that the process continued to worsen and ascend, despite maximum medical therapy. Eventually the patient became quadriplegic, blind and had a tracheostomy placed. The patient developed autonomic dysfunction (irregular heart rate and hypotension) and became cognitively impaired.
  2. A generally healthy patient in the early seventies with no history of smoking or any previous lung disease received a Covid-19 vaccine and developed a general malaise with loss of appetite and a new cough. According to the spouse, the patient lost more than 15 pounds during that period. The cough worsened over the next month and the patient was hospitalized. The CT scan of the chest showed bilateral diffuse frosted glass opacities typical of COVID pneumonia. However, the patient was COVID negative on repeated tests. The patient has deteriorated clinically and has had to be intubated. Bronchoscopy with alveolar lavage was positive for Pneumocystis Pneumonia, a rare opportunistic infection which typically only affects severely immunocompromised patients such as AIDS or transplant patients. Patient developed multi-organ system failure.
  3. A generally healthy patient in the early seventies was given a Covid-19 vaccine. The patient then developed vague gastrointestinal complaints and was diagnosed with cytomegalovirus colitis, which was refractory to outpatient therapy. Over the next several weeks, patient was repeatedly admitted to hospital for inpatient treatment. Despite maximum medical therapy, patient developed disseminated CMV and CMV viraemia, usually seen only in immunocompromised patients.
  4. Two women in their early fifties presented to the hospital after developing acute abdominal catastrophes. Both families reported that the women had developed vague GI complaints shortly following their Covid-19 vaccine, which then progressed to acute surgical abdomen on the day of admission. Both women were taken to the operating room for examination, where several segments of the infarcted bowel were resected. As the ischemic and thrombotic process appeared to be on-going, both patients had to have their abdomens left open in the next several days for frequent re-exploration and repeated resections totaling more than five exploratory laparotomies each. Neither woman had a smoking history. Neither woman had any condition predisposing them to a hypercoagulable state. All of their work-ups were negative.
  5. A man in his early sixties received the Covid-19 vaccine and developed dizziness that got worse over time. He had no history of smoking and was otherwise healthy. On the day of hospital admission, patient experienced sudden neurological deterioration and required intubation for airway protection. Imaging studies of the head showed cerebral venous sinus thrombosis. CVST is a very rare type of stroke, estimated by Johns Hopkins to be 5 per million per year, with a female to male ratio of 3: 1. Over 85% of patients had at least one identifiable risk factor, such as B. prothrombotic condition, use of oral contraceptives, malignancy or infection. My patient had zero risk factors, other than the fact that he had been vaccinated against Covid-19.
  6. In my ICU, I have observed a recent increase in obstetric complications. In general, obstetric patients needing ICU care are rare. In a typical year, I would take care of 1-2 such patients. In the last two months alone, I have cared for at least four such patients, two with post-partum hemorrhagic shock and two with septic shock secondary to chorioamnionitis following pre-term labor.All were vaccinated.

Approximately half of the patients detailed above died. Those who survived are struggling with long-term sequelae and a diminished quality of life.

I understand that the above report reflects the experience of an individual health care professional. However it appears statistically improbable that any one physician should witness this many Covid-19 vaccine injuries if the federal health authority’s claims regarding Covid-19 vaccine safety were accurate. I have spoken with colleagues who have also had similar experiences in treating patients. While some seem willing to accept these vaccine injuries as unavoidable collateral damage in a mass vaccination program, many do express dismay. None of them would speak publicly about their experience, with the former not wanting to fuel vaccine hesitancy and the latter fearing potential backlash.

Hence, I am writing this letter to share my experience. I can no longer silently accept the serious harm being caused by the Covid-19 vaccines. It is my sincere hope that the response to this letter will not be to focus on me, but rather focus on addressing the serious safety issues with these products that, without doubt, you have either missed or are choosing to ignore.

