WHO 1973 Biologic effects and health hazards of microwave radiation

Doctors’ and Scientists’ Appeals & Petitions Warning of the Dangers of EMFs–petitions-on-emfs.html

Bibliography of Reported Biological Phenomena (‘Effects’) and Clinical Manifestations attributed to Microwave and Radio-Frequency Radiation

“Chief Seattle’s Speech”

Yuval Noah Harari | “Neither the Gestapo or the KGB Could Do It, Humans Are Now Hackable Animals.”

The Brain Is the Battlefield of the Future, Peter Koenig, 14.6.23

The Battle for Control of Your Brain, Dr. James Giordano

The “covid”-5G Connection

Magda Havas & Angela Tsiang paper: “COVID-19 Attributed Cases and Deaths are Statistically Higher in States and Counties with 5th Generation Millimeter Wave Wireless Telecommunications in the United States”, 12.4.21

Questioning Covid by Ilana Nurpi (Italian doctor), 19.7.21

Spanish – Cuestionando al Covid:

Study of the correlation between cases of coronavirus and the presence of 5G networks, by Bartomeu Payeras i Cifre, March 2020

Beverly Rubik & Robert R. Brown: Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G. Journal of Clinical and Translational Research, 29 Sept. 2021

China Builds Experimental Antenna Five Times the Size of New York City in Secret Location, 1.1.19

The origins of the Grand Conspiracy now destroying our world

5G and Hidden Agendas- The UN’s Betrayal of the world it was intended to serve.pdf
The origins of the Grand Conspiracy now destroying our world.pdf

US Attorney: Social distancing is a CIA torture technique and should not be used against children

From Claire Edwards:

US Attorney: Social distancing is a CIA torture technique and should not be used against children

US Attorney: “Social distancing is a CIA torture technique”

Leigh Dundas, 16 June 2020 (9 mins)


Original video and notes:

Summary article and sample letter for parents to send to schools and administrators:

Social distancing harms children for life who have 0.0% chance of dying from covid:

Full transcript of video below

“Hey, guys. Attorney Leigh Dundas here. I wanted to talk to you a little bit today, along with the educators and school districts and parents, about children and their risk of death from Covid and the changes that schools are starting to contemplate making in the fall of 2020. First of all, your child’s risk of dying from Covid is really, really low. The fatality rate in the US for children is so low that kids are actually at a higher risk of death from travelling to school than from catching Covid at school and dying. In fact, the risk is so low that my calculator cannot do the math. There are so many zeros behind the decimal point. And recently a Bloomberg article quoted the CDC [Centers for Disease Control] as stating that (and i quote): “The Covid-19 fatality rate in the US for anyone younger than 19 is so low, it is calculated as 0.0%.’

So according to the CDC, your child’s risk of dying from Covid is zero. This is what we also know: your child is not going to catch Covid at school and become the dreaded silent but deadly transmitter of the disease who brings it home to grandma and kills grandma. Right now, your child (and this is another direct quote): ‘No child is known to have passed Covid-19 to adults, a global study finds.’ The World Health Organization actually performed a contact tracing and found exactly zero children had passed the disease onward.

This is pretty much the same for adults, by the way. In case you didn’t catch it, at the end of May a study came out that showed an adult who was Covid-positive but had no symptoms was exposed to almost 500 other people. Zero of them caught the disease. And then this last Monday, the World Health Organization came out and said (and this is another quote): ‘they are following contacts and they are not finding secondary transmission onward.’ So secondary transmission from a Covid-positive patient who doesn’t know he or she has it is pretty much non-existent. So what we know at this point in time is your kid’s not going to die from Covid. They’re also not going to catch Covid and bring it home to grandma and kill old grandma, and accordingly, there’s really no reason to make any sort of changes to school protocols, particularly those involving social distancing.

“But I actually want to talk a little bit about social distancing right now because social distancing is actually a technique that might be causing more harm to our children than that which it seeks to avoid. Social distancing is a euphemism for social isolation. It was a technique that was developed about 70 years ago by the CIA and they found it was really good at breaking down enemies of state.

“It creates depression, poor sleep quality, impaired executive function, accelerated cognitive decline, poor cardiovascular function and impaired immunity. All of those are things, I think we can agree, we don’t want anybody to experience, not least our own children. It doubles your risk of death if you’re black. It almost doubles your risk of death if you’re white. And the harm that you get from enacting social distancing and social isolation on somebody is the same as if they were very, very obese. Moreover, it destroys the part of the brain that is actually responsible for learning in our children and ourselves, which is known as the ventral striatum. Medically speaking, more recent studies have shown is that it is the equivalent of smoking 15 cigarettes a day and being an alcoholic. So put simply, we’d be better off lobotomizing our children, handing them a pack of cigarettes and a fifth of whisky and then sending them into home-room than we will be by socially distancing them this fall.

“I want to actually go back now to the sordid beginnings and how this social distancing technique was developed by the CIA. In 1951, the CIA held a secret meeting at the Ritz Carlton in Canada and it was a meeting with doctors present who had ties – and I quote – ‘to the US, UK and Canadian military forces’. The work at that meeting and subsequent meetings led the CIA to realise that social distancing and isolation techniques were (I quote) ‘the ideal way of breaking down a prisoner’. And another quote: ‘as effective at destroying the brain function of the prisoner as if the prisoner were beaten, starved or deprived of sleep.’

“Senator John McCain, who spent over five years as a prisoner-of-war in Vietnam and had all of his arm and leg bones broken multiple times, and who was also, by turns, subjected to multiple rounds of social distancing from his fellow POWs, had this to say about social distancing and physical torture. This is what he said about social distancing: ‘It’s an awful thing. It crushes your spirit more effectively than any other form of mistreatment. 150 naval aviators who were also held as POWs in Vietnam came home from the war and echoed what John McCain had said. They said, and I quote, ‘It was as torturous and agonising as any physical abuse they suffered – to be separated from their fellow American GIs [Origin: 1930s (originally denoting equipment
supplied to US forces): abbreviation of government (or general) issue
.] The UN Mandela rules actually now prohibit the use of more than 15 days or two weeks of social distancing and isolation classifying it as cruel and inhumane treatment and basically a war crime.

