Latest Plandemic Info compilation 04042020

World-Wide Prayer synchronization TODAY April 4, 2020

at 20:00 (8:00PM) EASTERN USA.

Focus on healing, on wisdom, on us rising as a species to where Creator intends.


Time converter

ATTACHED WITH LINKS TO 8 LANGUAGES – ESSENTIAL READING TO UNDERSTAND LINK BETWEEN ELECTRICITY AND FLU: Summary of Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life (8 languages): (links to all 8 languages)



UK media outlets told not to promote baseless 5G coronavirus theories:


Each one of those “spikes” at 11:20 into video corresponds to the spikes of turn-ons of Elon Musk’s STARLINK 5G blaster satellites, 60 new satellites per Space-X launch.

Each new turn-on will cause blasting of more and more people with microwave radiation, causing more and more “corona” deaths.

See Firstenberg’s INVISIBLE RAINBOW book which correlates past turn-on’s (radio, RADAR, satellites, now 5G) immediately followed by pandemic outbreaks.

23 March 2017 – Suit expected to be filed over mystery illness at Arlington junior high school:

Dozens of Nichols Junior High School staff members have reported symptoms including dizziness, headaches and nausea, only while they’re in the school building.

The Arlington Independent School District is responding after the NAACP filed a lawsuit over mysterious illnesses at Nichols Junior High School. They’re asking for an emergency order to keep everyone out of the school until a cause is found.

NBC5 learned on Thursday that there have been more than 500 complaints of illness, including nausea, dizziness and fainting, from 70 different people at Nichols, since this all started back in September.

The District says those number have dropped significantly in the past few weeks. But until there are zero cases, advocates say no one should be in the school.

A six-month search for answers at Nichols Junior High is now heading to the courtroom.

“If they’re not going to advocate and provide a safe and humane educational environment for those students, we’re going to fight for those people,” said Simmons, President of the Arlington chapter of the NAACP.


The Creation of a False Epidemic with Jon Rappoport April 1, 2020 Audio, 3 parts, 2 hs total, listen in background.


PROPAGANDA WATCH – The Washington Post is putting out the daily diary of a Chinese-American doctor slogging it out in a New York hospital. New York City doctor says ‘The things that I see in the ER are scary’. Funny how they contracted with a Chinese-American to produce this “diary”, though, isn’t it? And isn’t “scary” a bit weak here? What about “terrifying”, “horrendous”, “catastrophic”, “heart-stopping” or some other adjective with a bit of meat to it? Or – if people are really dying – how about “tragic”, “sad”, “touching” or “moving” – these are supposed to be human beings, after all.

They are tryng to mimic the chaotic scenes of the Wuhan hospitals, but failing dismally. Perhaps it’ll all hot up a bit next week when they turn the 5G up and really start killing everyone. Or perhaps they could edit in some scenes of people wailing and throwing themselves about. Bring in the Wag the Dog director – he’s obviously needed on set to liven the story line up a bit:


UKC News – 03/04/20 – COVID19 Latest:



Coronavirus Covid-19 Fact Not Fear:


Worried about coronavirus? Make sure you’re getting enough zinc:

… Researchers have found that zinc fights viruses in two different ways. In addition to being a direct antiviral, it also stimulates antiviral activity. And given its proven effects on colds – many of which are caused by a type of coronavirus – and the coronavirus-related SARS infection, it stands to reason that it could also provide benefits for the COVID-19 strain.

It works by stopping the ability of viruses to reproduce and spread. The review of studies that appeared in Advances in Nutrition reported that zinc led to a reduction in the viral load of people with respiratory syncytial virus, and it stopped viral RNA and protein synthesis in gastroenteritis viruses.

Interestingly, one of the signs of a zinc deficiency is a loss of the senses of taste and smell, which also happens to be one of the early symptoms of a COVID-19 infection. Other signs include fatigue, slow would healing, frequent infections, food cravings, hair loss and infertility. …


Tucker Carlson: The WHO helped China cover up coronavirus
Tucker Carlson exposed during a powerful monologue last night how the World Health Organization helped China cover-up the severity of coronavirus and how the U.S. media turned a blind eye. …

Japanese VP: The WHO should be renamed the ‘Chinese Health Organization’
The deputy prime minister of Japan says that the WHO should be renamed the ‘Chinese Health Organization’ for its role in helping Beijing cover-up the severity of the coronavirus outbreak. …

Coronavirus is now the third leading cause of death in the United States
More than 1,000 Americans died from the coronavirus on Wednesday. As you will see below, that now makes COVID-19 the third leading cause of death in the United States on a daily basis. …

Nursing home infections and deaths are still rising, even after coronavirus lockdown
Across the country, nursing homes have been in lockdown for weeks under federal orders to protect their elderly residents from the coronavirus. However, a wave of deadly outbreaks in these




On a freedom of speech issue, word is out that Huawei & Chinese carriers want to redesign a key aspect of the internet. There is a proposed new protocol at the ITU, New IP, that theoretically offers more efficient addressing and network management than the existing TCP/IP standard but also appears to have hooks that allow authoritarian regimes to censor and surveil their residents. Most notably there would be a “shut up” command that would let a central part of the network cut off data going to or from an address. That would effectively silence an activist without resorting to extra tools. There are also concerns that New IP would require authentication and authorization of not just new internet addresses, but also the humans involved and the data packets being sent. China has long called for linking real names to internet users, and this potentially links people to the very internet connection itself. The left in Europe has the same covert ideas. We are looking at the loss of free speech in many parts of the world. New IP should be ready for testing by early 2021.


It’s the 5G Stupid! British Nurse Speaks to 5G Killing Elderly in the Hospital:




4 minutes THE WORLD IS IN GREAT DANGER | 02/04/2020:


COVID-19 Operation is here:



ESSENTIAL READING TO UNDERSTAND LINK BETWEEN ELECTRICITY AND FLU: Summary of Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life (8 languages): (links to all 8 languages)


Reprise: Claire Edwards and Shai Danon discuss the New World Order agenda and Coronavirus:

Full references are under the video and in the first comment


‘Conspiracy theorists BURN 5G masts’ as UK mobile network providers are forced to deny ‘baseless’ claims that ‘radiation sparked coronavirus’ as they spread online:

  • Mast in Birmingham erupted in flames last night and onlookers claim it was arson
  • Conspiracy theorists posted on Facebook claiming it was due to 5G
  • Mobile network trade body called the conspiracy theories ‘baseless’

British mobile network providers have been forced to debunk ‘baseless’ theories circulating online that 5G masts are linked to coronavirus after several were set on fire.

MobileUK, the trade organisation representing Three, O2, EE and Vodafone, added it was concerning the pandemic was being used to further such untruths and said some of the industry’s key workers are being abused over the unfounded 5G myths.

It comes after videos emerged online of phone masts ablaze, including one in Birmingham and one in Coventry.