On a related note, I work with a number of frontline workers that have seen these harms firsthand. They courageously worked through the pandemic and some have already had Covid-19. Many of them have not received the Covid-19 vaccines and these excellent health workers are badly needed in every hospital, yet they plan to quit or be discharged rather than receive this Covid-19 vaccine. I can’t afford to lose these members of my team. Furthermore, in light of the foregoing, it is unethical to have a blanket Covid-19 vaccine mandate without regards to each individual’s the medical risk-benefit profile.

So I’m asking you to lift the state Covid-19 vaccine mandate and encourage the state of California to do the same. We must return to the practice of obtaining informed consent, born out of a private discussion between a doctor and a patient, without third‐party intrusion.

Lastly, on behalf of the patients and their families who have suffered so much at the hands of this vaccine, and on behalf of my frontline health colleagues who have born witness to these indescribable sufferings, I respectfully request that you at least acknowledge their pain and injury. Denying them the truth of their experience only adds deep insult to their injury.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and it is my sincere hope that it results in positive change. I can be reached at [redacted] to discuss the foregoing patient accounts and the other serious Covid-19 vaccine injuries in patients I have directly treated but have not detailed in this letter.

Patricia Lee, MD

Note: The lawyers for Dr. Lee posted this letter on their website, adding commentary that nine days after she sent the letter she had still received no response, nor had anyone reached out to her. Official government reports on vaccine damages through the FDA’s VAERS system show over 16,000 COVID vaccine related deaths to date. Yet a project funded by the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services found that “fewer than 1% of vaccine injuries are reported” to the FDA. See dozens of tragic personal testimonies of those injured on this website. Why isn’t this widely reported?

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Red Flags Showed Jabs Were Unsafe From the Start

New Report Proves vaxzine Is Far Deadlier Than COVID

Red flags have shown the jabs were risky from the start, yet this Toxicology Reports study has found the injections are deadlier, statistically, than COVID-19 – in EVERY age group, with the vaccine the only cause of death in 86% of cases.


A must-read: Summary of The Contagion Myth: Why Viruses (including “Coronavirus”) Are Not the Cause of Disease by Dr Thomas Cowan and Sally Fallon Morell

One of my correspondents did this fantastic summary of The Contagion Myth: Why Viruses (including “Coronavirus”) Are Not the Cause of Disease by Dr Thomas Cowan and Sally Fallon Morell (ATTACHED). This is essential reading or rereading. I have found that, as we have descended ever further into this “ambient delirium”, as another of my correspondents described it this morning, things have become foggier and foggier. But now, when I reread articles or books that I read a couple of years ago, things become clearer because now I am equipped with more information to understand their message. I therefore strongly recommend that everyone reads this summary, and if possible buys the book. Dr. Thomas Cowan is one of the few people who has hit the button on much of this agenda.

SUMMARY (this is the beginning of the summary only – see attachment for the rest)

1) Spanish flu was not contagious. (MJ Rosenau, “Experiments to Determine Mode of Spread of Influenza,” Journal of the American Medical Association 73, no. 5 (August 2, 1919): 311–313).

2) Scientists have discovered that viruses, like the once-maligned bacteria, play a beneficial role but old ideas, especially ideas that promise profits from drugs and vaccines—the “one bug, one drug” mentality—die hard.

3) For more than thirty-five years, Dr Thomas Cowan (author) says that he has read countless articles, books, papers, and documents about the lack of connection between HIV and AIDS.

4) It is my hope that out of this so-called viral pandemic event, a new way of life will emerge in a world free of poisoned food, poisoned water, and the poisonous and false germ theory.

5) Again, this book’s central claim is that no disease attributed to bacteria or viruses has met all of Koch’s postulates or all of Rivers’ criteria

6) Since Pasteur’s day, no one has demonstrated experimentally the transmissibility of disease with pure cultures of bacteria or viruses.

7) Illness has followed 5G installation in all the major cities in America.

8) Countries without 5G, such as Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, and Paraguay have not reported any cases. Paraguay is doing what all countries should do—building a national fiber optics network without resorting to 5G.