“So now that we know that there is zero reason to make any changes to our schoolchildren since they’re not at risk at all. There’s zero risk of them dying from the disease and they’re not going to bring the disease home to grandma, and we know that social distancing is a wartime technique that the CIA uses to break down enemies of state, I want to look briefly at where this six-foot rule came from, because it seems – sort of – magical in the time of Covid. So it turns out that the six-foot rule came from England where a leading researcher recently came out in the press and admitted that (quote): “Officials had told him they did not think the British people would understand what one metre or three feet was’ and ‘we could not trust the British people to observe it, so we doubled it to be on the safe side’. He went on to state (and I quote again): ‘The two-metre rule was conjured up out of nowhere’ and he concluded by referring to it as a (quote) ‘rule of thumb’ rather than a scientifically proven measure. Casting even more doubt on the lack of science underlying the six-foot rule is a recent study in which researchers found (and again I quote), ‘that preventive social distancing can increase the final epidemic size at the population level and thus have negative effects for the community at large’. You heard me right: preventive social distancing can make the epidemic worse and increase the size of it.

“But here’s the real problem, folks, in terms of the educational issue here. If we do a six-foot rule of distance for our schoolchildren, at least in California, versus three feet or something less than that, we simply cannot fit all of the California schoolkids into their classrooms at the same time and maintain that six feet of distance. So what the educational system in our state is going to have to do is, they’re going to have to toggle it, one day of school, one day at home, or three and a half hours each day at school, three and a half hours at home and do some sort of a hybrid, remote-learning model. And here is the problem with that. Each summer kids lose one month of the education they gained during that year. It is known the world over by educators everywhere as ‘the summer backslide’. But for lower socio-economic children and children of color, that effect can be magnified, so by fifth-grade, by about age 10 or 11, those children – the poor children, the lower socio-economic children, children of color, can be two to three years behind their age peers due to this effect. Right now, California has almost 10 million children in the state. Only one quarter of them are Caucasian. About 70% are children of color and minorities, and almost half of the kids in our state, 43%, are poor or (quote) ‘very, very poor’.

“So this is what we know: remote learning doesn’t work well for anybody, but it really, really works badly for these kids, who often only have one parent in the household and that parent is not in the house during the daytime because they’re outside the house earning the bread and bringing home the bacon. They don’t have enough computers. They don’t have enough Internet connections. They don’t have enough laptops. They often have multiple siblings in different schools. And for those children, remote learning doesn’t work. So basically for the 40-75% of California’s youth who are either minority or very poor, a hybrid model is going to be catastrophic.

“The California constitution guarantees children in our state a right to education, not just 26% of children in our state who aren’t poor and who are Caucasian, but every child in the state has a right to a good education.

“Go tell the California state department of education and Tony Thurmond, our state Superintendent of Schools: ‘No social distancing!’ ‘No six-foot bubble of space around schoolchildren and no remote learning!’ It unfairly disadvantages minority children and those in lower socio-economic brackets and it will put them so far behind their classmates, they will never make up that gap or recover. Social distancing is a CIA protocol used to break down enemies of state. It has zero place in the classroom or being used against our children.”

US Attorney- “Social distancing is a CIA torture technique”.pdf

5G – Coronavirus Briefing 9 June 2020

5G – Coronavirus Briefing 9 June 2020.pdf (~8.0 MB)

One more edition of the 5G – Coronavirus Briefing, 9 June 2020
(this may be the last – let’s see …)

(Note that you can use Control + F to search through the Briefing. You do not need to read everything or go to the links. The intention is to provide an overview of what is happening, so you can read just the title of a piece, or you can read a brief summary, or in the case of important articles, you may wish to read the whole article.  I hope that it is particularly useful for electrohypersensitive readers, who can read the PDF offline.)

5G, the “coronavirus” psyop, lockdowns, mask humiliation and riots.
Now we learn why: “The Great Reset” – the global putsch to bring in the New World Order

It’s been only 12 days since the last Briefing, but in that time the world has changed again!
The steps of the plot are implemented so fast that it leaves one reeling.
Just as people were set to celebrate freedom from lockdown, the global protests psyop was launched.
Now the oligarchs at the World Economic Forum are telling us that everything has fallen apart and we need
“The Great Reset”, i.e. the New World Order of Agenda 2030 and the end of life as we have known it.