Shocking footage posted to Facebook captured the moment the 70ft (21m) masts erupted in flames, with firefighters dispatched to tackle the inferno.


Journalists and social media users face up to five years in prison if they are convicted of spreading “fake news”, including reports judged to “agitate or alarm” the public.

Ministers insist the state of emergency is temporary and necessary to control the Covid-19 outbreak, in which at least 525 Hungarians have so far become infected and 20 have died.


ID2020 Plans Digital Registration To Accompany Vaccines:

Digital identity is a computerized record of who a person is, stored in a registry. It is used, in this case, to keep track of who has received vaccination.“We are implementing a forward-looking approach to digital identity that gives individuals control over their own personal information, while still building off existing systems and programs,” says Anir Chowdhury, policy advisor at a2i. “The Government of Bangladesh recognizes that the design of digital identity systems carries far-reaching implications for individuals’ access to services and livelihoods, and we are eager to pioneer this approach.”


UK media outlets told not to promote baseless 5G coronavirus theories`;


New Oxford Study Hidden By Mainstream Media: Millions Already Infected, Recovered, & Immune?:

‘A new Oxford study said that millions of people in the United Kingdom (and, therefore, in other countries) have likely already gotten the coronavirus, recovered from it, and are immune. But the mainstream media doesn’t want this information to get out, and some went to work quickly telling people “not to believe it.”

A newer model, which predicts the progression of the novel coronavirus, set off governments’ reactions around the globe and has systematically ruined lives across the Western world (not because of the virus, but the reaction to it). Pandemic produced by researchers at Imperial College London set off alarms across the world and was a major factor in several governments to lock things down. But a new model from Oxford University is challenging its accuracy, the Financial Times reports.


Patrick Wood – The Common Roots Of Climate Change And COVID-19 Hysteria:

People want to know: just how bad is the COVID-19 virus and is fighting it worth the destruction of the world’s economic and financial system while disrupting the lives of hundreds of millions of people? The story behind the story will make it clear that things are seldom as they seem.

In short and when seen through the lens of Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy, the whole world has just been punked and then panicked into destroying itself over COVID-19.

The culprit? A world-class Technocrat in Britain: Dr. Neil Ferguson, PhD is a professor at Imperial College in London that bills itself as a “global university”. It is thoroughly steeped in Sustainable Development and more dedicated to social causes than academic achievement. In fact, Imperial is very well-known for its alarmist research reports on climate change, carbon reduction, environmental degradation, loss of biodiversity, etc. …


3D to 5D Consciousness – Coronavirus & Anti-Christ connection, POTUS Activates Reserves, FED is Dead, Quarantine Extended:


Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Professor Emeritus of Medical Microbiology at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, released a now-viral video in which he calmly explained why nationwide lockdowns are “collective suicide”.


Prof. Hamamoto and Lena Pu: 5G, COVID-19, 60GHz, and “social distancing”:


Repost (there’s no proof that he did work for Vodafone and he gets the frequencies wrong, which is odd. What is his motive for saying this? I’m not saying it’s untrue, but I am not satisfied with the legitimacy or origins of this recording) – FORMER VODAFONE BOSS BLOWS WHISTLE ON 5G CORONAVIRUS (shorter version):


Boris Johnson To Pull Out Of Huawei 5G Contract Due To CCP Misinformation:




15 August 2019 – How the Georgia Guidestone Prophecy to Eliminate 93% of Population Will Likely Be Administered:


Technocratic Agenda Dominates COVID-19 Panic:

The Corona Crisis has in a matter of weeks profoundly affected every aspect of life and become the perfect trigger event to kick-start the Great Digital Transformation with its “smart” solutions and stringent surveillance measures. In the wake of this crisis we now see rekindled calls for Global Government, a restructuring of the economic system, and an “opportunity” to include the European Green Deal in the stimulus package. This is a crisis which in record time can lead to a global Technocracy. To paraphrase Naomi Klein: this changes everything!


Coronavirus across Europe: An inside view as Europeans search for signs of hope:


NEW LIVESTREAM ~ “Coronavirus & Global Lockdown” ~ LIVE ROUND TABLE Discussion (2) [Age Of Truth TV]:

Steven Whybrow, Brad Olsen, Donald Jeffries, Julius Grantzau


Italy Risks Losing Grip in South With Fear of Looting, Riots:

As Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte fights to hold Italian society together through a crippling nationwide lockdown, the depressed south is turning into a powder keg.

Police have been deployed on the streets of Sicily’s capital, Palermo, amid reports gangs are using social media to plot attacks on stores. A bankrupt ferry company halted service to the island, including vital supplies of food and medicines. As the state creaks under the strain of the coronavirus pandemic, officials worry the mafia may be preparing to step in.

Preventing unrest in the so-called Mezzogiorno, the underdeveloped southern region that’s long lagged behind the wealthy north, has become the government’s top priority, according to Italian officials who asked not to be named discussing the administration’s strategy.

1Summary of Invisible Rainbow- A History of Electricity and Life.pdf

From “Take Back Your Power” Josh Del Sol

(See Related TBYP article)

Things are so polarized right now. Even the realities, it seems: of tragedy and hope. And in this, you are not alone in experiencing bewilderment.

Let us boldly inquire: Is humanity is being intentionally traumatized?

Information is continuing to come out that we are being lied to about the virulence of the Coronavirus. While YES, people are dying (as with any bad flu strain, for example), the response is Orwellian and surreal; and the ramifications are unprecedented.

To support the return to a common-sense perspective, see & share:
 Ben Swann video – the breakdown of WHO’s disinformation
 Wall Street Journal article – fatality rate too high by orders of magnitude
 New England Journal of Medicine article – Dr. Fauci’s admission
 CNN article – “majority of people with Covid-19 only suffer mild symptoms, then recover”


It’s becoming increasingly clear that elitist criminals in government, media, and corporations are pushing forward a carefully-orchestrated agenda to establish a global society of technocracy.

Here’s our working hypothesis. This premeditated agenda appears to include:

  1. vaccines which may be mandatory (or coerced via digital certificates, wristbands, or social credit score);
  2. a rapid, covert expansion of 5G;
  3. global biometric systems (such as this) to track who has been vaccinated or recovered from COVID-19;
  4. the continuing implosion of the economy to make the public dependent on the State;
  5. a digital currency linked to the biometrics and 5G;
  6. fear-based social control system to normalize “social distancing” and unjustified fear of other human beings.