9) a Spanish epidemiologist, has charted the rollout of 5G in European cities and countries with cases per thousand people and demonstrated “a clear and close relationship between the rate of coronavirus infections and 5G antenna location.”24 (Bartomeu Payeras I Cifre, “Study of the correlation between cases of coronavirus and the presence of 5G networks,” trans. Claire Edwards (March-April 2020), www.tomeulamo.com/fitxers/264_CORONA-5G-d.pdf.)

10) Shouldn’t we test to see whether this virus is actually contagious before we mandate social distancing and prescribe face masks?

11) A clear, direct, one-to-one relationship between pesticides and polio over a period of thirty years, with pesticides preceding polio incidence in the context of the [central nervous system]-related physiology . . . leaves little room for complicated virus arguments, even as a cofactor.

12) Dentist Weston A. Price observed that African tribesmen living on traditional foods seemed immune to the diseases in Africa, even though they went barefoot, drank unsanitary water, and lived in areas that swarmed with mosquitos.

13) With the results of the genetic tests, all thesis of existence of measles virus has been scientifically disproved.”58 (James Herer, “Microbiologist and Virologist Dr. Stefan Lanka: ‘Viruses Do Not Cause Diseases and Vaccines are Not Effective,’” Weblyf, https://www.weblyf.com/2020/05/microbiologist-and-virologist-dr-stefan-lanka-viruses-donot-cause-diseases-and-vaccines-are-not-effective/.)

14) In spite of forty years of research, no one has isolated an HIV virus from any bodily fluid of a person suffering from AIDS. Not once.

15) Needless to say, researchers have yet to prove that a virus causes any of the following conditions; Polio, HPV (Human Papilloma Virus), HIV, AIDS, hepatitis C, SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome), MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome), bird flu, swine flu, Ebola, and Zika.

16) See the brilliant paper “Covid-19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless,” by Torsten Englebrecht and Konstantin Demeter.8 (Torsten Engelbrecht and Konstantin Demeter, “COVID-19 PCR Tests Are Scientifically Meaningless,” OffGuardian, June 27, 2020, https://off-guardian.org/2020/06/27/covid19-pcr-tests-are-scientificallymeaningless/?fbclid=IwAR0OFMLQoW85YSrDczm8rjLC1cCJmJ4lIIoW3_-PIYYJRypsmgh2CH8fJ4.)

17) John Magufuli, president of Tanzania, may be the wisest world ruler alive today. [He was murdered after publication of this book] A chemist by training, Magufuli submitted samples to the World Health Organization (WHO) for Covid-19 testing. Said Magufuli, “We took samples from goats; we sent samples from sheep; we took samples from pawpaws; we sent samples from car oil; and we took samples from other different things; and we took the samples to the laboratory without them knowing.” His officials named the sample of car oil Jabil Hamza, thirty years old, male. The results came back negative. They named a sample of jackfruit Sarah Samuel, age forty-five, female. …

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WORLD EXCLUSIVE: The FLOE Show 10: Hydra Vulgaris is an operating system in a human clone experiment
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Spain: consitutional court orders government to return fines imposed during first lockdown, 24.10.21

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MAMM ALERT – URGENT United Simultaneous Action Request!

MAMM ALERT – URGENT United Simultaneous Action Request!

We have an URGENT United Simultaneous Action Request!
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USA Alert
Dear MAMM Friends,
We have an URGENT call to action:
The FDA just released the names of the 19 people who will be voting on Pfizer’s EUA application (for children 5 to 11) on Tuesday.
We’ve got 48 hours to contact as many of them as possible as many times as possible to tell them to vote *NO*.
Let’s fill up their in-box, voicemail, and fax machine (yes, apparently these things still exist) over the next 3 days.
URGENT United Simultaneous Action Request!
Who are the Dis-information Dozen?
Somehow, a brand new organization known as the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) is the arbiter of who we should trust and who to cancel regardless of their reputations or contributions to society. This faceless group selected a baker’s dozen of experienced and respectable health advocates and targeted them as purveyors of “Disinformation”. But is that true? Can this group even be trusted to tell us who is spreading misinformation?
In this film, we take a peek into who the so-called “Disinformation Dozen” really are so you can decide for yourself if they’re truly as dangerous as we’re being told. Or if they’re victims of a system seeking to silence voices of dissent.
So, who will YOU trust?
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Playing God: Scientists Create Human-Animal Hybrids in Disturbing Experiments