  • The Briefing begins with the usual section on doctors and other experts refuting the “coronavirus” hoax pandemic (pp. 2-23). One new doctor added here: Dr. John Lee calling the way ‘Covid deaths’ are counted a national scandal.
  • The section on Action (pp. 23-44) lists several new initiatives, including a political party to stop 5G in Australia. There is an “Expose Bill Gates day” on 13 June. On 14 June a global meditation. On 20 June a protest in Italy. The 5G Judicial Review 2020 urgently needs funds or it cannot go ahead.  Note: I warn those signing petitions that doing so could lead to repercussions.  I support action but not necessarily petitions.  Caveat subscriptor! In particular, I warn people not to sign my International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space now that it has been infiltrated by globalists.
  • The AI / Mind Control section explains the “Alice in Wonderland” technique, helping readers understand how public confusion is deliberately engineered in order to disorientate, disempower and control.  The section also provides an antidote for promoting autonomy and psychological independence.
  • The Analysis section (pp. 44-54) ) looks into what may be behind the George Floyd psyop, battlefield America and whether the French revolution provides a template for the overthrow of the current system; corrosion caused by EMFs, the history of EMFs, the Covid statistics fraud, Uniform Commercial Code and common law, and how the planet is getting much colder.
  • The Big Picture / Overview section provides some essential viewing and reading in order to understand exactly who is behind what is going on, what it really amounts to, how it developed and what its aims really are.  Everyone needs to understand what is really happening in order to put a stop to it before we head into extinction as a species.  It is the darkest picture any of us could have imagined facing, but face it we must if we want to survive. Some new items: Catherine Austin Fitts discusses the human body as the new form of collateral that will underlie the digital economy; a video on how we came to a matter-oriented theory of existence and a video on the holographic nature of reality.
  • Book review. Something else we need urgently to understand is that this whole universe is electrical, including everything around us and our bodies.  We saturate the planet with alien microwave radiation at our peril.  An excellent new book called The Electric Ecosystem opens the door to the electric life of the natural world. It is a scientifically substantiated introduction to the unseen energy dimensions of humans, animals, plants and the earth. Amazingly, a very old story by E. M. Forster, from 1909, warns us about what the globalists have in mind for us. It makes horrifying but necessary reading.
  • The Comment section (pp. 60-73) provides a number of interesting insights into our current predicament: depopulation and using the guilt generated by the original sin meme to promote it.
  • The Conspiracy section (pp. 73-79) includes a must-see message from “Bill Gates”; injection as a fate worse than death (Catherine Austin Fitts) and turning people’s bodies into commodities (Robert F. Kennedy Jr.); manipulation through EMFs, a fascinating infographic on the depopulation trifecta of big tech, big science and big pharma; the deep state; the riot conspiracy; financial crime; the murder of police; and a must-see expose of the illegality of the plandemic by David Martin.
  • The Covidiotic (or humour) section has the usual parade of complete lunacy, if possible taken to even new lows this week as couples are told to wear masks while love-making and new UK rules on not having sex in your own home (although you can in the garden).
  • Once again, the section on Crimes Against Humanity shows how the very old and very young are being targeted. 
  • The 5G rollout section reprises some key information for newcomers to the dangers of 5G and the asphyxiation dangers of 60 GHz, and shows that, as an unlicensed (free) frequency, it is set to become the new standard. It also explains why 2.4 GHz became the earlier standard. Information also on the dangers of satellite dishes, the US national security implications of 5G technologies, Google cancelling the Toronto “smart” city project, and horrible EMF exposure levels in Calgary, Canada.
  • The Disinformation section provides a selection of the latest disinformation from the mainstream and even the alternative media.
  • The Dissent section (p. 98) contains only two items: one criticising the legal aspects of lockdowns and martial law and the other a protest from three airlines to the UK government on the ‘wholly unjustified’ UK quarantine plan.
  • 5G / Coronavirus health aspects covers tree health; the unreliability of Covid death statistics; mysteriously missing pneumonia deaths; the depredations of the 5G satellites; strange shenanigans (again) at WHO, which declared that asymptomatic carriers could not spread the virus and then rapidly retracted that information because it completely explodes the grounds for mandatory vaccines; how viral infections are aggravated by electromagnetic fields; how the plandemic relates to 5G (torsion fields); a European Parliament briefing that acknowledges that 5G “seems to have” [sic] biological effects (another case of shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted!); a BBC interview with Mark Steele; the ethics of telling people they can shield themselves against a planet “blanketed” with 5G; and the dangers of electromagnetic radiation for anyone with implants (a class action lawsuit would be in order on these grounds alone!).
  • The Hoax section explodes the fake news on 5G and “coronavirus: the absurdity of forcing people to wear masks, the suppressed report written by a German government official revealing the plandemic, a ridiculous predictive programming story from India about monkeys and plagues of locusts, and how you clap the carers as heroes and then fire them.  Last but not least, supposedly prestigious medical journals The Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine turn out to be just more parts of the presstitute media for trashing hydroxychlorine with fabricated data organized by a science fiction writer and adult content model.
  • The News section (pp. 121-127) attempts to get a handle on the Black Lives matter / Antifa / Soros psyop, all of which has happened since the last Briefing, when we were just about to be released from lockdown. In just 12 days, we went from what seemed to be a racially motivated killing to a global Soros psyop along the lines of all his earlier colour revolutions, with the US police becoming the targets and Floyd’s family writing to the UN to ask for the US police to be disarmed. Also various good and bad news from around the world.
  • The Police State section discusses lockdowns and martial law, police violence, the lunacy of UK lockdown-easing rules on where you can and can’t have sex with a partner, the terrifying reality of contact tracing and a must-see warning from George Orwell.
  • Programming the public for the NWO is the most important section in this Briefing. After this relatively short journey of just a few months, we have already arrived at the rollout of the New World Order. It’s called “The Great Reset”. It was all set out by the Club of Rome’s Worldshift in 2011 and that is where you find the wish list of the oligarchs to achieve a Maoist Cultural Revolution. The boxes are rapidly being ticked one by one: attack the family, attack communities, attack nation states, end reproduction, etc. In this section, we learn that Kill Gates wants babies to be removed from mothers at birth, families are anti-queer factories rife with power asymmetries and violence, Prince Charles believes the pandemic is a chance to reset the global economy, Madonna says the police must be disarmed, Wired magazine tells us we cannot return to the old ways, UK Column explains that the fascist takeover is called “repurposing government”, Michael Moore reports on the banning of his free documentary “Planet of the Humans” because he questions the hijack of the environmental movement [which is just a cover for the eugenics movement], and – in a must-see video – Richie from Boston reveals the long-term psychological programming that enables the destruction of society: demoralisation, destabilisation, crisis, normalisation.
  • The section on Resistance discusses lawful rebellion under the collapse of the rule of law and a Manifesto of the Free People’s Union.
  • The Space section discusses different aspects of the 5G satellites, including the horrible news that the bankrupt OneWeb is filing for permission to launch 48,000 satellites in order to help sell the company. This would bring the total proposed in the US alone to around 100,000.
  • The Solutions / inspiration section (pp. 139-162) is ongoing and added to with ideas from time to time.  It is very diverse, with ideas from maintaining your health to natural law to resistance.
  • The section on Vaccinations is another vital section, packed with advice and information. We need to stop calling Gates’ proposed vaccine by this name as it is nothing of the sort. Injectible surveillance components, injectible credit cards, injectible brain-machine interfaces and nano-particles are not medicines. Rudolf Steiner foresaw a vaccine against spirituality — exactly what the Pentagon was developing as of 2012.
  • Appendix 1 contains extensive facts and graphs about Covid-19 in selected countries from Swiss Policy Research.
  • Appendix 2 reproduces the abstract of a paper on electrohypersensitivity as a neurologic pathological disorder.
  • Appendix 3 contains miscellaneous uncategorised items from other sources.
  • Appendix 4 consists of a list of companies that support Antifa.


