5G – Coronavirus Briefing 7 May 2020

Here is the latest – and final – edition of the 5G – Coronavirus Briefing, 7 May 2020
The diabolical plot and its evil perpetrators are right out in the open and it’s time for action, folks!
This is the last – and the longest – of these Briefings as the plot has now been uncovered and i believe we are now moving into the action phase.  There are no adjectives adequate to describe the complete lunacy that we have descended into.  By comparison, the Matrix movie plot begins to look like quite a rational and reasoned scenario.  What is clear is that the perpetrators are going full speed ahead, hoping to implement their plans before people can wake up to what is going on.
Several court cases are being mooted and these need funding.  As this is a global agenda, we should give generously to these courageous people bringing the cases, especially because they are under time pressure to raise the funds. A win in any country will help all other countries.
Although the lockdowns are being eased in various countries and US states, we should not allow this to make us complacent.  We are told that recovered “Covid-19” patients are supposedly becoming reinfected and governments are keeping restrictions for the foreseeable future and foresee this situation continuing way into the future.  Well, they would become ill again as soon as they go back into the 4G/5G environment that made them sick in the first place.
Germany is proposing to change its Basic Law next week to permit forced vaccinations.   The US and UK are also pushing ahead with passing laws to permit forced vaccinations involving completely new and untested vaccines.  Countries are also pushing ahead with “immunity passports” that would deny freedom to anyone refusing a vaccine.  A doctor in Germany has formed a new resistance party and gained 100K supporters in one week.  People all over the globe are coming out and protesting on the streets.
We very much need to go into action now because the end game is upon us and it is happening very fast.  We should by now understand that this is a global conspiracy planned and mapped out over many decades.  It is tentacular, as we see with the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, 200 climate scientists and celebrities, Lynne McTaggart and many others advocating for “the new normal”, i.e. de-industrialization, technocracy, “smart” city imprisonment, cyborgisation and population cull through forced vaccinations.
It is the end of life as we know it – IF WE ALLOW IT TO HAPPEN.  Robert F. Kennedy said last week that it is “The last battle for the salvation of humanity” because these forced, untested and completely unprecedented vaccinations would eliminate the human species.
  • Several more doctors have come forward.  In the list at the beginning of the Briefing, the latest are Dr. Khelfaoui, outraged at the invasion of privacy and refusing to act as a cop snitching on his patients, and Dr Mercola, reporting on ventilators killing patients. In Appendix 1, various doctors report on “coronavirus” symptoms.  A nurse in New York reports tearfully that doctors are murdering patients and gives examples of gross negligence and incompetence.
  • It certainly seems, judging by reports from different countries, that old people have been targeted for death, with rates of mortality in UK care homes a horror story.
  • The focus now is very much on the aspiring genocidist Bill Gates and his deeply unpleasant lineage and history. And on his genocidal vaccinations. A new documentary called “Plandemic” will be coming out and the trailer for it, an interview with Judy Mikovits, was almost immediately deleted everywhere it was available.  It is a must-see so please watch it before it is disappeared completely.  Appendix 3 contains the two transcripts from last week’s Round Tables on The Truth About Vaccines – an absolute must-read!
  • Other items that are must-watches or must-reads are marked in red and yellow. The Reverend Danny Jones gives an excellent overview of the plandemic. The section on The Big Picture/Overview lists items that everyone should pay attention to in order to really understand what is going on. Each item provides insights into different aspects of this global putsch: historical, financial, technocratic, vaccinations, etc.
  • There is more on the correlation between 5G and “coronavirus”. The Spanish academic who produced the study on the correlation now appears in a video explaining that study, with English subtitles. Magda Havas tells us that the incidence of cases of Covid-19 is 95% higher in US states with 5G already in operation.  And Arthur Firstenberg, in his 5G Space Appeal newsletter entitled “The Evidence Mounts”, reports that those cruise ships all had 5G, and that 26,000 birds are reported dead in Germany.  The majority of the bird deaths occurred along the Mosel River and in the region around Oldenburg in Lower Saxony, exactly where Vodafone has been boasting about having installed 4GLTE (which is a souped-up version of 4G and capable of delivering the Internet of Things and the global dystopia no one wants except the murderous elites. He also reports that the strange symptoms being reported affecting small children are exactly those of radio wave sickness. How anyone can look at the pictures of the affected children and not weep, I don’t know.
  • And there are several items on the human biofield.
  • Censorship is now going crazy, with items being deleted almost as soon as they are posted and prominent dissenters such as David Icke being de-platformed. Almost every platform is guilty of this, with Bitchute seeming to be the honourable exception.
  • Germany and Britain are going full speed ahead towards forced vaccinations, and several reports have said the same about the US, despite Trump’s earlier reassurances, with “warp speed” being the US meme.
  • The resistance is growing, with people protesting all over the planet, legal cases being brought, and a woman jailed for opening her salon to help feed her employees and their families being subsequently released.  Italian and Austrian politicians are raging at their complicit government ministers.  Armed protesters invaded the Michigan Senate to protest against the lockdown.  Top scientists in the UK are setting up their own independent government advisory committee because of the incompetence of the official one.
  • People should be outraged to learn that the man responsible for producing the fake mathematical models that justified the lockdowns in the US and UK, Neil Ferguson of Imperial College, London, who has caused untold misery and massive financial losses, has been ignoring the lockdown rules himself as he enjoys a relationship with a married woman.  Another person going off the rails in a big way is Elon Musk, who has started saying all sorts of bizarre things that have wiped $14 billion off Tesla’s share price.
  • And if that is not enough to show what a farce all of this is, we learn that in Tanzania, pawpaws and goats have tested positive for coronavirus.
  • More mobile phone masts/cell phone towers are being attacked in different countries.  It turns out that blowing up masts is nothing new and was the topic of a British mini-series from 2007 called Mobile, available at http://www.tv.com/shows/mobile/watch/.
  • And last but not least, there is lots more covidiocy in the “Covidiotic” and “Hoax” sections of the Briefing.
Now we know what’s going on, let’s get into action to stop this NOW!
A correspondent sent this message, together with his annotations, in red.
The Hopi nation wrote this to the world 19 years ago. It is very practical advice.


