US Attorney: Social distancing is a CIA torture technique and should not be used against children

From Claire Edwards:

US Attorney: Social distancing is a CIA torture technique and should not be used against children

US Attorney: “Social distancing is a CIA torture technique”

Leigh Dundas, 16 June 2020 (9 mins)


Original video and notes:

Summary article and sample letter for parents to send to schools and administrators:

Social distancing harms children for life who have 0.0% chance of dying from covid:

Full transcript of video below

“Hey, guys. Attorney Leigh Dundas here. I wanted to talk to you a little bit today, along with the educators and school districts and parents, about children and their risk of death from Covid and the changes that schools are starting to contemplate making in the fall of 2020. First of all, your child’s risk of dying from Covid is really, really low. The fatality rate in the US for children is so low that kids are actually at a higher risk of death from travelling to school than from catching Covid at school and dying. In fact, the risk is so low that my calculator cannot do the math. There are so many zeros behind the decimal point. And recently a Bloomberg article quoted the CDC [Centers for Disease Control] as stating that (and i quote): “The Covid-19 fatality rate in the US for anyone younger than 19 is so low, it is calculated as 0.0%.’

So according to the CDC, your child’s risk of dying from Covid is zero. This is what we also know: your child is not going to catch Covid at school and become the dreaded silent but deadly transmitter of the disease who brings it home to grandma and kills grandma. Right now, your child (and this is another direct quote): ‘No child is known to have passed Covid-19 to adults, a global study finds.’ The World Health Organization actually performed a contact tracing and found exactly zero children had passed the disease onward.

This is pretty much the same for adults, by the way. In case you didn’t catch it, at the end of May a study came out that showed an adult who was Covid-positive but had no symptoms was exposed to almost 500 other people. Zero of them caught the disease. And then this last Monday, the World Health Organization came out and said (and this is another quote): ‘they are following contacts and they are not finding secondary transmission onward.’ So secondary transmission from a Covid-positive patient who doesn’t know he or she has it is pretty much non-existent. So what we know at this point in time is your kid’s not going to die from Covid. They’re also not going to catch Covid and bring it home to grandma and kill old grandma, and accordingly, there’s really no reason to make any sort of changes to school protocols, particularly those involving social distancing.

“But I actually want to talk a little bit about social distancing right now because social distancing is actually a technique that might be causing more harm to our children than that which it seeks to avoid. Social distancing is a euphemism for social isolation. It was a technique that was developed about 70 years ago by the CIA and they found it was really good at breaking down enemies of state.

“It creates depression, poor sleep quality, impaired executive function, accelerated cognitive decline, poor cardiovascular function and impaired immunity. All of those are things, I think we can agree, we don’t want anybody to experience, not least our own children. It doubles your risk of death if you’re black. It almost doubles your risk of death if you’re white. And the harm that you get from enacting social distancing and social isolation on somebody is the same as if they were very, very obese. Moreover, it destroys the part of the brain that is actually responsible for learning in our children and ourselves, which is known as the ventral striatum. Medically speaking, more recent studies have shown is that it is the equivalent of smoking 15 cigarettes a day and being an alcoholic. So put simply, we’d be better off lobotomizing our children, handing them a pack of cigarettes and a fifth of whisky and then sending them into home-room than we will be by socially distancing them this fall.

“I want to actually go back now to the sordid beginnings and how this social distancing technique was developed by the CIA. In 1951, the CIA held a secret meeting at the Ritz Carlton in Canada and it was a meeting with doctors present who had ties – and I quote – ‘to the US, UK and Canadian military forces’. The work at that meeting and subsequent meetings led the CIA to realise that social distancing and isolation techniques were (I quote) ‘the ideal way of breaking down a prisoner’. And another quote: ‘as effective at destroying the brain function of the prisoner as if the prisoner were beaten, starved or deprived of sleep.’

“Senator John McCain, who spent over five years as a prisoner-of-war in Vietnam and had all of his arm and leg bones broken multiple times, and who was also, by turns, subjected to multiple rounds of social distancing from his fellow POWs, had this to say about social distancing and physical torture. This is what he said about social distancing: ‘It’s an awful thing. It crushes your spirit more effectively than any other form of mistreatment. 150 naval aviators who were also held as POWs in Vietnam came home from the war and echoed what John McCain had said. They said, and I quote, ‘It was as torturous and agonising as any physical abuse they suffered – to be separated from their fellow American GIs [Origin: 1930s (originally denoting equipment
supplied to US forces): abbreviation of government (or general) issue
.] The UN Mandela rules actually now prohibit the use of more than 15 days or two weeks of social distancing and isolation classifying it as cruel and inhumane treatment and basically a war crime.

“So now that we know that there is zero reason to make any changes to our schoolchildren since they’re not at risk at all. There’s zero risk of them dying from the disease and they’re not going to bring the disease home to grandma, and we know that social distancing is a wartime technique that the CIA uses to break down enemies of state, I want to look briefly at where this six-foot rule came from, because it seems – sort of – magical in the time of Covid. So it turns out that the six-foot rule came from England where a leading researcher recently came out in the press and admitted that (quote): “Officials had told him they did not think the British people would understand what one metre or three feet was’ and ‘we could not trust the British people to observe it, so we doubled it to be on the safe side’. He went on to state (and I quote again): ‘The two-metre rule was conjured up out of nowhere’ and he concluded by referring to it as a (quote) ‘rule of thumb’ rather than a scientifically proven measure. Casting even more doubt on the lack of science underlying the six-foot rule is a recent study in which researchers found (and again I quote), ‘that preventive social distancing can increase the final epidemic size at the population level and thus have negative effects for the community at large’. You heard me right: preventive social distancing can make the epidemic worse and increase the size of it.

“But here’s the real problem, folks, in terms of the educational issue here. If we do a six-foot rule of distance for our schoolchildren, at least in California, versus three feet or something less than that, we simply cannot fit all of the California schoolkids into their classrooms at the same time and maintain that six feet of distance. So what the educational system in our state is going to have to do is, they’re going to have to toggle it, one day of school, one day at home, or three and a half hours each day at school, three and a half hours at home and do some sort of a hybrid, remote-learning model. And here is the problem with that. Each summer kids lose one month of the education they gained during that year. It is known the world over by educators everywhere as ‘the summer backslide’. But for lower socio-economic children and children of color, that effect can be magnified, so by fifth-grade, by about age 10 or 11, those children – the poor children, the lower socio-economic children, children of color, can be two to three years behind their age peers due to this effect. Right now, California has almost 10 million children in the state. Only one quarter of them are Caucasian. About 70% are children of color and minorities, and almost half of the kids in our state, 43%, are poor or (quote) ‘very, very poor’.