hold the line for humanity
hold the line for humanity




5G – Coronavirus Briefing 9 June 2020

One more edition of the 5G – Coronavirus Briefing, 9 June 2020
(this may be the last – let’s see …)

(Note that you can use Control + F to search through the Briefing. You do not need to read everything or go to the links. The intention is to provide an overview of what is happening, so you can read just the title of a piece, or you can read a brief summary, or in the case of important articles, you may wish to read the whole article. I hope that it is particularly useful for electrohypersensitive readers, who can read the PDF offline.)

5G, the “coronavirus” psyop, lockdowns, mask humiliation and riots.
Now we learn why: “The Great Reset” – the global putsch to bring in the New World Order

It’s been only 12 days since the last Briefing, but in that time the world has changed again!
The steps of the plot are implemented so fast that it leaves one reeling.
Just as people were set to celebrate freedom from lockdown, the global protests psyop was launched.
Now the oligarchs at the World Economic Forum are telling us that everything has fallen apart and we need
“The Great Reset”, i.e. the New World Order of Agenda 2030 and the end of life as we have known it.

  • The Briefing begins with the usual section on doctors and other experts refuting the “coronavirus” hoax pandemic (pp. 2-23). One new doctor added here: Dr. John Lee calling the way ‘Covid deaths’ are counted a national scandal.
  • The section on Action (pp. 23-44) lists several new initiatives, including a political party to stop 5G in Australia. There is an “Expose Bill Gates day” on 13 June. On 14 June a global meditation. On 20 June a protest in Italy. The 5G Judicial Review 2020 urgently needs funds or it cannot go ahead. Note: I warn those signing petitions that doing so could lead to repercussions. I support action but not necessarily petitions. Caveat subscriptor! In particular, I warn people not to sign my International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space now that it has been infiltrated by globalists.
  • The AI / Mind Control section explains the “Alice in Wonderland” technique, helping readers understand how public confusion is deliberately engineered in order to disorientate, disempower and control. The section also provides an antidote for promoting autonomy and psychological independence.
  • The Analysis section (pp. 44-54) ) looks into what may be behind the George Floyd psyop, battlefield America and whether the French revolution provides a template for the overthrow of the current system; corrosion caused by EMFs, the history of EMFs, the Covid statistics fraud, Uniform Commercial Code and common law, and how the planet is getting much colder.
  • The Big Picture / Overview section provides some essential viewing and reading in order to understand exactly who is behind what is going on, what it really amounts to, how it developed and what its aims really are. Everyone needs to understand what is really happening in order to put a stop to it before we head into extinction as a species. It is the darkest picture any of us could have imagined facing, but face it we must if we want to survive. Some new items: Catherine Austin Fitts discusses the human body as the new form of collateral that will underlie the digital economy; a video on how we came to a matter-oriented theory of existence and a video on the holographic nature of reality.
  • Book review. Something else we need urgently to understand is that this whole universe is electrical, including everything around us and our bodies. We saturate the planet with alien microwave radiation at our peril. An excellent new book called The Electric Ecosystem opens the door to the electric life of the natural world. It is a scientifically substantiated introduction to the unseen energy dimensions of humans, animals, plants and the earth. Amazingly, a very old story by E. M. Forster, from 1909, warns us about what the globalists have in mind for us. It makes horrifying but necessary reading.
  • The Comment section (pp. 60-73) provides a number of interesting insights into our current predicament: depopulation and using the guilt generated by the original sin meme to promote it.
  • The Conspiracy section (pp. 73-79) includes a must-see message from “Bill Gates”; injection as a fate worse than death (Catherine Austin Fitts) and turning people’s bodies into commodities (Robert F. Kennedy Jr.); manipulation through EMFs, a fascinating infographic on the depopulation trifecta of big tech, big science and big pharma; the deep state; the riot conspiracy; financial crime; the murder of police; and a must-see expose of the illegality of the plandemic by David Martin.
  • The Covidiotic (or humour) section has the usual parade of complete lunacy, if possible taken to even new lows this week as couples are told to wear masks while love-making and new UK rules on not having sex in your own home (although you can in the garden).
  • Once again, the section on Crimes Against Humanity shows how the very old and very young are being targeted.
  • The 5G rollout section reprises some key information for newcomers to the dangers of 5G and the asphyxiation dangers of 60 GHz, and shows that, as an unlicensed (free) frequency, it is set to become the new standard. It also explains why 2.4 GHz became the earlier standard. Information also on the dangers of satellite dishes, the US national security implications of 5G technologies, Google cancelling the Toronto “smart” city project, and horrible EMF exposure levels in Calgary, Canada.