“We have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour

Now you must go back and tell the people that this is the Hour

And there are things to be considered

·       Where are you living?

·       What are you doing?

·       What are your relationships?

·       Are you in the right relation?

·       Where is your water?

·       Know your garden.

·       [To these I would add: Are you dependent on Big Pharma for your health?  Big Oil for your transport? 

It is time to speak your truth.  [this creates alignment on the level of ethics, values, goals]

Create your community.  [Come together with like-minded others, co- create a plan]

Be good to each other.   [Caring, sharing, mutual regard]

And do not look outside yourself for the leader. [this is true self-responsibility]

There is a river flowing now very fast.  [20x faster from Jan 25!]

It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid.

They will try to hold onto the shore.  [predictable fear-based reaction to massive change]

They will feel they are being torn apart and they will suffer greatly.

Know the river has its destination.  [the sea: metaphor for the cosmos, collective uncsc]

The elders say we must let go of the shore, and push off and into the river, keep our eyes open, and our head above the water.  [be conscious! Don’t lose your focus, don’t get dragged under.]

See who is in there with you and Celebrate. [you will recognize brothers and sisters.  You will know that you are on a milestone journey]

At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally.  [leave your religious, political, whatever baggage behind, it won’t travel well.]

Least of all ourselves.  [unresolved, unforgiven past wounding will keep on wounding us]

For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt. 

The time of the lone wolf is over, 

Gather yourselves!  [no longer blood ties that define a tribe, community is based on common interest.  Understand the paradox: separation is illusion, but discrimination / discernment has never been more important…to apply discernment one must have access to genuine information.]

Banish the word struggle from your attitude and your vocabulary.  [many hands make light work; use your skills in service to others, take responsibility for what you do well]

All that you do now must be done in a sacred manner [living with respect for oneself, the community and the environment]

And in celebration.”  [take pleasure in being alive in the world.  Share your joy with others]



Robert F. Kennedy: “The Last Battle for the Salvation of Humanity”

Please read the transcripts (attached) and share this information with everyone you know.