The only way we will make it out of this precarious situation is to continue to educate our loves ones and community…

» Read this special report in full…

» Follow our research trail: more than 75 news items

5G Was Tested in Russia on Humans and Animals with Disturbing Results

“The USSR experimented on humans and animals with 5G in 1977, 1972 and 1997.  A proper military experiment. The humans suffered metabolic problems, ie everything started to fall apart, blood problems, immune system dysfunction, severe medical and neurological problems. With animals, since they were able to dissect them, they found the bone marrow was suffering (which produces the immune system), respiration damaged, enzyme activity damaged, nuclear dna damaged, and the total exposure time was only 15 hours over 60 days. Roughly 15 minutes a day and the levels were not high. Not as high as you are going to get in a classroom.” …. Dr Barrie Trower

Note: Since posting this people in NZ are asking what can we do? Some suggestions … visit the nz site … they have addressed what we can do in NZ. Also Mark Steele from the video, he has a website (save us now) & all the detail on how he fought his council in Gateshead in court & won (article coming on that). Note there is a campaign to discredit him & his work which should tell you something. Please ignore the debunking links you will see when you search.  If there were anything dodgy with this man Dr Barrie Trower would not be teaming up with him for this video interview.  Also visit Josh del Sol’s site, if you go to you will find his doco of the same name, an excellent although shocking intro to the shonky science we’re dished out on the so called ‘safety’ of emfs/wi-fi particularly relating to smart meters (if you are new to this or have hitherto believed it’s all good, no problems). When you land at that site you will be alerted to an upcoming online series of teaching (free at the viewing times, you can also purchase these for your own reference later). It screens in late August. Lastly Dr Trower has many other interviews on Youtube that will give you insight into how wi-fi is affecting us already. Particularly our children. 5G he illustrates is a military grade weapon they used for crowd control. Fact. (Here is a 14 minute clip with the essentials from him). EWR

THE VIDEO …. (quoting here from Dr Barrie Trower)

“The roll out already started in Vienna, the unsuspecting people immediately suffered from nosebleeds, cardiac problems, chest pains, fatigue, dizziness, vomiting in fact all of the symptoms of microwave sickness … known since 1932.” 

“The USSR experimented on humans and animals with 5G in 1977, 1972 and 1997.  A proper military experiment. The humans suffered metabolic problems, ie everything started to fall apart, blood problems, immune system dysfunction, severe medical and neurological problems. With animals, since they were able to dissect them, they found the bone marrow was suffering (which produces the immune system), respiration damaged, enzyme activity damaged, nuclear dna damaged, and the total exposure time was only 15 hours over 60 days. Roughly 15 minutes a day and the levels were not high. Not as high as you are going to get in a classroom.” …. Dr Barrie Trower

This is such important information here I’ve transcribed half of the video in note form (note particularly there are some words that may not be spelled correctly, you will need to listen for yourself). Transcription below.
Here is some detail about how Dr Barrie Trower is someone we should be listening to about the dangers of wi-fi and in particular 5G.

Barrie Trower
 trained at the Governments Microwave Warfare establishment in 60’s
 worked for the Royal Navy and British Secret Service as a microwave weapons
 helped de-brief spies trained in microwave warfare in the 70’s
 worked in the underwater bomb disposal unit which used microwaves
 has a degree in physics (specialising in microwaves), a research degree and a
diploma in human physiology. SOURCE

Mark Steele
And about Mark Steele, he is a technical weapons expert, patent writer, inventor and nuclear research technology officer. SOURCE  A UK Judge declared Mark Steele as a credible expert and engineer on EMF and GSM technologies. SOURCE

Barrie Trower has come out of retirement to blow the whistle & likewise Mark Steele who (in Barrie’s words) ‘has stuck his head above the parapet‘ to warn people of what is coming. He has taken on the fight & won in Gateshead UK where 5G has been rolled out since 2011.  This interview will shock you. EWR


Published on Apr 1, 2019

Mirrored from: Barrie Trower & Mark Steele on 5G… Barry Trower & Mark Steele discuss 5G as a weapon and also answer the confusion relating to Bemri’s visit to Gateshead and how 5G encompasses the Sub Ghz range.


(VIDEO-Barrie Trower and Mark Steele on 5G (2019)

350 environmental organizations from 96 countries have said, stop 5G.

WHO advisor came out & said stop 5G

Early on in its development they noted it kills birds, cattle, tadpoles & insects.

California fire fighters have an exemption from 5G because of dangers to their health.

A new weapon they have developed that is stronger than 5G was tested on Special Forces & caused them to drop to their knees.

A Professor of Medicine has said nature has no defense against 5G.

5G will affect our eyes … cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration and kidney problems.

Another Professor has said 5G on lamp posts will cause insect Armageddon because they hover around lamp posts. They won’t survive.

5G has to be compliant because it has to be linked as it has been in other countries, to all radar systems, wi-fi, smart meters, hospital equipment … the internet of things… all have to be compatible. So not just getting 5G but all the other Gs and wi-fi.

The calculations for 5G are time averaged… the data is around a 100x greater than 4G.

The roll out already started in Vienna, the unsuspecting people immediately suffered from nosebleeds, cardiac problems, chest pains, fatigue, dizziness, vomiting in fact all of the symptoms of microwave sickness that Barrie Trower has known since 1932.

The USSR experimented on humans and animals with 5G in 1977, 1972 and 1997.  A proper military experiment. The humans suffered metabolic problems, ie everything started to fall apart, blood problems, immune system dysfunction, severe medical and neurological problems. With animals, since they were able to dissect them, they found the bone marrow was suffering (which produces the immune system), respiration damaged, enzyme activity damaged, nuclear dna damaged, and the total exposure time was only 15 hours over 60 days. Roughly 15 minutes a day and the levels were not high. Not as high as you are going to get in a classroom.

So it has been used as a weapon, and it has been tested experimentally on animals and humans. So yes it is definitely going to make you ill.

Has to have megahertz frequencies to comply with other transmitters & receivers. Also in other countries it has to have the low gigahertz frequencies.

In some countries you have as many as 22 different frequencies when it’s fully functional because it has to comply with all of the other things. It will be added to wi-fi 2,3,4G, smart meters. Its compliance with smart meters is actually quite frightening because each smart meter has to have two transmitters. One low frequency to go into the house & talk to the fridge and the telly etc and one to reach the main transmitter. Each house may have up to 15 appliances. Each small group of houses, goes from 500-5000 houses, in a mesh. When look at the maths… like a little group of tower blocks on a big estate, you can have as many as 5000 smart meters, two transmitters for each smart meters, so you have ten thousand smart meters in a small area transmitting. Each of them (15 per house) so in one reasonably sized council estate can have up to 150,000 transmitters. They are producing the 5G wave forms and wi-fi, 2.4 gigs which is a known weapons frequency. It is known in the military & published, Stanford Institute Research California, did their own experiments and said the two most dangerous frequencies for living cellular structures which is all of nature, trees, animals, insects, humans, is the wi-fi frequency and .95 gigs … a Doctor with 22 years experience in WHO cancer dept. has said that all of this will cause cancer. No question.

5 Gigahertz isn’t 5G, it is a telecom signal frequency. Shows the deceit of these people. It is capable of spying, on every device in your home.