  • The Disinformation section provides a selection of the latest disinformation from the mainstream and even the alternative media.
  • The Dissent section (p. 98) contains only two items: one criticising the legal aspects of lockdowns and martial law and the other a protest from three airlines to the UK government on the ‘wholly unjustified’ UK quarantine plan.
  • 5G / Coronavirus health aspects covers tree health; the unreliability of Covid death statistics; mysteriously missing pneumonia deaths; the depredations of the 5G satellites; strange shenanigans (again) at WHO, which declared that asymptomatic carriers could not spread the virus and then rapidly retracted that information because it completely explodes the grounds for mandatory vaccines; how viral infections are aggravated by electromagnetic fields; how the plandemic relates to 5G (torsion fields); a European Parliament briefing that acknowledges that 5G “seems to have” [sic] biological effects (another case of shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted!); a BBC interview with Mark Steele; the ethics of telling people they can shield themselves against a planet “blanketed” with 5G; and the dangers of electromagnetic radiation for anyone with implants (a class action lawsuit would be in order on these grounds alone!).
  • The Hoax section explodes the fake news on 5G and “coronavirus: the absurdity of forcing people to wear masks, the suppressed report written by a German government official revealing the plandemic, a ridiculous predictive programming story from India about monkeys and plagues of locusts, and how you clap the carers as heroes and then fire them. Last but not least, supposedly prestigious medical journals The Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine turn out to be just more parts of the presstitute media for trashing hydroxychlorine with fabricated data organized by a science fiction writer and adult content model.
  • The News section (pp. 121-127) attempts to get a handle on the Black Lives matter / Antifa / Soros psyop, all of which has happened since the last Briefing, when we were just about to be released from lockdown. In just 12 days, we went from what seemed to be a racially motivated killing to a global Soros psyop along the lines of all his earlier colour revolutions, with the US police becoming the targets and Floyd’s family writing to the UN to ask for the US police to be disarmed. Also various good and bad news from around the world.
  • The Police State section discusses lockdowns and martial law, police violence, the lunacy of UK lockdown-easing rules on where you can and can’t have sex with a partner, the terrifying reality of contact tracing and a must-see warning from George Orwell.
  • Programming the public for the NWO is the most important section in this Briefing. After this relatively short journey of just a few months, we have already arrived at the rollout of the New World Order. It’s called “The Great Reset”. It was all set out by the Club of Rome’s Worldshift in 2011 and that is where you find the wish list of the oligarchs to achieve a Maoist Cultural Revolution. The boxes are rapidly being ticked one by one: attack the family, attack communities, attack nation states, end reproduction, etc. In this section, we learn that Kill Gates wants babies to be removed from mothers at birth, families are anti-queer factories rife with power asymmetries and violence, Prince Charles believes the pandemic is a chance to reset the global economy, Madonna says the police must be disarmed, Wired magazine tells us we cannot return to the old ways, UK Column explains that the fascist takeover is called “repurposing government”, Michael Moore reports on the banning of his free documentary “Planet of the Humans” because he questions the hijack of the environmental movement [which is just a cover for the eugenics movement], and – in a must-see video – Richie from Boston reveals the long-term psychological programming that enables the destruction of society: demoralisation, destabilisation, crisis, normalisation.
  • The section on Resistance discusses lawful rebellion under the collapse of the rule of law and a Manifesto of the Free People’s Union.
  • The Space section discusses different aspects of the 5G satellites, including the horrible news that the bankrupt OneWeb is filing for permission to launch 48,000 satellites in order to help sell the company. This would bring the total proposed in the US alone to around 100,000.
  • The Solutions / inspiration section (pp. 139-162) is ongoing and added to with ideas from time to time. It is very diverse, with ideas from maintaining your health to natural law to resistance.
  • The section on Vaccinations is another vital section, packed with advice and information. We need to stop calling Gates’ proposed vaccine by this name as it is nothing of the sort. Injectible surveillance components, injectible credit cards, injectible brain-machine interfaces and nano-particles are not medicines. Rudolf Steiner foresaw a vaccine against spirituality — exactly what the Pentagon was developing as of 2012.
  • Appendix 1 contains extensive facts and graphs about Covid-19 in selected countries from Swiss Policy Research.
  • Appendix 2 reproduces the abstract of a paper on electrohypersensitivity as a neurologic pathological disorder.
  • Appendix 3 contains miscellaneous uncategorised items from other sources.
  • Appendix 4 consists of a list of companies that support Antifa.