“So this is what we know: remote learning doesn’t work well for anybody, but it really, really works badly for these kids, who often only have one parent in the household and that parent is not in the house during the daytime because they’re outside the house earning the bread and bringing home the bacon. They don’t have enough computers. They don’t have enough Internet connections. They don’t have enough laptops. They often have multiple siblings in different schools. And for those children, remote learning doesn’t work. So basically for the 40-75% of California’s youth who are either minority or very poor, a hybrid model is going to be catastrophic.

“The California constitution guarantees children in our state a right to education, not just 26% of children in our state who aren’t poor and who are Caucasian, but every child in the state has a right to a good education.

“Go tell the California state department of education and Tony Thurmond, our state Superintendent of Schools: ‘No social distancing!’ ‘No six-foot bubble of space around schoolchildren and no remote learning!’ It unfairly disadvantages minority children and those in lower socio-economic brackets and it will put them so far behind their classmates, they will never make up that gap or recover. Social distancing is a CIA protocol used to break down enemies of state. It has zero place in the classroom or being used against our children.”

US Attorney- “Social distancing is a CIA torture technique”.pdf

Blog Update + Kevin’s Project + Everything MASK from Christian Palma

—-Original Message—–
From: Christian
Sent: Thu, Jun 25, 2020 6:06 am
Subject: ★ Here are some resources showing the risks of masking healthy people … ★

Here are some resources showing the risks of masking healthy people …

Masks Are Causing More Harm Than Good
Most of our communications are non-verbal. Wearing a mask hides our full compliment of expressions. We need to understand how harmful this is to us all on such a deep level.
We need to breathe fresh air. With a mask on, we inhale way more carbon dioxide, leading to a host of problems, even serious or life threatening. While wearing a mask, we are not breathing fresh oxygen and are re-breathing carbon dioxide!
Masks are another control mechanism meant to silence us! Masks are a clear symbol of being subservient to agendas which do NOT have our good health in mind! The wearing of masks has, in fact, been orchestrated by those who have monetized our suffering. Please consider these points …  (Use me to share)
The Psychological Manipulation of Universal Masking
Face-Masks-For-All Is Not Scientific; But What’s the Harm in Wearing One Anyway?
Kevin Asher Eyanu – May 6, 2020 – 6 min. read
The reasons why wearing a mask for a considerable amount of time and isolating yourself actually drops your immunity.
Hypercapnia is excess carbon dioxide (CO2) build-up in your body. This can happen from wearing a mask for extended amounts of time.
What’s a symptom of Hypercapnia? An inability to concentrate or think clearly.
What’s the third leading cause of death in the US? It’s medical errors.
Who wears a mask for long periods of time?
Cloth masks – dangerous to your health?
The use of cloth masks by healthcare workers may actually put them at increased risk of respiratory illness and viral infections and their global use should be discouraged, according to a UNSW study.–-dangerous-your-health
New Jersey Driver Crashes Car After Passing Out From Wearing N95 Mask
Posted by Erin Elizabeth | Apr 25, 2020
No good choices: A mask may block out some pollution but have other ill health effects,A mask may also cause respiratory distress and become a hotbed for microbes to thrive.
Akshita Nagpal – Dec 04, 2017
Cloth masks: Dangerous to your health?
University of New South Wales – April 22, 2015
“The widespread use of cloth masks by healthcare workers may actually put them at increased risk of respiratory illness and viral,infections and their global use should be discouraged, according to a UNSW study.”
According to the Florida Statutes, if you are wearing a face mask in a public business, on a public way, or in someone’s house, or on someone’s property , you are committing a criminal act.
Face Mask Pose Serious Risk To The Healthy
Cloth masks compared to medical masks and no mask
Mask deoxygenation:
Physiological impact of n95:
Chronic hypoxia:
Cluster randomized controlled trial to examine medical mask use as source control for people with respiratory illness:
Efficacy of cloth face masks:
Increased risk of coronavirus:
Cloth masks: Dangerous to your health?
University of New South Wales – April 22, 2015
“The widespread use of cloth masks by healthcare workers may actually put them at increased risk of respiratory illness and viral,infections and their global use should be discouraged, according to a UNSW study.”
US Surgeon general: Data doesn’t back up wearing masks in public amid coronavirus pandemic:
U.S. Surgeon General: “…STOP BUYING MASKS!
They are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching #Coronavirus…”:
Forced face masking is a civil rights offense:
Healthy People Wearing Masks, Should They or Shouldn’t They?
‘Masks Are Symbolic,’ say Dr Fauci and The New England Journal of Medicine
Universal Masking in Hospitals in the Covid-19 Era,List of authors.,Michael Klompas, M.D., M.P.H., Charles A. Morris, M.D., M.P.H., Julia Sinclair, M.B.A., Madelyn Pearson, D.N.P., R.N., and Erica S.,Shenoy, M.D., Ph.D.,
Sorry Oregon, your mask is useless (according to the science)
Carbon Dioxide Triggers Primordial Fear of Suffocation
By Charles Q. Choi November 25, 2009
Masks, Quarantine, and Lockdown
By Dr. Les Berenson

My latest blog:


Urgent Appeal for Urgent Work from Kevin Magure Galalae

My series on the plandemic is not finished. So far I have completed 5 out of 12 episodes. They are as follows:

Part One: The Pandemic Illusion

Part Two: Why Fake a Pandemic?

Part Three: The Pandemic Cure for Overconsumption

Part Four: The Pandemic Cure for Overpopulation

Part Five: The Pandemic Front for Decarbonization

The following 7 episodes remain:

Part Six: Accomplishments of the Pandemic Strategy
Part Seven: Failures of the Pandemic Strategy
Part Eight: Why use a Lie?
Part Nine: Does Covid-19 even exist?
Part Ten: Can a better system be built on lies?
Part Eleven: The Geopolitical Objectives behind George Floyd’s “Death”
Part Twelve: Rating the System’s Efforts

To finish them I need 10 days off work so I can concentrate solely on this.