5G has already been here for many years. Rolled out in Gateshead in 2011 & 12. Mark didn’t know until Sept 2016 when LED … the architecture, the equipment 5G’s been attached to is LED streetlights. They’re also part of a weapons system … post modulated, terahertz range lights can be extremely hazardous. The blue phospha coating … professor John O’Hagan has stated these lights are a risk, a risk to biology, a risk to children, a risk to eye sight etc. This is Public Health England. You have American Medical Assn stating the same, Anzi (?) stating the same, and Shia (?) the emerging risk team in Europe stating that flicker, post modulation on these LED street lights is risky. Ask yourself, why are your local authorities at speed, rushing this technology out on top of you when there’s already been identified a double increase in prostrate cancer from the exposure to these blue light systems, phospha coated blue light systems, so what’s going on? These councils are totally disregarding this. Regulatory bodies we pay to protect are still rolling them out. They’re on the motorways. Children are being born today that by the time they’re 25 they won’t be able to see. That’s because the exposure to this type of radiation, non ionized radiation, the secretary of state has a duty of care he’s totally ignoring. The plan is to make sure these people are seen in a court of law to bring them to justice.

This brings you to half way through the video (32 mins in).


The 5G (wireless) Crisis Summit

Join me for The 5G (wireless) Crisis Summit!

This is a special message from Patrick Wood, Editor of Technocracy.News and founder of Coherent Publishing, LLC Is this email not displaying correctly?
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Dear Friend,
5G wireless…The industry HAS NOT shown it to be safe for your health or privacy — yet THOUSANDS of peer-reviewed, independent studies show the risks it presents — and they’re building it anyway.

Hundreds of scientists from 40 different countries have reached out to the United Nations and the FCC, asking them to consider health risks and environmental issues before rapidly deploying 5G — because these researchers have studies that show adverse biological and health effects from EMF sources.

It’s time to better understand the dangers of 5G and learn how to implement better solutions in your community!

—>>Learn more about the dangers of 5G wireless when you attend this free, online event!


You may have heard of 5G, it stands for fifth-generation cellular wireless. In a February 2019 US Senate hearing, the wireless industry was forced to admit they have no safety studies on 5G, and don’t plan to do any.

Meanwhile, there are thousands of independent studies concluding that wireless radiation causes biological harm.

Despite this, the wireless industry is working with government to deploy 5G — it’s a global, for-profit, human experiment… without our consent.

What does it mean? 5G is a higher frequency, therefore it travels shorter distances than our current wireless signals, therefore exponentially more transmission devices must be installed to provide connectivity — millions more, in fact, on lamp posts, telephone poles and other “rights-of-way” for existing utilities. Each tower will emit radiation at levels known to cause cancer, sterility, DNA damage and other harm… especially to our children, who are most at risk.

Join us at the 5G Crisis summit to discover:
● 5G defined: research, facts and awareness
● Science about the dangers of 5G and EMF radiation
● Sources of wireless radiation and “dirty electricity” in your home
● Link between 5G, Al and global surveillance
● How groups and individuals are successfully opposing 5G
● Simple, empowering actions you can take, here and now
● Individual solutions and safer, revolutionary technologies
● And more!

Your guides for this event are Josh del Sol and Sayer Ji, two iconic health advocates who are known for changing the way we view and achieve improved health and happiness.

If you’re hungry for cutting-edge information with life-saving consequences, and want to be part of a movement dedicated to empowering ourselves and humanity, join us for this event!

—>>I’ll see you online at The 5G Crisis Summit when you register today!
Yours for Liberty,

Patrick Wood
Editor and Author

P.S. When you register for The 5G Crisis Summit, you also gain access to this powerful report, 7 Essential Ways to Make Your Home Safe from 5G and EMF Radiation.

Copyright © 2019 Coherent Publishing, LLC, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Coherent Publishing, LLC
P.O. Box 52247
Mesa, AZ 85208


Aansprakelijkheid bij Nieuwe Technologieën: digitale meters, 5G, etc.

De Brusselse milieuminister Céline Fremault liet onlangs weten dat ze niet van plan is om in te stemmen met een proefproject voor het aanbieden van het 5G supersnel draadloos internet in Brussel. Want ‘Brusselaars zijn geen proefkonijnen’ aldus de minister. Al dadelijk kwamen er tal van reacties en werd de minister kortzichtigheid verweten omdat het weigeren van 5G de vooruitgang stopt, bijvoorbeeld op gebied van medische ontwikkelingen en verkeersveiligheid. Om nog maar te zwijgen over het mislopen van gigantische financiële winsten wanneer 5G afgevoerd zou worden.

Overal hoor je tegenstrijdige meningen. Hoe geraak je hier uit? Wie kan je nog geloven? Waar gaat dit eigenlijk over? Wat is 5G? Waarom verhit het de gemoederen zo? Steeds meer mensen stellen zich pertinente vragen, in de eerste plaats over de gezondheidsrisico’s, maar in dit bericht willen we even ingaan op de aansprakelijkheid binnen heel dit verhaal. Wie neemt hier eigenlijk verantwoordelijkheid? Niet enkel voor 5G maar ook voor digitale meters, vaccinaties, geo-engineering, enzovoort.

Is alles wat nieuw is daarom ook goed?

De laatste decennia werden en worden tal van nieuwe technologieën geïntroduceerd in de samenleving die heel wat vragen oproepen. Om er slechts enkele te noemen: wifi, vaccinaties, 5G, pesticiden, klimaat manipulatie, digitale meters, enzovoort. Deze ontwikkelingen roepen hevige discussies op en de mensen raken verdeeld in kampen en verdedigen met vuur hun overtuiging. Kijk maar eens hoe pro-vaxxers en informent-vaxxers elkaar bestrijden met argumenten en verhalen op de sociale media. Hoe komt dit zo, hoe ontstaat deze polariteit? En kunnen we niet samen naar een oplossing zoeken in plaats van het verdeel- en heersspelletje te spelen?

Het ene onderzoek is het andere niet

Men kan twee soorten wetenschappelijke onderzoeken onderscheiden. Er is onderzoek dat  wordt gefinancierd door de industrie die het onderzochte product maakt en op de markt wil brengen. En er is onafhankelijk en objectief onderzoek die los staat van die industrie en van de producent. De resultaten van beide soorten onderzoek zijn heel verschillend.

Bij de eerste groep geven de resultaten geen aanleiding om het product te verbieden, of er worden aangepaste veiligheidsmarges aangehouden en het product wordt als veilig bestempeld. Deze resultaten worden dan via marketingstrategieën naar buiten gebracht en vaak worden lobbygroepen ingezet om politici te overtuigen. Het is algemeen bekend dat er heel wat onderzoeksfraude wordt gepleegd, bezwarende resultaten worden weggemoffeld en leugens worden verkondigd om een bepaalde agenda te dienen. Wiens brood men eet, diens woord men spreekt. Wie uit de biecht klapt, verliest zijn financiering en academische carrière.