Human-Animal Hybrids“In Minnesota, pigs are being born with human blood in their veins. In Nevada, there are sheep whose livers and hearts are largely human. In California, mice peer from their cages with human brain cells firing inside their skulls. But with no federal guidelines in place, an awkward question hovers above the work: How human must a chimera be before more stringent research rules should kick in?”

Washington Post article on human/animal hybrids

Dear friends,

The front page of the Washington Post way back on Nov. 20, 2004 had an incredibly revealing story on human/animal hybrids, which I’ve copied below. The respected British newspaper The Guardian in 2008 posted a key story on the first human/animal hybrid embryos. And a 2016 NPR article raises questions about the ethics involved in creating human/animal hybrids.

Scientists are experimenting with creating hybrids between humans and animals called “chimeras” without clear ethical guidelines. And remember that secret military and intelligence projects are generally at least 10 years in advance of any research being done in public.

In 2003 while working with the U.S. Department of State, I attended a lecture by Dr. Michael Nelson, a professor at Georgetown University and former science advisor to Al Gore. He described a visit deep into the bowels of the most cutting edge secret government research projects.

Describing disturbing experiments there, Dr. Nelson said he saw living matter being genetically engineered to combine with inanimate materials, such that the objects created were half-alive, with DNA giving them a form of pseudo-life. After witnessing this highly troubling research, he said he experienced nightmares for weeks. No guidelines have been developed to monitor such activities, and most people are not even aware of these top secret experiments being conducted by the government.

With proper rules and guidelines in place, science gives us many wonderful technological advances. But without these guidelines, we are treading in very dangerous territory. With profit and greed now serving as key drivers behind scientific research, who do you think will benefit from the development of these strange chimeras?

Please help to spread the word and call for responsible scientific exploration based on what is best for all people and all species. Contact your political and media representatives by clicking here. Thanks for caring and have a good day.

With best wishes for a transformed world,
Fred Burks for PEERS and WantToKnow.info
White House interpreter and whistleblower

Of Mice, Men and In-Between
Scientists Debate Blending Of Human, Animal Forms

By Rick Weiss
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, November 20, 2004; Page A01

In Minnesota, pigs are being born with human blood in their veins.

In Nevada, there are sheep whose livers and hearts are largely human.

In California, mice peer from their cages with human brain cells firing inside their skulls.

These are not outcasts from “The Island of Dr. Moreau,” the 1896 novel by H.G. Wells in which a rogue doctor develops creatures that are part animal and part human. They are real creations of real scientists, stretching the boundaries of stem cell research.

Biologists call these hybrid animals chimeras, after the mythical Greek creature with a lion’s head, a goat’s body and a serpent’s tail. They are the products of experiments in which human stem cells were added to developing animal fetuses.

Chimeras are allowing scientists to watch, for the first time, how nascent human cells and organs mature and interact — not in the cold isolation of laboratory dishes but inside the bodies of living creatures. Some are already revealing deep secrets of human biology and pointing the way toward new medical treatments.

But with no federal guidelines in place, an awkward question hovers above the work: How human must a chimera be before more stringent research rules should kick in?

The National Academy of Sciences, which advises the federal government, has been studying the issue and hopes to make recommendations by February. Yet the range of opinions it has received so far suggests that reaching consensus may be difficult.

During one recent meeting, scientists disagreed on such basic issues as whether it would be unethical for a human embryo to begin its development in an animal’s womb, and whether a mouse would be better or worse off with a brain made of human neurons.