I also need to make a video address to the world’s political leaders to tell them that we are fully aware of what they are up to and that continuing to lie is futile. In this video address I also intend to point out the flaws of the plandemic strategy and to suggest a better way of solving the world’s decarbonization and depopulation objectives.

Those of you who want to help me do this work can make a donation here:

I need about 600 Euros to complete this work during a ten-day break from my day job.

Thank you!

Vaccine Free America with Sallie Elkordy

Sat. 7pm EST on


CV Interviews:

20 Events:

MANY Are Aware! The truth WILL prevail

A temporary kakistocrat setback; we have to expose the systemic rot in such a way that people can make up their own mind; this is the kicker: +

‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐

On Saturday, June 20, 2020 5:06 AM, ballinskelligs19

Encouraging news on mandatory vaccines

Deconstructing Bill Gates’ Agenda


  • Gates has used his staggering wealth to buy control, and he’s done it under the cloak of “charity.” A significant piece of that control is the control over population growth. Gates’ family also has a long history of supporting eugenics
  • According to Gates, the global population could be lowered by 10% to 15% if we “do a really great job on new vaccines, health care [and] reproductive health services.” His theory is that as health improves, families opt to have fewer children
  • In 2017, Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance — founded by the Gates Foundation in partnership with the WHO, the World Bank and vaccine manufacturers — decided to provide every child with a digital biometric identity to ensure 100% vaccine coverage
  • Gates has also invested in the development and implementation of biometric identification programs tied in with digital currencies
  • Ultimately, the plan is to connect everything together — our identity, finances, medical data, vaccine records and more — at which point we will be 100% enslaved

5G – Coronavirus Briefing 9 June 2020

5G – Coronavirus Briefing 9 June 2020.pdf (~8.0 MB)

One more edition of the 5G – Coronavirus Briefing, 9 June 2020
(this may be the last – let’s see …)

(Note that you can use Control + F to search through the Briefing. You do not need to read everything or go to the links. The intention is to provide an overview of what is happening, so you can read just the title of a piece, or you can read a brief summary, or in the case of important articles, you may wish to read the whole article.  I hope that it is particularly useful for electrohypersensitive readers, who can read the PDF offline.)

5G, the “coronavirus” psyop, lockdowns, mask humiliation and riots.
Now we learn why: “The Great Reset” – the global putsch to bring in the New World Order

It’s been only 12 days since the last Briefing, but in that time the world has changed again!
The steps of the plot are implemented so fast that it leaves one reeling.
Just as people were set to celebrate freedom from lockdown, the global protests psyop was launched.
Now the oligarchs at the World Economic Forum are telling us that everything has fallen apart and we need
“The Great Reset”, i.e. the New World Order of Agenda 2030 and the end of life as we have known it.

