Robert F. Kennedy: “The Last Battle for the Salvation of Humanity”

Please read the transcripts (attached) and share this information with everyone you know.

Vaccine experts Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Dr Rashid Buttar, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Judy Mikovits PhD, Robert Kennedy Jr., and Del Bigtree, had a round table discussion last weekend hosted by Ty and Charlene Bollinger. Transcripts attached. Highlights:

Robert F. Kennedy:

“We’re the happy few, the band of brothers and sisters. We know what our job is in this life: we have to fight and we have to die with our boots on if necessary.”

  • Doctors don’t know how to treat patients with Covid-19 because it is unique
  • Nurses are saying that people are being murdered in hospitals
  • Governments are proposing to inject humans with an untested, experimental, gene-altering technology designed to change the human genome
  • The former chief chemist of the company said, “There is nothing that could make me put that vaccine in my body.”
  • It is an RNA vaccine that has never been made before and that alters DNA
  • It is genetic engineering that could wipe out the entire human race
  • When a coronavirus vaccine for SARS was tested on ferrets and they were later exposed to the wild virus, they all died
  • The US is now operating under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act, which provides blanket immunity from liability for Gates and the companies pushing the coronavirus/Covid-19 vaccine
  • An upcoming documentary on the (US) National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (“1986-The Act”), which gave companies blanket immunity from liability (
    ) will reveal “premeditated, first-degree murder”, according to Dr. Andrew Wakefield
  • With 5G and vaccines, Bill Gates and Elon Musk have become the instruments of total tyranny, total control, and the surveillance state.

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TTAV round table 1.pdf
TTAV round table 2.pdf

Is there an association between covid-19 cases/deaths and 5G in the United States?

By Dr. Magda Havas, PhD.

April 22, 2020.  People are questioning whether there is a relationship between the rollout of 5G and the number and severity of covid-19 cases in various countries.  Claims have been made that the highest number of deaths attributed to covid-19 are in those places that deployed 5G during the past 2 years.  So I decided to look into the matter but found it difficult to get accurate and consistent data about 5G globally so I decided to narrow my range to the United States.

I eventually found which U.S. cities had 5G coverage as of April 21, 2020 and compared those locations to covid-19 statistics for April 22, 2020.

In the U.S. there were four major telecom providers (Sprint, T-Mobile, Verizon and AT&T) until Sprint and T-Mobile merged.  They use different frequencies and currently coverage is patchy at best.

5G consists of three frequency bands that can be labeled sub 1 GHz (i.e. below 1 GHz); sub 6 GHz and then much higher frequencies called mmwaves.  The Federal Communication Commission (FCC) has yet to auction the mmwave part of the electromagnetic spectrum and so the highest frequencies to which people are exposed to currently are sub 6 GHz.

NOTE:  5G and 5 GHz are not the same.  5 GHz refers to a specific frequency (5 billion cycles per second) and 5G refers to a specific technology that relies on multiple frequencies.

Currently there are 58 cities in 32 states that have some form of 5G.  Some states have only 1 provider while others have as many as four (if we consider Sprint and T-Mobile separately, for the time being).  The number of cities with 5G within each state also varies with California having the most cities (nine) with 5G.

I compared the average number of cases, deaths, and tests for covid-19 per million population in states with and without 5G and this is what I found (Table 1).  Note:  The data are standardized for population, which enables us to compare states with smaller and larger populations.

The average (mean) number of covid-19 tests per 1 million people is similar for the have (with 5G) and have not (without 5G) statesCovid-19 cases per million are 95% higher and covid-19 deaths per million are 126% higher in states with 5G.  Whether these results are due to some factor other than 5G and whether this association will persist as time goes on remains to be seen.

Here is another way of looking at the data.  Note the log scale.

These data are changing daily and ideally they should be reassessed once we are past the peak of cases and deaths and once corrections are made for actual covid-19 deaths as opposed to other causes like the flu and co-morbidity.

So how could exposure to 5G frequencies in the sub 6 GHz frequency band affect the number of cases and the number of deaths attributed to a virus?

The current radio frequency guidelines in the U.S. do not protect public health.  They are based on a heating effect for short-term exposure.  If you live within 400 m of a cell phone base station you have a greater risk of developing cancer and a greater risk of neurohormonal dysregulation and this is based on similar frequencies currently emitted by 5G antennas.  Numerous scientific studies document impaired immune function, which could make individuals more susceptible to viral and bacterial infections.  Covid-19 had a great impact on the elderly as they often have suboptimal immune function.  Sage and Kerst (March 27, 2020) provide a list of more than 20 studies documenting a “disrupted immune function from exposure to low-intensity non-ionizing radiation (radiofrequency radiation).”  This disruption occurs at levels well below the FCC guidelines.

Scientists have been signing petitions and appeals to place a moratorium on the deployment of 5G and to establish safer RFR guidelines that truly protect public health.  But no one is listening.  People in positions of power think they can ignore the science and the scientists and eventually we will just go away.  Unfortunately it doesn’t work like that.  You can’t break a natural law … you just end up paying the price for your actions.  In this case, what this means is increased chronic illness among young and old alike and a greater susceptibility to biological vectors from bacteria, to viruses, to moulds and parasites.  The body has a harder time healing when it is constantly bombarded by radio frequency radiation (RFR).

Also, with 5G, numerous “small cell” antennas will be placed on lamp poles and traffic lights and power lines near people’s homes and hence they are likely to be exposed to even more radiation.  This is one reason why scientists are so concerned.

The difference in government’s response to covid-19 and exposure to RFR is that covid-19 is like a cruise liner striking an iceberg and leaking water to the point that–if measures aren’t taken immediately (lockdown for example)–the liner will sink with the loss of lives.

Exposure to RFR is more like a small leak that goes unnoticed until it is too late.