Bij het onafhankelijk onderzoek van hetzelfde product krijgen we heel andere resultaten. De teneur van deze rapporten en wetenschappelijke uitspraken is dat er wel degelijk schade en risico’s worden aangetoond. Verder stelt men vast dat het onderzoek afkomstig uit de industrie vaak geen wetenschappelijke onderbouw heeft, zoals bijvoorbeeld het werken met een controle groep, of het niet onderzoeken van bepaalde gebieden (bewust of onbewust), of het niet gebruiken van onderzoeksresultaten uit het verleden, enz.

Wat moet je hiermee als gewone mens?


Blijkbaar kan dus iedereen zomaar dingen zeggen en beweren en claimen wat hij maar wilt. Voorstanders beweren dit, tegenstanders beweren iets anders. En beide groepen zwaaien met documenten en onderzoeksresultaten om hun gelijk te bewijzen (onderzoeken die elkaar vaak tegenspreken). Maar niemand neemt aansprakelijkheid op, niet diegenen die 5G en smart meters willen uitrollen en niet diegenen die het uitrollen willen stoppen. Vele lobbygroepen, politici en activisten proberen voortdurend om besluiten en beslissingen goedgekeurd te krijgen of bepaalde ontwikkelingen juist te stoppen,… maar niemand wordt daar ooit op aangesproken, niemand neemt echt verantwoordelijkheid. En dat is enigszins ook logisch, niemand wil namelijk opdraaien voor de gevolgen, ingebrekestellingen en schadeclaims van gedupeerde slachtoffers. Daarom richtte men in de VS een publiek fonds op (VAERS) om slachtoffers van vaccinaties te vergoeden. Want de vaccin producenten genieten officieel een vrijbrief, ze kunnen doen wat ze willen zonder verantwoording af te leggen.

In Canada en de VS ontstond er een soortgelijke situatie rond de digitale meters, niemand nam verantwoordelijkheid. Er werden meters geïnstalleerd zonder toestemming van de eigenaren en/of bewoners van het huis. De meters veroorzaakten dodelijke branden en mensen werden ziek van de straling. Allerlei gegevens werden verzameld en verhandeld. Ongeoorloofde inbraken door medewerkers van nutsbedrijven (om de meters te installeren) waren dagelijkse kost. De elektriciteitsfacturen waren veel hoger dan voordien en meters werden gewoonweg veranderd zonder inspraak. Geen enkel bedrijf nam verantwoordelijkheid en niemand was verzekerd voor enig risico. Mensen die protesteerden of probeerden de installatie te verhinderen, werden gearresteerd.

Josh Del Sol en Cal Washington (mede oprichters van Inpower Movement), vertellen het verhaal in deze video:

Cal Washington schreef een aansprakelijkheidsnota en stuurde die aan de CEO’s van nutsbedrijven, en aan ministers en bedrijfsleiders. De Engelse term voor het document is ‘Notice of Liabilty’ (NoL) of vrij vertaald ‘Kennisgeving van Aansprakelijkheid’’. In de NoL wordt benadrukt dat een overeenkomst of een contract een ‘vergadering van meningen’’ is, het is een gesprek van mens tot mens om tot een gezamenlijk goedgekeurd contract te komen. De NoL overeenkomst maakt (in dit geval) duidelijk dat er een agenda is om gevaarlijke digitale meters in woningen te plaatsen en dat er veel bezwaren zijn waarop geen adequaat antwoord wordt gegeven. Het nutsbedrijf kan deze meter dan enkel plaatsen wanneer aan bepaalde voorwaarden wordt voldaan. Zo niet, dan volgt een financiële schadeclaim.

De NoL is door diverse mensen in de VS en Canada gebruikt om nutsbedrijven persoonlijk aansprakelijk te stellen voor de installatie van hun digitale meters en alle toekomstige gevolgen van dien. Dit heeft tot verrassende resultaten geleid: groepsacties hebben gezorgd voor een verandering in het beleid van de digitale meter bedrijven, sommigen konden hun analoge meters behouden en een aantal leidinggevenden nam zelfs ontslag (wellicht om schadeclaims te ontlopen).

Bekijk een kort filmpje met een meer gedetailleerd overzicht:   (klik rechtsonder de Nederlandse ondertitels aan).

Deze procedure om de aansprakelijkheid bij de verantwoordelijken zelf te leggen, is ondertussen ook in Australië en het Verenigd Koninkrijk actief. In België en Nederland zijn werkgroepjes bezig om de NoL te vertalen en aan te passen aan de respectievelijke wetgeving. Eenmaal de Nederlandse en Belgische NoL klaar is dan wordt die doorgestuurd naar de nutsbedrijven en politieke leiders.

Alle hulp is welkom. Je kan meewerken aan de vertaling, of het juridisch kader onderzoeken, of kennismaken met de inhoud van de nota, of je eigen nota opsturen wanneer die klaar is, of andere mensen over deze actie vertellen. Deze procedure tot aansprakelijk stellen zal ook worden toegepast voor 5G, vaccinaties, geo-engineering en andere gevaarlijke en onvoldoende geteste technologieën en ingrepen.

Er zijn drie belangrijke redenen voor het indienen van de NoL bij de verantwoordelijke opdrachtgevers:

– de mensen en bedrijven die de digitale meters uitrollen (of al die andere technologieën verplichten) persoonlijk aansprakelijk te stellen voor hun beslissingen en handelingen

– garanderen dat alleen veilige, geteste en verantwoorde toestellen en technologieën worden toegelaten

–  objectieve, volledige en eerlijke informatie eisen en verspreiden

De NoL is in het geheel niet opgesteld om financieel gewin te genereren, anderen te schaden, in verlegenheid te brengen of hen in een negatief daglicht te stellen. De bedoeling is om politici en bedrijven ter verantwoording te roepen voor wat ze allemaal verzinnen en willen implementeren zonder degelijk en objectief onderzoek.

Steeds weer zien we dat er wetten en beslissingen worden gestemd die de samenleving en de mensheid beschadigen en zelfs vernietigen. Klokkenluiders die de wantoestanden aan het licht brengen, worden op gelach en ongeloof onthaald. Het lijkt soms of we onmachtig zijn en de situatie hopeloos verloren. Maar eindelijk is er nu een middel om op legale wijze de verantwoordelijken aan te pakken en duidelijk te maken dat het voorzorgsprincipe dient gerespecteerd te worden. Laten we de handen in elkaar slaan en hier samen werk van maken.


24 mei 2019

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InPower Episode 1 →

InPower Episode 2 →

Meld aan:  InPower | Reclaim Your Authority



Cancer-Suicide-Anxiety-Violence @ School: Exploring Causation and Solutions, by Christine Zipps

“The greatest crisis that America faces today, as big as any of our environmental crises is the chronic disease epidemic in America’s children.  The generation of American children born after 1990 is arguably the sickest generation in the history of our country.  With chronic ailments and pediatric rates of some chronic conditions that are the highest in the world.”

-Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. – Chairman of the Board & Senior Prosecuting Attorney for Children’s Health Defense


LIST of Some of the Topics to be Covered in this Roundtable Session:

  • Health Effects of Non-ionizing Radiation in Children
  • Peer-reviewed, published scientific studies showing biological effects from RFR/EMF
  • Symptoms of Exposure to Microwave Radiation
  • Proven links between EMFs (microwave radiation) emitting from wireless devices and:

Cancer, Depression, Suicide, Violence, Anxiety, Addiction, Isolation, Behavioral Issues, Heart Episodes, Infertility, ADD/ADHD, Compromised Ability to Learn, Reduced Lifestyle and Social Skills, Headaches – Dizziness – Nose/Ear Bleeds – Brain Fog – Difficulty Concentrating, Cancer and Suicide Clusters, etc.

  • Teacher Retention Challenges
  • Compromised Healing (chronic illness cannot heal properly in toxic environment)
  • Alternative Treatment Options to Augment and/or Supplement Traditional Protocols
  • Digital Dementia
  • Solutions – How to Reduce Exposure – “Digital Detox”
  • How to Demand Schools Return to 100% WIRED classrooms & Cancel Cell Tower Leases
  • How and Why Industry & Government Places Profits Before People
  • Measures You Can Take TODAY to Reverse These Trends
  • How 5G will intensify the radiation on our planet and especially within our children.
  • What is the difference between 5G and 5G-Wi-Fi?  – link for more info:



Americans for Responsible Technology: “There are more than 1,000 scientific studies conducted by independent researchers from around the world concerning the biological effects of RF radiation. Here we present some of the most recent.”

BioInitiative Report – 2012–A Rationale for Biologically based Exposure Standards for Low-Intensity Electromagnetic Radiation

The internet information platform EMF-Portal of the RWTH Aachen University summarizes systematically scientific research data on the effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF). All information is made available in both English and German. The core of the EMF-Portal is an extensive literature database with an inventory of 28,230 publications and 6,342 summaries of individual scientific studies on the effects of electromagnetic fields.

Link to over 5000 peer reviewed EMF studies:

GEOVITAL: Health issue and associated research (under construction and constant expansion)



EMF Off!

Screen Time in Schools – Camilla Rees – on Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation

Presentation by Dr. Ronald Melnick – “Wireless Radiation Linked to ‘Clear Evidence’ of Cancer” —

Children develop tumors: CELL TOWER ON SCHOOL PROPERTY

Stopping the crisis:  Oregon teachers, parents consider solutions to stop classroom outbursts

Millennials Besieged by Chronic Illness:  From Age 27, It’s All “Downhill

Does Your Child Have Symptoms of Wi-Fi Exposure at School?

Frank Clegg speaks on the danger of Wi-Fi in schools

A Message to Schools about Wireless

Dr. Victoria Dunckley – Electronic Screen Syndrome:  The Overstimulated Child

Dr. Toril Jelter – Health Effects of Non-ionizing Radiation in Children

EMF GUIDE:Five Quick Ways to Reduce EMF Exposure and Boost Your Vitality by Josh del Sol Beaulieu

How to Protect Your Kids from Harmful EMF Radiation by Lloyd Burrell

Children’s Health Defense:  Exposing Causes, Seeking Justice, Protecting Children

“Turn if Off 4 Kids” Initiative Toolkit

10 Elements of an Electromagnetically Clean and Conscious School

LINK TO FLYER:  “Does your child have symptoms of Wi-Fi exposure at school?

Message to Schools and Colleges about Wireless Devices and Health

FEATURED Video: Dr. Erica Mallery-Blythe introduces Children with Cancer UK International Conference 2018 in Westminster, London, to dangers of Non-Ionizing Radiation (Timestamp: 07h:08m:15s into the conference ) Alasdair Phillips of CwC introduces Erica and her talk.

Dr. Magda Havas:  Wi-Fi in Schools is Safe.  True or False?


Wireless Radiation in the School Environment with Dr. David Carpenter


To reserve your space in upcoming ROUNDTABLE, simply send email to: with RESERVE in subject line – you will receive confirmation shortly.

Video: 5G Is War on Humanity. Towards An Unspoken Global Health Catastrophe? Claire Edwards

5G is War on Humanity


The first eight months of WWII with no fighting was called The Phoney War.

 Using millimetre waves as a fifth-generation or 5G wireless communications technology is a phoney war of another kind.

This phoney war is also silent, but this time shots are being fired – in the form of laser-like beams of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) from banks of thousands of tiny antennas[1] – and almost no one in the firing line knows that they are being silently, seriously and irreparably injured.

In the first instance, 5G is likely to make people electro-hypersensitive (EHS).[2] Perhaps it was sitting in front of two big computer screens for many of the 18 years I worked at the UN that made me EHS. When the UN Office at Vienna installed powerful WiFi and cellphone access points – designed to serve large, public areas – in narrow, metal-walled corridors throughout the Vienna International Centre in December 2015, I was ill continuously for seven months.

I did my best for two and a half years to alert the UN staff union, administration and medical service to the danger to the health of UN staff of EMR from these access points, but was ignored. That’s why, in May 2018, I took the issue to the UN Secretary-General, António Guterres[transcript]. He is a physicist and electrical engineer and lectured on telecommunications signals early in his career, yet asserted that he knew nothing about this. He undertook to ask the World Health Organization to look into it, but seven months later those public access points remain in place. I received no replies to my many follow-up emails.

As a result, I welcomed the opportunity to join the effort to publish an International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space because it was clear to me that, despite there having been 43 earlier scientific appeals, very few people understood the dangers of EMR. My experience as an editor could help ensure that a new 5G appeal, including the issue of beaming 5G from space, was clear, comprehensive, explanatory, and accessible to the non-scientist. The International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space is fully referenced, citing over a hundred scientific papers among the tens of thousands on the biological effects of EMRpublished over the last 80 years.[3]

Having spent years editing UN documents dealing with space, I know that outer space is hotly contested geopolitically and any untoward event involving a military satellite risks triggering a catastrophic response.[4]Space law is so inadequate – just one example is the complexity of space liability law[5],[6] – that we could really call the Earth orbits a new Wild West. China caused international consternation in 2007 when it demonstrated an anti-satellite weapon by destroying its own satellite. Space debris is the main concern among space-faring nations, with a so-called Kessler syndrome positing a cascade of space debris that could make the Earth orbits unusable for a thousand years.[7] Does launching 20,000+ commercial 5G satellites in such circumstances sound rational to you?