  • The Briefing begins with the usual section on doctors and other experts refuting the “coronavirus” hoax pandemic (pp. 2-23). One new doctor added here: Dr. John Lee calling the way ‘Covid deaths’ are counted a national scandal.
  • The section on Action (pp. 23-44) lists several new initiatives, including a political party to stop 5G in Australia. There is an “Expose Bill Gates day” on 13 June. On 14 June a global meditation. On 20 June a protest in Italy. The 5G Judicial Review 2020 urgently needs funds or it cannot go ahead.  Note: I warn those signing petitions that doing so could lead to repercussions.  I support action but not necessarily petitions.  Caveat subscriptor! In particular, I warn people not to sign my International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space now that it has been infiltrated by globalists.
  • The AI / Mind Control section explains the “Alice in Wonderland” technique, helping readers understand how public confusion is deliberately engineered in order to disorientate, disempower and control.  The section also provides an antidote for promoting autonomy and psychological independence.
  • The Analysis section (pp. 44-54) ) looks into what may be behind the George Floyd psyop, battlefield America and whether the French revolution provides a template for the overthrow of the current system; corrosion caused by EMFs, the history of EMFs, the Covid statistics fraud, Uniform Commercial Code and common law, and how the planet is getting much colder.
  • The Big Picture / Overview section provides some essential viewing and reading in order to understand exactly who is behind what is going on, what it really amounts to, how it developed and what its aims really are.  Everyone needs to understand what is really happening in order to put a stop to it before we head into extinction as a species.  It is the darkest picture any of us could have imagined facing, but face it we must if we want to survive. Some new items: Catherine Austin Fitts discusses the human body as the new form of collateral that will underlie the digital economy; a video on how we came to a matter-oriented theory of existence and a video on the holographic nature of reality.
  • Book review. Something else we need urgently to understand is that this whole universe is electrical, including everything around us and our bodies.  We saturate the planet with alien microwave radiation at our peril.  An excellent new book called The Electric Ecosystem opens the door to the electric life of the natural world. It is a scientifically substantiated introduction to the unseen energy dimensions of humans, animals, plants and the earth. Amazingly, a very old story by E. M. Forster, from 1909, warns us about what the globalists have in mind for us. It makes horrifying but necessary reading.
  • The Comment section (pp. 60-73) provides a number of interesting insights into our current predicament: depopulation and using the guilt generated by the original sin meme to promote it.
  • The Conspiracy section (pp. 73-79) includes a must-see message from “Bill Gates”; injection as a fate worse than death (Catherine Austin Fitts) and turning people’s bodies into commodities (Robert F. Kennedy Jr.); manipulation through EMFs, a fascinating infographic on the depopulation trifecta of big tech, big science and big pharma; the deep state; the riot conspiracy; financial crime; the murder of police; and a must-see expose of the illegality of the plandemic by David Martin.
  • The Covidiotic (or humour) section has the usual parade of complete lunacy, if possible taken to even new lows this week as couples are told to wear masks while love-making and new UK rules on not having sex in your own home (although you can in the garden).
  • Once again, the section on Crimes Against Humanity shows how the very old and very young are being targeted. 
  • The 5G rollout section reprises some key information for newcomers to the dangers of 5G and the asphyxiation dangers of 60 GHz, and shows that, as an unlicensed (free) frequency, it is set to become the new standard. It also explains why 2.4 GHz became the earlier standard. Information also on the dangers of satellite dishes, the US national security implications of 5G technologies, Google cancelling the Toronto “smart” city project, and horrible EMF exposure levels in Calgary, Canada.
  • The Disinformation section provides a selection of the latest disinformation from the mainstream and even the alternative media.
  • The Dissent section (p. 98) contains only two items: one criticising the legal aspects of lockdowns and martial law and the other a protest from three airlines to the UK government on the ‘wholly unjustified’ UK quarantine plan.
  • 5G / Coronavirus health aspects covers tree health; the unreliability of Covid death statistics; mysteriously missing pneumonia deaths; the depredations of the 5G satellites; strange shenanigans (again) at WHO, which declared that asymptomatic carriers could not spread the virus and then rapidly retracted that information because it completely explodes the grounds for mandatory vaccines; how viral infections are aggravated by electromagnetic fields; how the plandemic relates to 5G (torsion fields); a European Parliament briefing that acknowledges that 5G “seems to have” [sic] biological effects (another case of shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted!); a BBC interview with Mark Steele; the ethics of telling people they can shield themselves against a planet “blanketed” with 5G; and the dangers of electromagnetic radiation for anyone with implants (a class action lawsuit would be in order on these grounds alone!).
  • The Hoax section explodes the fake news on 5G and “coronavirus: the absurdity of forcing people to wear masks, the suppressed report written by a German government official revealing the plandemic, a ridiculous predictive programming story from India about monkeys and plagues of locusts, and how you clap the carers as heroes and then fire them.  Last but not least, supposedly prestigious medical journals The Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine turn out to be just more parts of the presstitute media for trashing hydroxychlorine with fabricated data organized by a science fiction writer and adult content model.
  • The News section (pp. 121-127) attempts to get a handle on the Black Lives matter / Antifa / Soros psyop, all of which has happened since the last Briefing, when we were just about to be released from lockdown. In just 12 days, we went from what seemed to be a racially motivated killing to a global Soros psyop along the lines of all his earlier colour revolutions, with the US police becoming the targets and Floyd’s family writing to the UN to ask for the US police to be disarmed. Also various good and bad news from around the world.
  • The Police State section discusses lockdowns and martial law, police violence, the lunacy of UK lockdown-easing rules on where you can and can’t have sex with a partner, the terrifying reality of contact tracing and a must-see warning from George Orwell.
  • Programming the public for the NWO is the most important section in this Briefing. After this relatively short journey of just a few months, we have already arrived at the rollout of the New World Order. It’s called “The Great Reset”. It was all set out by the Club of Rome’s Worldshift in 2011 and that is where you find the wish list of the oligarchs to achieve a Maoist Cultural Revolution. The boxes are rapidly being ticked one by one: attack the family, attack communities, attack nation states, end reproduction, etc. In this section, we learn that Kill Gates wants babies to be removed from mothers at birth, families are anti-queer factories rife with power asymmetries and violence, Prince Charles believes the pandemic is a chance to reset the global economy, Madonna says the police must be disarmed, Wired magazine tells us we cannot return to the old ways, UK Column explains that the fascist takeover is called “repurposing government”, Michael Moore reports on the banning of his free documentary “Planet of the Humans” because he questions the hijack of the environmental movement [which is just a cover for the eugenics movement], and – in a must-see video – Richie from Boston reveals the long-term psychological programming that enables the destruction of society: demoralisation, destabilisation, crisis, normalisation.
  • The section on Resistance discusses lawful rebellion under the collapse of the rule of law and a Manifesto of the Free People’s Union.
  • The Space section discusses different aspects of the 5G satellites, including the horrible news that the bankrupt OneWeb is filing for permission to launch 48,000 satellites in order to help sell the company. This would bring the total proposed in the US alone to around 100,000.
  • The Solutions / inspiration section (pp. 139-162) is ongoing and added to with ideas from time to time.  It is very diverse, with ideas from maintaining your health to natural law to resistance.
  • The section on Vaccinations is another vital section, packed with advice and information. We need to stop calling Gates’ proposed vaccine by this name as it is nothing of the sort. Injectible surveillance components, injectible credit cards, injectible brain-machine interfaces and nano-particles are not medicines. Rudolf Steiner foresaw a vaccine against spirituality — exactly what the Pentagon was developing as of 2012.
  • Appendix 1 contains extensive facts and graphs about Covid-19 in selected countries from Swiss Policy Research.
  • Appendix 2 reproduces the abstract of a paper on electrohypersensitivity as a neurologic pathological disorder.
  • Appendix 3 contains miscellaneous uncategorised items from other sources.
  • Appendix 4 consists of a list of companies that support Antifa.


hold the line for humanity
hold the line for humanity




5G – Coronavirus Briefing 9 June 2020

One more edition of the 5G – Coronavirus Briefing, 9 June 2020
(this may be the last – let’s see …)

(Note that you can use Control + F to search through the Briefing. You do not need to read everything or go to the links. The intention is to provide an overview of what is happening, so you can read just the title of a piece, or you can read a brief summary, or in the case of important articles, you may wish to read the whole article. I hope that it is particularly useful for electrohypersensitive readers, who can read the PDF offline.)

5G, the “coronavirus” psyop, lockdowns, mask humiliation and riots.
Now we learn why: “The Great Reset” – the global putsch to bring in the New World Order

It’s been only 12 days since the last Briefing, but in that time the world has changed again!
The steps of the plot are implemented so fast that it leaves one reeling.
Just as people were set to celebrate freedom from lockdown, the global protests psyop was launched.
Now the oligarchs at the World Economic Forum are telling us that everything has fallen apart and we need
“The Great Reset”, i.e. the New World Order of Agenda 2030 and the end of life as we have known it.