5G – Coronavirus Briefing 9 June 2020.pdf

Study Shows Direct Correlation between 5G Networks and “Coronavirus” Outbreaks – RADIATION DANGERS

Study Shows Direct Correlation between 5G Networks and “Coronavirus” Outbreaks – RADIATION DANGERS
— Read on

5G – Coronavirus Briefing 16 May 2020

One more edition of the 5G – Coronavirus Briefing, 16 May 2020

(Note that you can use Control + F to search through the Briefing. You do not need to read everything or go to the links. The intention is to provide an overview of what is happening, so you can read just the title of a piece, or you can read a brief summary, or in the case of important articles, you may wish to read the whole article. I hope that it is particularly useful for electrohypersensitive readers, who can read the PDF offline.)

The struggle is on between the people and armies enforcing fascist contact tracing and vaccines


STOP PRESS: VICTORY – Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci & Big Pharma lost a Massive Supreme Court Case in USA –
The Supreme Court in the USA has ruled that it shall not be mandatory to have a vaccine:

One more of these Briefings. The tsunami of fascist and illegal imposition on the world’s population comes so thick and fast that it is hard to keep up with it all:

  • Several more medical and PhD doctors have come forward with courageous new interviews. In the list at the beginning of the Briefing, the latest are Dr Jeffery Barke, Dr. Zach Bush, Dr. Mike Hansen, Joel Hay, PhD, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, and Professor Michael Levitt.
  • The Action section (pp. 19-28) reports on several new legal initiatives, some of which are crowdfunding. Please support generously to help these courageous people to protect all of us. There are several calls to oppose new laws and the lockdown in different countries.
  • The Analysis section explains the coronavirus hoax as a consequence of the end of the road for neoliberal kleptocracy, shows how the UK government is using psychological manipulation to terrify and manipulate the British public, delves into Gates’ disturbing and criminal depopulationist history, we hear of a suppressed report written by a civil servant in Germany about the costs of the lockdown, and the deadly consequences of the brutal lockdown in poorer countries.
  • The section on The Big Picture/Overview lists items that everyone should pay attention to in order to really understand what is going on. Each item provides insights into different aspects of this global putsch: historical, financial, technocratic, vaccinations, etc.
  • The Comment section provides commentary from different sources and countries. In the UK, Lord Sumption describes the government’s “coronavirus” policy as “hysteria-driven”, while Peter Hitchens continues to be seemingly the only journalist in the UK willing to oppose this agenda, David Martin discusses the “virus pantomime”, and Dr Sircus discusses the looming consequences of the “Medical coup d’état”. Charlie Brooker, author of “Black Mirror” says he’s giving up writing any more episodes because “we are already in a dystopia”.
  • The Conspiracy section reviews the hijack of the International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space, which revealed the globalists’ conspiracy to depopulate the planet, exactly as it is being played out right now. A must-watch is the short speech by Robert F Kennedy describing the corporatist takeover of the world that is unfolding right now. Dr Fauci’s sinister connections are revealed. More evidence of the British government’s use of psyops to terrify the British public into demanding more lockdown and vaccines. The Club of Rome is calling for a green reboot – of course they are – this has been their plan for decades – to usher in technocracy. Dr Andrew Kaufman, in another courageous interview, reveals that the intention is to genetically modify humans with the new vaccine, a crime against humanity.
  • The Police State section looks into the latest trick to be unveiled: “contact tracing”. The “coronavirus” is being used as a pretext to usher in the fascist state of complete control, exactly as set out in Ervin Laszlo’s Wordshift Declaration (see hijack of 5G Space Appeal). Singapore and the US have introduced sinister dystopian robot dogs to enforce social distancing, and shortly to police the population, too. One is portrayed in the rain to prove to you that it won’t be any good trying to stop them by dousing them in water.
  • The Covidiotic section is an attempt at humour, but it has to be said that everything about this situation is surreal so everything in this newsletter could really be included under the “covidiotic” banner.
  • The Disinformation section provides a quick review of some of the disinformation scams of the week. Presumably some of these are being cooked up by the British army, a brigade of which has been given the task of combating fake news on the “coronavirus”, which actually seems to mean cooking up the fake news themselves.
  • The Dissent section is reassuringly packed with reports from many countries (Germany, Spain, Australia, US, UK) showing that people are not accepting “the new normal”. Disgraceful and distressing scenes from Australia of police dragging a mother away into a police van as her young child screams in terror, “Don;t take my mummy away”, while a second policeman in a separate incident removes a baby in a stroller from her mother and we see her terrified face as she screams in terror. This is “the new normal” face of fascism. In each case, the mother was guilty of nothing more than standing on the street to protest the lockdown. Two Italian politicians courageously came out emphatically against the lockdown and the fascist putsch. Two US cops state that they will support the constitution and not enforce measures taken against the people – one of them gets fired for his courage. And three sheriffs declare that they will not enforce the closing of businesses. People in Ireland and the US are mounting legal challenges to the lockdown. In a major breakthrough, three Catholic cardinals join a public petition with academics and others that exposes the global putsch in detail. We reprise a look at the dark secrets behind the Pope’s bizarre audience hall.
  • The Essential Reading section gives links to the free summary (in several languages) of Arthur Firstenberg’s The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life. Anyone who has not yet read this 16-page history of the dangers of electricity needs urgently to do so in order to understand just why 5G and wireless technology in general are so lethal and how the symptoms of “coronavirus” are explained by ubiquitous wireless technology and 5G.
  • The 5G / Coronavirus Health Aspects section looks at the latest revelations on “coronavirus”. It’s actually harmless for most people, putting patients on ventilators is a sure-fire way to kill them, autopsy reports reveal once again that what is happening to people affected by “coronavirus” is completely unprecedented and doctors do not understand what is going on (in other words, it’s not a single illness at all – it’s caused by rolling out 5G!) Two articles expose the lack of necessity for face masks, which do not protect people and are completely misunderstood, but are extremely dangerous and can make people more vulnerable and actually kill.
  • The News section is a pot-pourri of reports from around the world of what transpired in the last week. Perhaps the most groundbreaking of these reports were those from Madagascar, whose government threw out the World Health Organisation from the country in disgust and called on other African countries to do the same, and Burundi, which also expelled representatives of WHO this week. This comes on top of last week’s revelations by the President of Tanzania that the tests are so useless they show pawpaws and jack fruit as testing positive for Covid-19! In Australia, birds were seen attacking a cell phone tower. Could this be an example of the “hundredth monkey syndrome” – that they are aware that 4G LTE has killed 26 thousand blue tits in Germany? Meanwhile, in Nigeria citizens are up in arms to hear that Bill Gates has bribed the parliament with $10 million dollars to pass a mandatory vaccine bill.
  • The big news this week is “contact tracing” or the introduction of totalitarianism. This is the time for people to ditch their mobile / cell phones before they become not only compulsory to own, but compulsory to carry and to have them switched on so that you are saturated in electromagnetic radiation and fully traceable and trackable – and in due course killable – at all times. Johns Hopkins is offering a free course on contact tracing, so if anyone wants to understand just how WHO’s Michael Ryan’s “dignified and respectful” smashing into your family home by ex-military and removal of your family members and children is going to take place, you might be interested to sign up. So-called contract tracer jobs are being advertised in Britain and America, and guess who they want to recruit? Ex-military! No surprise there. Those Qanon followers still “trusting the plan” might be disturbed to know that this week Trump announced that he has ordered 500 million injectors for the completely new, untested and unprecedented vaccines for human genetic modification that he is launching through a so-called “warp speed” programme to get them out really fast without any prior safety testing, and that he is intending to use the army to enforce contact tracing.
  • The section on Programming the Public for the New World Order exposes all the insidious ways the public are being conditioned to accept “the new normal”. Club of Madrid member UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres uses his public office to pimp for the NWO and the sinister Agenda 2030.
  • The Space section poses the question of whether electrohypersensitive people are already being affected by Musk’s satellites, several hundred of which have been launched since last year, with no let-up under the lockdown, of course, just as the 5G rollout is being speeded up under the lockdown. Belatedly, US senators are challenging the FCC to explain why all these satellites are exempt from an environmental review.
  • The Solutions section is ongoing and presents a variety of ways to respond to the current surreality.
  • Since the narrative is now very much focused on the globalists’ real end game of forcibly vaccinating the entire world’s population of 7 billion people, the section on Vaccines (pp. 130-141) is particularly important and comprehensive.
  • And last but not least, the Appendix provides more insights into the very strange and unprecedented symptoms of “Covid-19”, aka injuries manifesting in multifarious ways resulting from exposure to lethal pulsed electromagnetic radiation in the form of 3G, 4G, 4G LTE and/or 5G.