Vaccine experts Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Dr Rashid Buttar, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Judy Mikovits PhD, Robert Kennedy Jr., and Del Bigtree, had a round table discussion last weekend hosted by Ty and Charlene Bollinger. Transcripts attached. Highlights:

Robert F. Kennedy:

“We’re the happy few, the band of brothers and sisters. We know what our job is in this life: we have to fight and we have to die with our boots on if necessary.”

  • Doctors don’t know how to treat patients with Covid-19 because it is unique
  • Nurses are saying that people are being murdered in hospitals
  • Governments are proposing to inject humans with an untested, experimental, gene-altering technology designed to change the human genome
  • The former chief chemist of the company said, “There is nothing that could make me put that vaccine in my body.”
  • It is an RNA vaccine that has never been made before and that alters DNA
  • It is genetic engineering that could wipe out the entire human race
  • When a coronavirus vaccine for SARS was tested on ferrets and they were later exposed to the wild virus, they all died
  • The US is now operating under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act, which provides blanket immunity from liability for Gates and the companies pushing the coronavirus/Covid-19 vaccine
  • An upcoming documentary on the (US) National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (“1986-The Act”), which gave companies blanket immunity from liability (
    ) will reveal “premeditated, first-degree murder”, according to Dr. Andrew Wakefield
  • With 5G and vaccines, Bill Gates and Elon Musk have become the instruments of total tyranny, total control, and the surveillance state.

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TTAV round table 1.pdf
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Alarming Decline in Millennials’ Health

Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2019 6:48 PM
Subject: 5G Space Appeal: News and Needs

Satellites Launched  •  Lawsuit Filed  •  Donations Needed



Alarming Decline in Millennials’ Health

Millennials — the first generation to grow up using cell phones — are experiencing an unprecedented decline in their health when they reach their late 20s.

On April 24, 2019, the American health insurance association Blue Cross Blue Shield released a report titled “The Health of Millennials.” It showed not only that the health of this generation takes a sharp decline beginning at age 27, but also that the prevalence of many medical conditions rose precipitously among millennials in just three years.

The prevalence of eight of the top ten conditions among all millennials showed a double-digit increase in 2017 as compared with 2014. Major depression increased 31%. Hyperactivity increase 29%. Type II diabetes increased 22%. Hypertension increased 16%. Psychoses increased 15%. High cholesterol increased 12%. Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis increased 10%. Substance use disorder increased 10%.

The decline in millennials’ health from 2014 to 2017 was not due to their being three years older. The report also compared the health of millennials who were 34-36 years old in 2017 to the health of Gen Xers who were 34-36 years old in 2014. At the same age, 34- to 36-year-olds in 2017 had 37% more hyperactivity, 19% more diabetes, 18% more major depression, 15% more Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, 12% more substance use disorder, 10% more hypertension, and 7% more high cholesterol than 34- to 36-year-olds had in 2014.

When the researchers looked at all health conditions, they found that 34- to 36-year-olds in 2017 had a 21% increase in cardiovascular conditions, a 15% increase in endocrine conditions, and an 8% increase in other physical conditions compared to 34- to 36-year-olds in 2014.

The Blue Cross Blue Shield report is here: https://www.bcbs.com/the-health-of-america/reports/the-health-of-millennials.

The only reasonable explanation for the alarming decline in health of the millennial generation is the life-long irradiation of their brains and bodies from their cell phones.

First Launches of 5G Satellites

On the evening of May 23, 2019, Elon Musk’s company SpaceX launched its first 60 “Starlink” satellites into low orbit around the Earth. The satellites were launched from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida on a Falcon 9 rocket. Musk announced his intention to carry out six more launches this year, each carrying 60 satellites, and that when the first 420 satellites are in orbit, they will be turned on and will begin providing global 5G service to SpaceX’s first customers. This could happen by the end of 2019.