  • The Briefing begins with the usual section on doctors and other experts refuting the “coronavirus” hoax pandemic (pp. 2-23). One new doctor added here: Dr. John Lee calling the way ‘Covid deaths’ are counted a national scandal.
  • The section on Action (pp. 23-44) lists several new initiatives, including a political party to stop 5G in Australia. There is an “Expose Bill Gates day” on 13 June. On 14 June a global meditation. On 20 June a protest in Italy. The 5G Judicial Review 2020 urgently needs funds or it cannot go ahead. Note: I warn those signing petitions that doing so could lead to repercussions. I support action but not necessarily petitions. Caveat subscriptor! In particular, I warn people not to sign my International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space now that it has been infiltrated by globalists.
  • The AI / Mind Control section explains the “Alice in Wonderland” technique, helping readers understand how public confusion is deliberately engineered in order to disorientate, disempower and control. The section also provides an antidote for promoting autonomy and psychological independence.
  • The Analysis section (pp. 44-54) ) looks into what may be behind the George Floyd psyop, battlefield America and whether the French revolution provides a template for the overthrow of the current system; corrosion caused by EMFs, the history of EMFs, the Covid statistics fraud, Uniform Commercial Code and common law, and how the planet is getting much colder.
  • The Big Picture / Overview section provides some essential viewing and reading in order to understand exactly who is behind what is going on, what it really amounts to, how it developed and what its aims really are. Everyone needs to understand what is really happening in order to put a stop to it before we head into extinction as a species. It is the darkest picture any of us could have imagined facing, but face it we must if we want to survive. Some new items: Catherine Austin Fitts discusses the human body as the new form of collateral that will underlie the digital economy; a video on how we came to a matter-oriented theory of existence and a video on the holographic nature of reality.
  • Book review. Something else we need urgently to understand is that this whole universe is electrical, including everything around us and our bodies. We saturate the planet with alien microwave radiation at our peril. An excellent new book called The Electric Ecosystem opens the door to the electric life of the natural world. It is a scientifically substantiated introduction to the unseen energy dimensions of humans, animals, plants and the earth. Amazingly, a very old story by E. M. Forster, from 1909, warns us about what the globalists have in mind for us. It makes horrifying but necessary reading.
  • The Comment section (pp. 60-73) provides a number of interesting insights into our current predicament: depopulation and using the guilt generated by the original sin meme to promote it.
  • The Conspiracy section (pp. 73-79) includes a must-see message from “Bill Gates”; injection as a fate worse than death (Catherine Austin Fitts) and turning people’s bodies into commodities (Robert F. Kennedy Jr.); manipulation through EMFs, a fascinating infographic on the depopulation trifecta of big tech, big science and big pharma; the deep state; the riot conspiracy; financial crime; the murder of police; and a must-see expose of the illegality of the plandemic by David Martin.
  • The Covidiotic (or humour) section has the usual parade of complete lunacy, if possible taken to even new lows this week as couples are told to wear masks while love-making and new UK rules on not having sex in your own home (although you can in the garden).
  • Once again, the section on Crimes Against Humanity shows how the very old and very young are being targeted.
  • The 5G rollout section reprises some key information for newcomers to the dangers of 5G and the asphyxiation dangers of 60 GHz, and shows that, as an unlicensed (free) frequency, it is set to become the new standard. It also explains why 2.4 GHz became the earlier standard. Information also on the dangers of satellite dishes, the US national security implications of 5G technologies, Google cancelling the Toronto “smart” city project, and horrible EMF exposure levels in Calgary, Canada.
  • The Disinformation section provides a selection of the latest disinformation from the mainstream and even the alternative media.
  • The Dissent section (p. 98) contains only two items: one criticising the legal aspects of lockdowns and martial law and the other a protest from three airlines to the UK government on the ‘wholly unjustified’ UK quarantine plan.
  • 5G / Coronavirus health aspects covers tree health; the unreliability of Covid death statistics; mysteriously missing pneumonia deaths; the depredations of the 5G satellites; strange shenanigans (again) at WHO, which declared that asymptomatic carriers could not spread the virus and then rapidly retracted that information because it completely explodes the grounds for mandatory vaccines; how viral infections are aggravated by electromagnetic fields; how the plandemic relates to 5G (torsion fields); a European Parliament briefing that acknowledges that 5G “seems to have” [sic] biological effects (another case of shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted!); a BBC interview with Mark Steele; the ethics of telling people they can shield themselves against a planet “blanketed” with 5G; and the dangers of electromagnetic radiation for anyone with implants (a class action lawsuit would be in order on these grounds alone!).
  • The Hoax section explodes the fake news on 5G and “coronavirus: the absurdity of forcing people to wear masks, the suppressed report written by a German government official revealing the plandemic, a ridiculous predictive programming story from India about monkeys and plagues of locusts, and how you clap the carers as heroes and then fire them. Last but not least, supposedly prestigious medical journals The Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine turn out to be just more parts of the presstitute media for trashing hydroxychlorine with fabricated data organized by a science fiction writer and adult content model.
  • The News section (pp. 121-127) attempts to get a handle on the Black Lives matter / Antifa / Soros psyop, all of which has happened since the last Briefing, when we were just about to be released from lockdown. In just 12 days, we went from what seemed to be a racially motivated killing to a global Soros psyop along the lines of all his earlier colour revolutions, with the US police becoming the targets and Floyd’s family writing to the UN to ask for the US police to be disarmed. Also various good and bad news from around the world.
  • The Police State section discusses lockdowns and martial law, police violence, the lunacy of UK lockdown-easing rules on where you can and can’t have sex with a partner, the terrifying reality of contact tracing and a must-see warning from George Orwell.
  • Programming the public for the NWO is the most important section in this Briefing. After this relatively short journey of just a few months, we have already arrived at the rollout of the New World Order. It’s called “The Great Reset”. It was all set out by the Club of Rome’s Worldshift in 2011 and that is where you find the wish list of the oligarchs to achieve a Maoist Cultural Revolution. The boxes are rapidly being ticked one by one: attack the family, attack communities, attack nation states, end reproduction, etc. In this section, we learn that Kill Gates wants babies to be removed from mothers at birth, families are anti-queer factories rife with power asymmetries and violence, Prince Charles believes the pandemic is a chance to reset the global economy, Madonna says the police must be disarmed, Wired magazine tells us we cannot return to the old ways, UK Column explains that the fascist takeover is called “repurposing government”, Michael Moore reports on the banning of his free documentary “Planet of the Humans” because he questions the hijack of the environmental movement [which is just a cover for the eugenics movement], and – in a must-see video – Richie from Boston reveals the long-term psychological programming that enables the destruction of society: demoralisation, destabilisation, crisis, normalisation.
  • The section on Resistance discusses lawful rebellion under the collapse of the rule of law and a Manifesto of the Free People’s Union.
  • The Space section discusses different aspects of the 5G satellites, including the horrible news that the bankrupt OneWeb is filing for permission to launch 48,000 satellites in order to help sell the company. This would bring the total proposed in the US alone to around 100,000.
  • The Solutions / inspiration section (pp. 139-162) is ongoing and added to with ideas from time to time. It is very diverse, with ideas from maintaining your health to natural law to resistance.
  • The section on Vaccinations is another vital section, packed with advice and information. We need to stop calling Gates’ proposed vaccine by this name as it is nothing of the sort. Injectible surveillance components, injectible credit cards, injectible brain-machine interfaces and nano-particles are not medicines. Rudolf Steiner foresaw a vaccine against spirituality — exactly what the Pentagon was developing as of 2012.
  • Appendix 1 contains extensive facts and graphs about Covid-19 in selected countries from Swiss Policy Research.
  • Appendix 2 reproduces the abstract of a paper on electrohypersensitivity as a neurologic pathological disorder.
  • Appendix 3 contains miscellaneous uncategorised items from other sources.
  • Appendix 4 consists of a list of companies that support Antifa.