Now we know what’s going on, let’s get into action to stop this NOW!

A correspondent sent this message, together with his annotations, in red.

The Hopi nation wrote this to the world 19 years ago. It is very practical advice.


“We have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour

Now you must go back and tell the people thatthis is the Hour

And there are things to be considered

·Where are you living?

·What are you doing?

·What are your relationships?

·Are you in the right relation?

·Where is your water?

·Know your garden.

·[To these I would add: Are you dependent on Big Pharma
for your health? Big Oil for your

It is time to speak your truth. [this creates
alignment on the level of ethics, values, goals]


Create your community.[Come together
with like-minded others, co- create a plan]

Be good to each other.[Caring,
sharing, mutual regard]

And do not look outside yourself for the leader. [this is true self-responsibility]

There is a river flowing now very fast.[20x
faster from Jan 25!]

It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid.

They will try to hold onto the shore.[predictable
fear-based reaction to massive change]

They will feel they are being torn apart and they will suffer greatly.

Know the river has its destination.[the
sea: metaphor for the cosmos, collective uncsc]

The elders say we must let go of the shore, and push off and into the river, keep our eyes open, and our head above the water.[be
conscious! Don’t lose your focus, don’t get dragged under.]

See who is in there with you and Celebrate. [you will recognize brothers and
sisters. You will know that you are on a
milestone journey]

At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally.[leave your religious, political, whatever baggage
behind, it won’t travel well.]

Least of all ourselves.[unresolved,
unforgiven past wounding will keep on wounding us]

For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt.

The time of the lone wolf is over,

Gather yourselves![no longer blood
ties that define a tribe, community is based on common interest. Understand the paradox: separation is
illusion, but discrimination / discernment has never been more important…to
apply discernment one must have access to genuine information.]

Banish the word struggle from your attitude and your vocabulary.[many hands make light work; use your skills in service
to others, take responsibility for what you do well]

All that you do now must be done in a sacred manner [living with respect for oneself,
the community and the environment]

And in celebration.”[take pleasure in
being alive in the world. Share your joy
with others]


5G – Coronavirus Briefing 16 May 2020.pdf

When injustice becomes law resistance becomes duty

Julian Rose says it all in this excellent article

It is time to stand up and put a stop to this. We cannot go on debating – we now need to go into urgent action.

“To fail to act in defence of life when it is obvious that every valuable aspect of life is under attack, is to be complicit in the crime.”


  • The cause of saving families, friends and communities from being enslaved by what has increasingly shown itself to be a despotic, sinister and ruthless cabal fully intent on destroying the rule of law and replacing it with a fascistic police state. It’s no good hiding one’s head in the sand and praying it will never come to this. It already has – and we have to act accordingly.
  • Doctors, recognising that they are being deeply misled about the nature of this so called ‘pandemic’ must refuse to go along with the lies.
  • Within the legal profession, let all those who retain some human judgement demand that an immediate emergency injunction be tabled in the high court of law in their country
  • Let all those who work in communications and media recognise that they carry a moral and ethical responsibility to do more than simply pass on a purely superficial repetition of what it is they are on hand to report.
  • Teachers: stop forcing locked-down children to sit behind computer screens for hours at a time
  • Step bravely forward and embrace its radical nature, we are coming together now in common commitment to light the fire of truth and justice – and to forever keep it lit.

The Covid Shockdown Doctrine — and How to Beat It

May 8, 2020

Op-Ed by Julian Rose

Those who have read Naomi Klein’s seminal book The Shock Doctrine will remember how the ‘short sharp shock’ (primarily economic) was the tool fashioned by the Chicago School of Economics in order to create regime change in countries that resisted US hegemonic power grabs in the 1980s and 1990s.

This neocolonial heist was administered to a number of South American countries, in the Middle East and also in Eastern Europe, where, in 1989, Poland’s Solidarity movement was undermined by the Chicago School’s Jeffrey Sachs posing as a libertarian anti-communist bringer of gifts from the West.

A poisoned chalice, as it turned out, as Sachs infiltrated the hugely popular worker-led new political movement known as The Third Way and landed Poland with a draconian IMF loan whose repayment terms wrecked the country’s industrial base.

A very similar scenario was repeated in Greece whose people are still struggling at the hands of the same treatment meted-out by The European Commission, the IMF and the European Central Bank, collectively known as The Troika.

Now ‘The Shock Doctrine’ is back with us again – with a vengeance. But this time it’s not just a national shock prescription, but a global one, executed on the concocted premise of a dangerous virus which is purported to have escaped from a laboratory in Wuhan, China, at the turn of the year.

The first move of this latest attempted grand heist has been to get around half the population locked-down in their own homes and induced into a state of fear paralysis. A formula that is activated by the ‘instructed’ mainstream media spreading a panic-warning of said virus spooking its way into all avenues of life and causing some form of untreatable sickness.

The effectiveness of this fear-based indoctrination programme has been remarkable. A recent national opinion poll conducted in the UK suggests that more than 60% of the British public – believing what they are hearing and consequently suffering the Covid fear symptoms – do not want the lockdown measures to be lifted or even eased. This might be explained by the fact that the BBC – a masterful spreader of political disinformation – is regarded by many in the UK as ‘god’, followed closely by the Queen, on whose estate the Pirbright Institute is housed, a Coronavirus patent is officially registered and a Covid-19 vaccine is being developed.

The tactics currently being deployed rely upon deliberate deception, preplanned social engineering and applied behavioural psychology being trained on great swathes of the world population via a completely compliant media which works hand in hand with a corporate/banker/political cabal whose sights are set on nothing less than totalitarian control of all avenues of human society as well as of the human brain.