I live in Vienna, Austria, where the 5G rollout is suddenly upon us. Within the last five weeks, pre-5G has been officially announced at Vienna airport and 5G at the Rathausplatz, the main square in Vienna, which attracts tens of thousands of visitors to its Christmas market each December and skating rink each January, which are special treats for children. Along with birds and insects, children are the most vulnerable to 5G depredation because of their little bodies.[8]

Friends and acquaintances and their children in Vienna are already reporting the classic symptoms of EMR poisoning:[9] nosebleeds, headaches, eye pains, chest pains, nausea, fatigue, vomiting, tinnitus, dizziness, flu-like symptoms, and cardiac pain. They also report a tight band around the head; pressure on the top of the head; short, stabbing pains around the body; and buzzing internal organs. Other biological effects such as tumours and dementia usually take longer to manifest, but in the case of 5G, which has never been tested for health or safety, who knows?[10]

Seemingly overnight a forest of 5G infrastructure has sprouted in Austria. In the space of three weeks one friend has gone from robust health to fleeing this country, where she has lived for 30 years. Each person experiences EMR differently. For her, it was extreme torture so she and I spent her last two nights in Austria sleeping in the woods. Interestingly, as she drove across southern Germany, she suffered torture even worse than in Austria, while in northern Germany she had no symptoms at all and felt completely normal, which suggests that there has been as yet no 5G rollout there.

There are no legal limits on exposure to EMR. Conveniently for the telecommunications industry, there are only non-legally enforceable guidelines such as those produced by the grandly named International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection, which turns out to be like the Wizard of Oz, just a tiny little NGO in Germany that appoints its own members, none of whom is a medical doctor or environmental expert.[11]

Like the Wizard of Oz, ICNIRP seems to have magical powers. Its prestidigitation makes non-thermal (non-heating) effects of EMR exposure disappear into thin air, for taking into account the tens of thousands of research studies demonstrating the biological effects of EMR would invalidate its so-called safety guidelines.[12] It has bewitched the International Telecommunication Union, part of the UN family, into recognizing these guidelines.[13] And one little email sent to ICNIRP in October 2018 to submit Professor Martin Pall’s comments on ICNIRP’s new draft guidelines conjured up an immediate explosion of interest in the sender’s online presence – which had hitherto attracted none – from companies and individuals worldwide, one country’s immigration authorities, the office of the Austrian Chancellor (head of government), a firm of lawyers in Vienna and even Interpol![14],[15]

I hope that people read and share our Stop 5G Space Appeal to wake up themselves and others quickly and use it to take action themselves to stop 5G. Even eight short months of this 5G Phoney War could spell catastrophe for all life on Earth. Elon Musk is set to launch the first 4,425 5G satellites in June 2019 and “blanket” the Earth with 5G, in breach of countless international treaties. This could initiate the last great extinction, courtesy of the multi-trillion-US-dollar 5G, the biggest biological experiment and most heinous manifestation of hubris and greed in human history.10

People’s first reaction to the idea that 5G may be an existential threat to all life on Earth is usually disbelief and/or cognitive dissonance. Once they examine the facts, however, their second reaction is often terror. We need to transcend this in order to see 5G as an opportunity to empower ourselves, take responsibility and take action. We may have already lost 80 per cent of our insects to EMR in the last 20 years.[16] Our trees risk being cut down by the millions in order to ensure continuous 5G signalling for self-driving cars, buses and trains.[17]Are we going to stand by and see ourselves and our children irradiated, our food systems decimated, our natural surroundings destroyed?

Our newspapers are now casually popularizing the meme that human extinction would be a good thing,[18],[19] but when the question becomes not rhetorical but real, when it’s your life, your child, yourcommunity, your environment that is under immediate threat, can you really subscribe to such a suggestion?

If you don’t, please sign the Stop 5G Appeal and get active in contacting everyone you can think of who has the power to stop 5G, especially Elon Musk[20] and the CEOs of all the other companies planning to launch 5G satellites, starting in just 20 weeks from now. Life on Earth needs your help now.


A UN staff member Claire Edwards informs the UN Secretary General of the harm resulting from 5G and wireless proliferation.

The biological effects of EMF radiation are amply documented.

We may be facing a global health catastrophe of the order of magnitude well in excess of tobacco and cigarettes. 

5G is designed to deliver concentrated and electronic radiation.

Scroll down for full transcript


UN staff have repeatedly been told that they are the most important resource of this Organization.

Since December 2015, the staff here at the Vienna International Centre have been exposed to off-the-scale electromagnetic radiation from WiFi and mobile phone boosters installed on very low ceilings throughout the buildings. Current public exposure levels are at least one quintillion times (that’s 18 zeros) above natural background radiation according to Professor Olle Johansson of the Karolinska Institute in Sweden.

The highly dangerous biological effects of EMFs have been documented by thousands of studies since 1932 indicating that we may be facing a global health catastrophe orders of magnitude worse than those caused by tobacco and asbestos.

Mr. Secretary-General, on the basis of the Precautionary Principle, I urge you to have these EMF-emitting devices removed immediately and to call a halt to any rollout of 5G at UN duty stations, because it is designed to deliver concentrated and focused electromagnetic radiation in excess of 100 times current levels in the same way as do directed energy weapons.

In line with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, to “Protect, Respect and Remedy”, 5G technologies MUST be subjected to an independent health and safety assessment before they are launched anywhere in the world.

There is currently an international appeal () signed by 237 EMF scientists from 41 nations urging the UN and particularly the WHO to exert strong leadership in fostering the development of more protective EMF guidelines, encouraging precautionary measures, and educating the public about health risks, particularly risk to children and fetal development.

Mr. Secretary-General, we have a unique opportunity here at the UN Office at Vienna. Since our medical records are digitized, you have the possibility of releasing data on a closed population exposed to off-the-scale levels of electromagnetic radiation to establish if there have already been abnormal health consequences for the UN staff here in the last 28 months.

I urge you to do so and stop any 5G rollout in these buildings immediately.

Thank you.

UN Secretary-General: Sorry, because you are talking to someone who is a little bit ignorant on these things. You’re talking about the WiFi systems?

Staff member: On the ceilings of these buildings, WiFi boosters and cell phone boosters were installed without consultation, without information to staff in December 2015. Now, if you understand electromagnetic radiation, the signal is – if you cannot get a signal from your mobile phone, the signal goes to maximum strength and that then bounces off metal walls affecting the body multiple times at maximum exposure levels. So the situation here is extremely dangerous. I have heard anecdotally of many people who have had health problems. I don’t know if they are related but the Precautionary Principle would dictate that we use our medical records to look into this and that we remove these dangerous devices immediately. Thank you.

UN Secretary-General: Well, I’m worried because I put those devices in my house. [Laughter & applause]

Staff member: Not a good idea!

UN Secretary-General: This I will have to – I confess my ignorance on this but I’m going to raise this with WHO [World Health Organization] – which I think is the organization that might be able to deal with it properly for them to put someonetheir staff or organizations to work on that because I must confess I was not aware of that danger – [humorously] to the extent that I put those things in the rooms of my housein the ceiling.

Staff member: I would suggest that everybody start looking into this issue and particularly into 5G, which 237 scientists from 41 countries consider a threat that is far worse than the tobacco and asbestos threats of the past.