5G – Coronavirus Briefing 9 June 2020.pdf

We zijn gewoon doorgegaan. Kleine en grote acties, inspreken bij gemeenten en Stop5GNL gaat in hoger beroep! Help / doe mee! :-)

Verminder Electrosmog – Platform voor bewustmaking van de keerzijde van electromagnetische straling.
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Nieuwsbrief nr. 49. Lees vorige nieuwsbrieven HIER of meld je aan.
Of teken de petitie HIER.Zoals jullie waarschijnlijk ook in de gaten hebben, zijn er veel onderwerpen om te bespreken… Toch houden sommige mensen hun hoofd koel en laten zich niet afleiden in deze tijd. Een webinar heeft veel gemeenten geïnformeerd over 5G, zowel in Huizen als Deventer hebben weer mooie bewuste mensen ingesproken bij de raad en Stop5GNL heeft de uitspraak op haar kort geding gehad… en gaat in hoger beroep! Alle acties klein of groot helpen mee… Laten we de Nee samen duidelijk formuleren, om dáárna de Ja te kunnen gaan formuleren.

Wat ik niet wil:

Een social credit systeem;
Een vaccin (met ‘chip’);
5G netwerk;
Een anderhalve meter maatschappij;
Het massaal kappen van bomen;
Alleen nog maar digitaal geld;
GMO voedsel en/of voedsel besproeid met glyfosaat;
Big Brother Is Watching You;
Een staat die kinderen met robots ‘opvoedt’;
Slaaf zijn van ‘het systeem’;
Een staat die voor ons bepaalt wat goed voor ons is;

Steeds meer mensen en gemeenten hebben geen zin meer in de opgelegde koers, er is een toenemende behoefte aan meer eigen regie en men doet een beroep op het zelfbeschikkingsrecht. De visie op wat goed is verschilt te vaak van het overheidsbeleid. zowel mensen als gemeenten zoeken naar manieren om zich losser te maken.


  • Uitslag kort geding Stop5GNL en nieuwe koers
  • Gemeenten willen een alternatief
  • De gemeente/maatschappij wordt verkracht door de Telecom
  • Wat doet jouw gemeente?
  • Twee keuzes!
  • Wees creatief
  • Een alternatief verhaa over Coronal. Petitie tegen de noodwet.
  • Einde van de lockdown
  • Wat kun jij doen …
  • Tips en petitie
Stop5GNL ontvangt een teleurstellende uitspraak op het kort geding, maar gaat in hoger beroep!

De rechter oordeelde dat de overheid wel verantwoordelijk blijft voor de volksgezondheid (de overheid probeerde dit af te wimpelen door te zeggen dat het een Europees dictaat was om 5G uit te rollen). Maar verder ging hij uit van de betrouwbaarheid van ICNIRP en de gezondheidsraad en had geen reden om te twijfelen aan de validiteit van deze instituten. De duizenden peer-revieuwed studies welke schade aantonen van straling ver onder de huidige norm werden als niet voldoende wetenschappelijk van tafel geveegd (dat slechts twijfel in de schadelijkheid van straling al voldoende is voor toepassen van een voorzorgsprincipe, wist hij ook slim te omzeilen). Wel is aangegeven dat wanneer er tóch schade blijkt (bij één persoon?) de techniek alsnog moet worden teruggedraaid.

Lees hier het verslag van Pietta Janssen, Martine Vriens, Alja Hoeksema en Jan van Gils van Stop5GNL

En zij gaan door in hoger beroep! Super!!!

… en kunnen vast nog steun gebruiken…

Gemeenten willen een alternatief

Met een verplichte uitrol op een ongezond en onethisch 5G nam de weerstand om het overheidspad te volgen al met de week toe, maar nu er ook gehandhaafd moet gaan worden op een ‘onzinnige’ 1,5 meter regel, met torenhoge boetes en steeds belachelijkere dictaten, is de motvatie om in de pas te blijven lopen bij velen in een sneltreinvaart aan het kelderen… Steeds meer mensen snakken naar een alternatief (net zoals steeds meer gemeenten) en waarom zouden we hen dat niet geven.

Ik stel voor dat we een alternatief bedenken…

De overheid en het volk worden verkracht door de Telecom, waar kan zij aangifte doen?

Ondertussen word 5G uitgerold. Een 4G+ versie. Alles is vaag. Telecom vertelt niet wat ze gaat doen. De bedoeling is dat niemand het kan volgen noch tegenhouden. En nu passeert de Telecom finaal de overheid / gemeente door gewoon met de vingers in de oren uit te gaan rollen… Wie houdt dit verwende mannetje tegen? Hebben de mensen die verslaafd en onwetend zijn nog een eerlijke stem? Waar ligt onze macht? Wie is aansprakelijk? Waar is de democratie? En wat vindt de gemeente ervan om zo gepasseerd te worden door een bedrijf… ?

Wat gebeurt er in jouw gemeente?

Ben je al op de hoogte van de stappen en twijfels van je eigen gemeente?
In steeds meer gemeenten staan mensen op om één en ander aan te kaarten en hierop te gaan verbinden… Ofwel met de buren op straat, of in de wijk, met mensen in de flat, ofwel in gesprek met de gemeente.

Net na de Quarantaine hebben Elsa en Manon (iedereen kan dat doen bij hun gemeente) ingesproken bij de gemeente Deventer.
Zie hun inspraak (2 * 9 minuten) hier vanaf 13.30 min

In het Gooi is de actiegroep ‘Het Gooi zegt Nee’ lekker bezig en heeft Sylvia Slegers onder andere ook een hele mooie inspraak (5 minuten) gehouden bij de gemeente Huizen.