SpaceX intends for its rockets to carry 120 satellites at a time into orbit beginning in 2020, and to complete its planned fleet of 12,000 satellites within a decade. SpaceX’s license from the U.S. Federal Communications Commission permits each satellite to emit an effective radiated power of up to 5 million watts.

SpaceX’s competitor, OneWeb, is not far behind. OneWeb launched the first 6 of its planned fleet of 4,540 satellites on February 27, 2019. It announced its intention to launch 36 satellites per month and to turn them on as soon as 648 satellites are in orbit. This could happen by the end of 2020.

On April 4, 2019, Amazon announced that it is planning to launch its own fleet of more than 3,000 5G satellites.

5G in Space is a planetary emergency, as outlined in the article of that title that I wrote a year ago: http://www.cellphonetaskforce.org/planetary-emergency. It is an emergency not just because of the direct radiation from the satellites, but because of the location of the satellites in the ionosphere. The ionosphere is an integral part of the global electrical circuit that animates all living things. Even a few hundred satellites using the enormous amount of bandwidth that is available in the millimeter wave spectrum is expected to pollute the global electrical circuit — and therefore our bodies — with what building biologists call dirty electricity. This is likely to be catastrophic to all life on Earth.

I am presently involved in an effort to open up lines of communication with the principals of the satellite projects, including Elon Musk. They care about the future of this planet too, and they mistakenly think they are doing good.

Federal Lawsuit to Stop 5G

The Santa Fe Alliance for Public Health and Safety filed a lawsuit to stop 5G in U.S. District Court in New Mexico on December 21, 2018. We are asking the court to declare that city, state, and federal laws which deprive citizens of the right to protect themselves from harm, and deprive injured persons of any remedy for their injuries, are unconstitutional and void.

These laws violate the First Amendment rights to free speech and to petition the government for redress of grievances. These laws violate the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments because they deprive people of life, liberty and property without due process of law, and because they are a taking of property without just compensation. Our First Amended Complaint can be seen here: http://www.cellphonetaskforce.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Doc-19-First-Amended-Complaint.pdf.

Appeal Statistics, Appeal Needs

Signatures as of June 6, 2019

These are the approximate numbers of people to date who have signed the International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space:

2,000 scientists
1,400 medical doctors
4,000 engineers
2,200 nurses
2,500 psychologists
1,200 organizations
100,000 total individuals and organizations from 187 countries.

Please Circulate the Appeal

It is time to push this Appeal hard. Please send the Appeal (www.5gSpaceAppeal.org), and also forward this email, to everyone you know. Every person on Earth has a stake in our future. We need as many signatures from as many different kinds of people as possible.

While we were working on the website, some people had problems accessing the signature form. That is now fixed, and everybody should be able to sign. Please do not sign more than once. If you sign for the first time now, your name will appear on the website within a few days. If you signed between December and April, your name will be appear on the list within a few weeks. Signatures are now processed automatically, but I still have to review all the submissions before making them live. I am working as fast as I can to keep up.

Donations Are Needed

Donations are needed to support every aspect of this work — the federal lawsuit, the International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space, a media campaign, lobbyists to present the Appeal to governments, etc. I need a secretary and a bookkeeper. Donations can be made on the Appeal website and are tax-deductible for U.S. citizens: https://www.5gspaceappeal.org/donate.  For large donations or stock transfers, please contact me. A big thank you to those who have already contributed.

This work is also supported by sales of my book, The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life (AGB Press 2017). It gives the background history and science that is necessary in order to understand what is happening today. It is the first book ever published that tells the history of electricity from an environmental point of view. It is available for sale here: http://www.cellphonetaskforce.org/buy-the-invisible-rainbow. All proceeds go into the effort to stop 5G.

Also a big thank you to Antoinette Janssen and Multerland, who turned my talk in Taos, New Mexico of August 12, 2018 into a superb YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/embed/MpdJ_t5XMvw?feature=oembed

Arthur Firstenberg, Administrator
International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space
P.O. Box 6216
Santa Fe, NM 87502
Tel: +1 505-471-0129
Email: info@cellphonetaskforce.org