“This is an area where we really need to come to a reasonable consensus,” said James Battey, chairman of the National Institutes of Health’s Stem Cell Task Force. “We need to establish some kind of guidelines as to what the scientific community ought to do and ought not to do.”

Beyond Twins and Moms

Chimeras (ki-MER-ahs) — meaning mixtures of two or more individuals in a single body — are not inherently unnatural. Most twins carry at least a few cells from the sibling with whom they shared a womb, and most mothers carry in their blood at least a few cells from each child they have born.

Recipients of organ transplants are also chimeras, as are the many people whose defective heart valves have been replaced with those from pigs or cows. And scientists for years have added human genes to bacteria and even to farm animals — feats of genetic engineering that allow those critters to make human proteins such as insulin for use as medicines.

“Chimeras are not as strange and alien as at first blush they seem,” said Henry Greely, a law professor and ethicist at Stanford University who has reviewed proposals to create human-mouse chimeras there.

But chimerism becomes a more sensitive topic when it involves growing entire human organs inside animals. And it becomes especially sensitive when it deals in brain cells, the building blocks of the organ credited with making humans human.

In experiments like those, Greely told the academy last month, “there is a nontrivial risk of conferring some significant aspects of humanity” on the animal.

Greely and his colleagues did not conclude that such experiments should never be done. Indeed, he and many other philosophers have been wrestling with the question of why so many people believe it is wrong to breach the species barrier.

Does the repugnance reflect an understanding of an important natural law? Or is it just another cultural bias, like the once widespread rejection of interracial marriage?

Many turn to the Bible’s repeated invocation that animals should multiply “after their kind” as evidence that such experiments are wrong. Others, however, have concluded that the core problem is not necessarily the creation of chimeras but rather the way they are likely to be treated.

Imagine, said Robert Streiffer, a professor of philosophy and bioethics at the University of Wisconsin, a human-chimpanzee chimera endowed with speech and an enhanced potential to learn — what some have called a “humanzee.”

“There’s a knee-jerk reaction that enhancing the moral status of an animal is bad,” Streiffer said. “But if you did it, and you gave it the protections it deserves, how could the animal complain?”

Unfortunately, said Harvard political philosopher Michael J. Sandel, speaking last fall at a meeting of the President’s Council on Bioethics, such protections are unlikely.

“Chances are we would make them perform menial jobs or dangerous jobs,” Sandel said. “That would be an objection.”

A Research Breakthrough

The potential power of chimeras as research tools became clear about a decade ago in a series of dramatic experiments by Evan Balaban, now at McGill University in Montreal. Balaban took small sections of brain from developing quails and transplanted them into the developing brains of chickens.

The resulting chickens exhibited vocal trills and head bobs unique to quails, proving that the transplanted parts of the brain contained the neural circuitry for quail calls. It also offered astonishing proof that complex behaviors could be transferred across species.

No one has proposed similar experiments between, say, humans and apes. But the discovery of human embryonic stem cells in 1998 allowed researchers to envision related experiments that might reveal a lot about how embryos grow.

The cells, found in 5-day-old human embryos, multiply prolifically and — unlike adult cells — have the potential to turn into any of the body’s 200 or so cell types.

Scientists hope to cultivate them in laboratory dishes and grow replacement tissues for patients. But with those applications years away, the cells are gaining in popularity for basic research.

The most radical experiment, still not conducted, would be to inject human stem cells into an animal embryo and then transfer that chimeric embryo into an animal’s womb. Scientists suspect the proliferating human cells would spread throughout the animal embryo as it matured into a fetus and integrate themselves into every organ.

Such “humanized” animals could have countless uses. They would almost certainly provide better ways to test a new drug’s efficacy and toxicity, for example, than the ordinary mice typically used today.

But few scientists are eager to do that experiment. The risk, they say, is that some human cells will find their way to the developing testes or ovaries, where they might grow into human sperm and eggs. If two such chimeras — say, mice — were to mate, a human embryo might form, trapped in a mouse.