Als jij ook een groepje zou willen formeren en wat op wilt pakken bij jou, dan is dit hulpdocumentje mogelijk fijn om je op weg te helpen. Bij stap 2 kunnen we je aan medestanders uit je buurt helpen voor een vliegende start…

In Corona tijd heeft onder andere Vera Verhagen van Let’s Talk About Tech een webinar (hier is een mooi verslag terug te zien) georganiseerd waaraan 250 mensen uit verschilende gemeenten hebben deelgenomen.

In alle de gemeenten hieronder zijn al mensen actief en zouden het waarschijnlijk hééél erg fijn vinden als jij hen ondersteunt met jouw creatieve ideeën of actie!!
Neem gerust contact met hen op en mail hiervoor mij als je ergens
wilt aanhaken.


Alkmaar, Amersfoort, Amsterdam, Apeldoorn, Alphen a.d. Rijn, Assen, Barneveld, Barendrecht, Bergen, Best, Berkelland, Beek, Blauwsluis, Boekel, Bodegraven, Bovenkarspel, Bunnik, Breda, Castricum, Culemborg, Dantumadiel, Den Bosch, Den Haag, Delft, Den Oever, Deventer, Dieren, Dordrecht, Drachten, Dronten, Echt-Susteren, Eindhoven, Enschede, Ede, Etten Leur, Ermelo, Midden Drenthe, Epe, Esch, Emmen, Friesland, Gennep, Goes, Groningen. Gorinchem, Het Gooi, Haaren, Helmond, Hogeland, Haarlem, Haarlemmermeer, Harderwijk, Heusden, Heeg, Heerhugowaard, Hilvarenbeek, Hilversum, Hoge Mierde, Hollands Kroon, Hengelo, Hoofddorp, Houten, Huizen, Kerkrade, Krimpenerwaard, Landsmeer, Lansingerland, Leeuwarden. Leiden, Lochem, Maasduinen, Maastricht, Meierijstad, Middelburg, Mijdrecht, Nijmegen, Nijkerk, Nieuwkoop, Nieuwegein, Noord Oost Polder, Noordenveld, Oirschot, Oostellingerwerf, Oosterwerf, Olland, Purmerend, Ridderkerk, Roermond, Rotterdam, Schagen, Schaveren, Scheveningen, Sittard-Geleen, Smallingerland, Soest, Son en Breughel, St. Michielsgestel, St. Oedenrode, Tilburg, Uden, Utrecht, Utrechtse Heuvelrug, Veghel, Venlo, Venray, Vlaardingen, Vlissingen, Vught, Waalwijk, Wageningen. Weesp, Wormerland, Zaanstad, Zeeland, Zeewolde, Zeeuws Vlaanderen, Zeist, Zevenaar, Zutphen, Zwolle

Of begin zelf… !!


Twee keuzes

In grijs de route die we nu lopen als we niet bewust andere keuzes gaan maken en ons verenigen in een alternatief…

Angst voor de dood ons laten leiden

Accepteren dat de dood een onderdeel is van het leven

Oplossingen d.m.v. technologie

Oplossingen door herontdekken van onze menselijke/oorspronkelijke intelligentie… en versterking v.d. verbinding met de natuur.

Controle door technische systemen / algoritmen / camera’s / Artificial Inteligence (overtuiging: de mens redt het niet alleen zonder extern ingrijpen)

Leren vertrouwen op overgave en je eigen vermogen inzetten voor creativiteit en overvloed

De overheid faciliteert in controle, digitale connectiviteit en beschermt het volk door haar regels te geven en deze te handhaven

De overheid stimuleert initiatief en overvloed en begrenst enkel waar vooropgezette waarden in het geding komen (geschillen mogen worden beslecht in een intelligente geschillencommissie)

Emoties zijn lastige dingen en dienen in perken geleid te worden…

Emoties zijn vonken van de ziel en dienen gekoesterd en hooguit bewust gemaakt te worden en geëerd als spiegels voor zelfkennis en persoonlijke ontwikkeling.

Omgang mbt technieken;
Onze authentieke verbinding met elkaar, de kosmos en de natuur staat op één. Daarna worden slechts enkele technieken toegelaten (maar altijd eerst héél kritisch bekeken:)

– Welke waarde(n) dient dit?
– Wat zijn de keerzijden?
– Hoe ziet de toekomst eruit hiermee?
– Is er ook een natuurlijke manier/techniek om deze waarde te voeden?

Voorzichtig adapteren of voor het grootste deel afwijzen wanneer:
– De consequenties (macht door een kleine groep, controle, gezondheid, en andere gevolgen) niet te overzien zijn. Dan enkel accepteren onder een strict regiem in een omkeerbare omgeving.

De nadruk ligt op het ontwikkelen en herontdekken (onderwijs) van onze innerlijke technieken.

Dit alles is slechts een voorzetje / denkrichting…. 😉

Wees of wordt creatief !

Zie hierboven de posters welke in Culemborg zijn gemaakt.

Deze mensen delen hun vragen aan de minister President en zorgen
via een prachtige videoboodschap.

Trek een bijzonder T-Shirt aan om je hart te bekrachtigen en een signaal te geven. “Feel free to come closer!”

Zie hier de gave actie van de groep Stralingsbewust Zeist die actie voerde tijdens de Corona tijd.

Deze jongen heeft een super leuk liedje gemaakt, de 5G versie van
‘Het Tuinpad van mijn vader’

Wat kun jij doen om het alternatieve geluid steviger te maken?

En weer een stapje

Het RIVM mag onze telefoons gaan checken.


Mocht je serieus nog denken dat we te maken hebben met een ernstig virus en dat deze draconische noodmaatregelen nodig zijn, bekijk dan ook even de bijdrage van Dr Willem Engel

Laten we zo snel mogelijk deze exorbitante en dictatoriale noodwetten , waartegen zelfs De Nederlandse Orde van Advokaten zware kritiek heeft beindigen.

De kwetsbaren mogen beschermt worden, maar de rest weer bevrijd. Er zijn inmiddels veel meer zorgen (en doden van onnodige stress en honger) over alle corona maatregelen dan over het virus zelf ! Petities zijn niet de oplossing, maar wel een begin.