As long as actions taken in relation to the grand Covid scam can continue to be sold as a genuine attempt to protect citizens, rather than screw them, the lockdown can be largely kept in place, enabling the implementation of a rapid desecration of the fundamental constitutional rights of citizens living in what are claimed to be ‘democratic’ countries.

But as soon as a critical mass see through the veil and cease to buy the lie, the tables will be turned; an event likely to lead to a showdown between a steadily emerging recognition of truth and a rapidly fracturing ‘fortress lie’. Our job at this moment of time is to catalyse this process.

Notwithstanding the fact that any and all preventable premature deaths carry with them a real sense of loss, the outrageous absurdity of pretending that the release of a virus recognised to be a strain of common flu, should constitute a valid reason for wrecking billions of people’s lives and income sources, from one end of the world to the other, has got to be revealed for what it is: an act of preplanned genocide.

Enough time has passed and enough evidence accrued to know that the death toll ascribed to Covid-19 – as farcically imprecise as the statistics are – is less than the average loss of life brought about by the standard annual winter flu cycle in Northern hemisphere countries – and just a fraction of the deaths resulting from cancer, heart disease and the other major sicknesses to which modern man typically succumbs.

So instead of poring over oceans of epidemiological evidence as though training to acquire a PhD in virology, we need to turn to face the enemy and take direct action to halt the advance of the lie machine. Studying the small details of exactly what forms the constituent parts of this particular strain of sickness, is a deviation we cannot afford to indulge in. Let specialist doctors get on with this; but let the rest of us jump to our feet and slam closed the oak door that protects our most fundamental freedoms from being eviscerated right in front of our eyes.

Doctors, recognising that they are being deeply misled about the nature of this so called ‘pandemic’ must refuse to go along with the lies. They should form their own informal committees in which to share their knowledge and help those in need using best practices and common sense. Thousands are in danger of breaking the Hippocratic Oath by following directives that defy logic and rational thought.

Within the legal profession, let all those who retain some human judgement demand that an immediate emergency injunction be tabled in the high court of law in their country; leading to a court order being issued against all attempts to change national constitutions and other legal acts ‘on the hoof’ without any proper debate or opportunity for those under attack to put their case and defend their lawful rights.

Let all those who work in communications and media recognise that they carry a moral and ethical responsibility to do more than simply pass on a purely superficial repetition of what it is they are on hand to report. All too often journalists today act like robots – without ever exploring and reporting on the deeper issues that lie behind significant news events. Editors are equally culpable, if not more so. Both tend to land-up as hired hands to billionaires and bought-out governments.

May such individuals now wake-up to the realisation that they have a duty to inform the general public of whether those whose statements they report are acting in the interests or in abuse of the health and welfare of the greater public they are supposed to serve.

Journalists of all descriptions have a vital role to perform at this time. If acting responsibly means getting kicked-out of one’s job – so be it – one will at least regain a blessedly clear conscience and win the opportunity to club together with other members of the resistance, to form real and much needed new avenues of independent communication, thereby conveying words of enlightenment rather than being complicit in the further dumbing-down of fellow human beings.

Teachers; stop forcing locked-down children to sit behind computer screens for hours at a time. The harm this is doing far outweighs the value of the teaching and lands parents with the task of acting as psychologists for their own distracted children. This torture must cease, as indeed must all thoughtless compliance with State educational programmes.

To all those who are in any degree enlightened, regardless of what profession, job or other diverse interest one may feel aligned with – now is the time to rally to the cause. The cause of saving families, friends and communities from being enslaved by what has increasingly shown itself to be a despotic, sinister and ruthless cabal fully intent on destroying the rule of law and replacing it with a fascistic police state. It’s no good hiding one’s head in the sand and praying it will never come to this. It already has – and we have to act accordingly.

As a senior member of the British House of Lords said recently “Historically tyranny isn’t imposed, people give away their freedom for safety”. Well, we’ve had quite enough of this sort of cowardice, and what’s more – there is no ‘safety’ on the other side of this particular coin. To fail to act in defence of life when it is obvious that every valuable aspect of life is under attack, is to be complicit in the crime.

Another prescient statement concludes “When injustice becomes law resistance becomes duty”. Everyone of us must be primed for action now. Do not consent to being treated like a mindless automaton unless you are one. Hammer those who hold positions of office and don’t allow them to simply follow the script they have been told to adopt.

Remind them that their support for the Covid Shockdown plan to take a totally disproportionate wrecking-ball to the basic constitutional rights of the individual while using the excuse that they are protecting the health of the population, is a criminal neglect of duty which will not stand-up in a court of law. And while you’re at it – tell them you do not consent to being irradiated by WiFi 4/5G microwaves emitted by telecommunications networks, transmitters and masts erected without any public consultation or approval.

We have no option other than to take back control of our individual destinies and throw off the chains of hypnosis under which too many have been blindly operating for far too long.

This is an auspicious moment for mankind – so have no fear. Once on this new path we will find ourselves guided by powers far greater than those attempting to enslave us. This is the call we cannot turn away from. Step bravely forward and embrace its radical nature, we are coming together now in common commitment to light the fire of truth and justice – and to forever keep it lit.

Julian Rose is a writer, organic farmer, international activist and holistic practitioner/teacher. Two of Julian’s books ‘Creative Solutions to a World in Crisis’ and ‘Overcoming the Robotic Mind – Why Humanity Must Come Through’ are particularly prescient reading for this time. See for more information.

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Truth About Vaccines – 2 mins worth listening to

This is only on today and competes in a couple of hours with David Icke on London Real, but if you can listen to nothing else, please listen to minute 56.50-58.56. where Judy Mikovits, PhD talks about the flu vaccine driving Covid-19. She says, “Do not get ANY vaccines” and “Don’t wear a mask because you will kill yourself”. Short recording of just that attached to this email. minute 56.50-58.56, Judy Mikovits.