Not everyone agrees that this would be a terrible result.

“What would be so dreadful?” asked Ann McLaren, a renowned developmental biologist at the University of Cambridge in England. After all, she said, no human embryo could develop successfully in a mouse womb. It would simply die, she told the academy. No harm done.

But others disagree — if only out of fear of a public backlash.

“Certainly you’d get a negative response from people to have a human embryo trying to grow in the wrong place,” said Cynthia B. Cohen, a senior research fellow at Georgetown University’s Kennedy Institute of Ethics and a member of Canada’s Stem Cell Oversight Committee, which supported a ban on such experiments there.

How Human?

But what about experiments in which scientists add human stem cells not to an animal embryo but to an animal fetus, which has already made its eggs and sperm? Then the only question is how human a creature one dares to make.

In one ongoing set of experiments, Jeffrey L. Platt at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., has created human-pig chimeras by adding human-blood-forming stem cells to pig fetuses. The resulting pigs have both pig and human blood in their vessels. And it’s not just pig blood cells being swept along with human blood cells; some of the cells themselves have merged, creating hybrids.

It is important to have learned that human and pig cells can fuse, Platt said, because he and others have been considering transplanting modified pig organs into people and have been wondering if that might pose a risk of pig viruses getting into patient’s cells. Now scientists know the risk is real, he said, because the viruses may gain access when the two cells fuse.

In other experiments led by Esmail Zanjani, chairman of animal biotechnology at the University of Nevada at Reno, scientists have been adding human stem cells to sheep fetuses. The team now has sheep whose livers are up to 80 percent human — and make all the compounds human livers make.

Zanjani’s goal is to make the humanized livers available to people who need transplants. The sheep portions will be rejected by the immune system, he predicted, while the human part will take root.

“I don’t see why anyone would raise objections to our work,” Zanjani said in an interview.

Immunity Advantages

Perhaps the most ambitious efforts to make use of chimeras come from Irving Weissman, director of Stanford University’s Institute of Cancer/Stem Cell Biology and Medicine. Weissman helped make the first mouse with a nearly complete human immune system

Top News: Facial Recognition in Pandemic Policing, COVID Cash for Billionaires, More

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Dear friends,

COVID: Facial Recognition in Pandemic Policing.

Explore below key excerpts of revealing news articles on facial recognition tech used be Australian police to enforce compliance with pandemic restrictions, the wealth of billionaires worldwide growing by $5 trillion following the injection of $9 trillion into the global economy by central banks in response to COVID-19, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention considering vaccinations for children based on highly questionable data, and more.

Read also wonderfully inspiring articles on interrupting violence in Minneapolis by sitting in lawn chairs on vulnerable street corners and engaging the community, helping India’s beggars build a better life, a tiny home village in New Mexico offering a path out of homelessness, and more. You can also skip to this section now.

Each excerpt is taken verbatim from the major media website listed at the link provided. If any link fails, see this page. The most important sentences are highlighted. And don’t miss the “What you can do” section below the summaries. By educating ourselves and spreading the word, we can and will build a brighter future.

With best wishes for a transformed world,
Fred Burks for PEERS and WantToKnow.info
Former White House interpreter and whistleblower

Special note: Listen to a NY Times program featuring FBI agent Terry Albury, who spent four years in jail for exposing gross violations of the US Constitution in which he was involved. Learn in this revealing video how some scientists and officials want to have control over our bodies. Watch an 8-minute video on little-know damage caused by mRNA injections. The BMJ reports over 30,000 adverse vaginal bleeding events after the COVID injection. More here. Well over 100 papers on COVID strangely have been have been retracted since the pandemic’s start.

Quote of the week: “Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.” ~~ Carl Jung

Video of the week: For those who appreciate the courageous work of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., he says this 15-minute video is the most important he’s ever made. In it, he lays bare the major deception around the COVID injections. The transcript of this video is available here.