Een petitie
nog een
en hier nog een.
en ook een dagvaarding van viruswaanzin

Klinisch ethicus beschrijft zijn verhaal
Erwin de Kompanje legt uit wat hij tegenkwam op de IC’s waar hij werkte. En dat het 98% mensen met onderliggende kwalen zijn die aan Corona sterven. Dood gaan hoort bij het leven en hij vindt het beleid inhumaan. Zie VIDEO
Maurice de Hond deelt nuchtere cijfers
Maurice de Hond laat op basis van (VIDEO) nuchtere cijfers zien dat Corona niet dodelijker is dan de griep en onder de 65 jaar geen enkel verhoogd risico op overlijden bestaat. In 2018 zijn meer mensen aan de griep overleden dan dit jaar aan Corona, dit is geen pandemie en de maatregelen zijn onnodig en niet houdbaar.
Een van de bijdragen grond te geven aan het tegengeluid…

Vorige week en inmiddels al vaker een gesprekje met de winkelwagentjesschoonmaker gestart…. Ik, eerst warm contact makend vragend: “Moeten jullie je nu nog steeds aan die strenge regels houden?” Hij “Ja, maar het heeft eigenlijk helemaal geen nut…(ikke verbaasd kijkend… ) We doen het omdat sommige mensen zooo bang zijn , dat het hen een veiliger gevoel geeft als we dit doen”. Ik, “Ok! En zouden we het dan eigenlijk beter juist NIET moeten doen, zodat zij in de gaten krijgen dat het overdreven is” Hij “Ja, eigenlijk wel!” We wisselende een betekenisvolle blik uit…en wederzijdse glimlach… Ik: “Dan zijn WIJ het n ieder geval eens, met een knipoog… ” Waardoor de oorlogsveteranengebiedstemming bij de supermarkt even veranderde in die van een softijsje. 😀 en hopelijk weer meer ruimte/grond voor het tegengeluid… 🙂

Ik vraag mij af; Hoeveel mensen zouden aanvinken dat ze het beleid zwaar overdreven vinden als ze dat op een krijtbord voor de supermarkt aan kunnen geven?

Wie is er in voor een brainstorm voor dit soort ideën / actie?

Wat heb jij meegemaakt, of hoe help jij met het tegengeluid?

De Natonale Bond Tegen Overheidszaken start een aansprakelijkheidsactie tegen de Coronamaatregelen

De Nationale bond tegen Overheidszaken, eerder bekend van de actie tegen 5G (we zijn nog wel benieuwd naar dit vervolg), is gestart met een aansprakelijkheidsverklaring van parlementsleden.

“Bizar ”

“Het is volgens initiatiefnemer Zwarts ‘bizar’ dat een compleet parlement het nalaat om zijn controlerende taak te vervullen, terwijl de twijfels over het officiële coronaverhaal met de dag groeien.
Wereldwijd stellen honderden wetenschappers, medisch specialisten en onafhankelijke onderzoekers op basis van hun deskundigheid logische vragen over dat verhaal, maar ze worden genegeerd. De reputatie van Bill Gates en de WHO loopt deuk na deuk op. Zwarts: ‘Alle reden, zou je zeggen, voor een volksvertegenwoordiger om de onderbouwing van de coronamaatregelen te checken. Maar er gebeurt niets? Dat valt niet goed te praten als je heel het land platlegt en de bevolking kolossale economische, sociale en psychische schade toebrengt. ”

Wil je hen steunen dan kun je nog meedoen.

Wil je weten hoe het niet moet? Zorgen voor je inwoners in Coronatijd?

Volg dan Tilburg …


Alles voor de veiligheid hé.. Toevallig in Tilburg, waar ik al 6 jaar niet meer in de binnenstad kan komen vanwege een extreme hoeveelheid sterke zenders aldaar…. 😛
Ik wil niet worden gevolgd en al hélemaal geen ongevraagde bemoeienis met gezichtsherkenning… sociaal puntensysteem erop…. direct een afschrijving van de boete via je telefoon… of een block op je internet…. of wacht een stroomstootje met 5G is misschien effectiever… en iedereen in de klem… 😛 Nee, joh… dat gebeurt niet… Dat laten we
niet gebeuren… Of…. Dat doen ze alleen in China…. Of….

Zullen we dit vooral niet willen… !!

#Zie hier: #Chinesetoestanden

TIPS om je blootstelling aan Electrosmog te verminderen

Super informatieve andere Sites om te bekijken:


Doneren is fijn!

Ben je blij met wat ik doe of wat we gedaan hebben? dan is het super fijn als je dat laat merken… Als je wat kunt missen.
Doneer dan een klein bedrag naar keuze,
dat is bijzonder welkom!!

Some questions regarding the use of hydroxychloroquine

Dear Madam, Sir,

Just read that the WHO advises world leaders to take hydroxychloroquine [and Zinc, I assume, since only in tandem this offers protection / a cure]

Since I also learned that you have bought all stock of hydroxychloroquine in the Netherlands and you follow policies of the WHO, this raises some questions.

1. what is your position regarding

a. the WHO’s stance that hydroxychloroquine should not be used, due to its unknown side effects?

b. forced vaccination: when hydroxychloroquine is deemed to work with heads of states, why would it not work with other people?

2. why did RIVM buy all stock of hydroxychloroquine?

3. what makes the Norwegian public health council deem the lock down without scientific basis?

4. what is the reason that RIVM as main advisory council is sponsored by a foundation?

5. why did RIVM change COVID 19 infections from ‘epidemic’ to ‘pandemic’, also in the context that viruses are part of the global ecosystem, to which people are well adjusted?

6. related: why does RIVM propagate withdrawing healthy people from participating in this ecosystem, thereby effectively harming their immune system?

7. related: why does RIVM propagate wearing ineffective / counter productive and fear inducing masks?

8. what is your position on the findings of

a. the president of Tanzania, as that the Corona-test is fundamentally flawed?

b. the president of Madagascar, as that the WHO offered him 20M dollars to poison his natural cure?

9. are you aware of or curious about the potential reasons of how well the current health situation fits the

a. policies of the WEF?

b. the high level exercise ‘Event 201’, performed in oktober 2019?

10. how did your director, mr van Dissel, respond to receiving his NoL?

11. what could be the reason that citizens file law suits against RIVM, how will this affect RIVM’s credibility, also in context of its director being blacklisted and how will RIVM respond?

Kind regards,

Emil Möller

Sources: , , , , , , , , , ,

Vaccines: The Biggest Medical Fraud In History : Trung Nguyen : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

*****Please download the EPUB format. ePub is compatible with all devices.*****Polio is NOT even contagious or infectious (never proven to be). There is NO…
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