UN Secretary-General: Well, maybe I have learned something completely new. I hope it will be very useful to me but I confess it is the first time I hear about it.

[End of transcript]

The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the authors of the Stop 5G Appeal.

Donations are urgently needed to publicize the Stop 5G Space Appeal further and educate people throughout the world about the threat from 5G, especially from 5G satellites, set to begin operation as of June 2019 and blanket the Earth with 5G, from which there would be no escape for any living organism anywhere on the planet (

Claire Edwards can be contacted at

Arthur Firstenberg can be contacted at or

The Appeal is available in Chinese (中文), Japanese (日本語), Croatian (Hrvatski), Czech (Český), Danish (Dansk), Finnish (Suomi), French (Français), German (Deutsch), Greek (Ελληνική), Hungarian (Magyar), Italian (Italiano), Norwegian (Norsk), Polish (Polski), Portuguese (Português), Romanian (Română), Russian (Русский), Serbian (Српски), Spanish (Español) and Turkish (Türkçe) and will soon also be available in Dutch, Macedonian, Mongolian, and Swedish ( We are seeking volunteer translators for other languages.


[1] Delos, Peter. “The Way to a New Phased Array Radar Architecture.” TechTime: Electronics & Technology News. January 15, 2018. Accessed January 1, 2019. 15/analog-devices-phased-array-radar/. “Although there is a lot of discussion of massive MIMO and automotive radar, it should not be forgotten that most of the recent radar development and beamforming R&D has been in the defense industry, and it is now being adapted for commercial applications. While phased array and beamforming moved from R&D efforts to reality in the 2000s, a new wave of defense focused arrays are now expected, enabled by industrial technology offering solutions that were previously cost prohibitive.”

[2] “Electrosensitive Testimonials.” We Are The Evidence. 2018. Accessed January 1, 2019. “WATE intends to expose the suppressed epidemic of sickness, suffering and human rights crisis created by wireless technology radiation; elevate the voice of those injured; defend and secure their rights and compel society and governments to take corrective actions and inform the public of the harm.”

[3] Glaser, Lt. Z. “Cumulated Index to the Bibliography of Reported Biological Phenomena (‘effects’) and Clinical Manifestations Attributed to Microwave and Radio-frequency Radiation: Report, Supplements (no. 1-9).” BEMS Newsletter B-1 through B-464 (1984). Accessed January 1, 2019. Lt. Zorach Glaser, PhD, catalogued 5,083 studies, books and conference reports for the US Navy through 1981.

[4] “Space Sustainability: A Practical Guide.” Secure World Foundation, 2014, 21. Accessed January 1, 2019.

“However, as more countries integrate space into their national military capabilities and rely on space-based information for national security, there is an increased chance that any interference (either actual or perceived) with satellites could spark or escalate tensions and conflict in space or on Earth. This is made all the more difficult by the challenge of determining the exact cause of a satellite malfunction: whether it was due to a space weather event, impact by space debris, unintentional interference, or deliberate act of aggression.”

[5] “Space Law: Liability for Space Debris.” Panish, Shea & Boyle LLP. 2018. Accessed January 1, 2019. “Filing a lawsuit against SpaceX for space debris is a little different than one against the commercial industry or state-sponsored launch. Since SpaceX is a private company, injured parties can file claims directly against the establishment in accord with the state’s personal injury laws. For the claim to be successful, the plaintiff will have to prove that SpaceX was negligent in some way that caused the space debris collision. Space law is notoriously complex, making it very difficult for injured parties to recover for [sic] their damages in California.”

[6]Von Der Dunk, Frans G. “Liability versus Responsibility in Space Law: Misconception or Misconstruction?” University of Nebraska-Lincoln College of Law: Space, Cyber, and Telecommunications Law Program Faculty Publications 21 (1992). Accessed January 1, 2019.

[7]Kessler, D. J., P. M. Landry, B. G. Cour-Palais, and R. E. Taylor. “Aerospace: Collision Avoidance in Space: Proliferating Payloads and Space Debris Prompt Action to Prevent Accidents.” IEEE Spectrum 17, no. 6 (1980): 37-41.

[8] Morgan, L. Lloyd, Santosh Kesari, and Devra Lee Davis. “Why Children Absorb More Microwave Radiation than Adults: The Consequences.” Journal of Microscopy and Ultrastructure 2, no. 4 (December 2014): 197-204. Accessed January 1, 2019. science/article/pii/S2213879X14000583. Highlights: (1) Children absorb more microwave radiation (MWR) than adults. (2) MWR is a Class 2B (possible) carcinogen. (3) The fetus is in greater danger than children from exposure to MWR. (4) The legal exposure limits have remained unchanged for decades. (5) Cellphone manuals warnings and the 20 cm rule for tablets/laptops violate the “normal operating position” regulation.

[9]Electro Hypersensitivity: Talking to Your Doctor. PDF. Canadian Initiative to Stop Wireless, Electric, and Electromagnetic Pollution.

[10]FCC Chairman on 5G: “We won’t study it, regulate it, have standards for it.” Youtube. June 20, 2016. Accessed January 1, 2019. Notes in video: Ultra-high frequency radiation (24 to 100 GHz or more); aimed and amplified signals; massive deployment of towers; worth billions; no standards, no testing; sharing with satellite and military operations; all areas (including rural areas) to be saturated with radiation; all local deployments to be fast-tracked; everything to be microchipped.

[11] Dariusz Leszczynski, PhD. “Is ICNIRP Reliable Enough to Dictate Meaning of Science to the Governmental Risk Regulators?” Between a Rock and a Hard Place (blog), April 8, 2018. Accessed January 2, 2019.

“The major problems of ICNIRP are: (1) it is a “private club” where members elect new members without need to justify selection; (2) lack of accountability before anyone; (3) lack of transparency of their activities; (4) complete lack of supervision of its activities; (5) skewed science evaluation because of the close similarity of the opinions of all members of the Main Commission and all of the other scientists selected as advisors to the Main Commission.”

[12] Matthes, Rüdiger. “EMF Safety Guidelines: The ICNIRP View.” International Telecommunications Union Workshop on Human Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields, May 9, 2013. Accessed January 1, 2019. igerMatthes.pdf.

[13] ITU Telecommunication Development Sector Study Group 2: Session on Modern Policies, Guidelines, Regulations and Assessments of Human Exposure to RF-EMF. Session 1: Recent Activities on Human Exposure to RF-EMF in ITU and ICNIRP, Geneva, Switzerland. October 10, 2018. Accessed January 2, 2019. meetings/session-Q7-2-oct18.aspx.

“Session 1 will discuss some of the recent activities held in ITU and describe the latest updates to the ICNIRP (International Commission on Non‐Ionizing Radiation Protection) guidelines.”

[14] Martin L. Pall, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences, Washington State University. Response to 2018 ICNIRP Draft Guidelines and Appendices on Limiting Exposure to Time-Varying Electric, Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields (100 KHz to 300 GHz). October 8, 2018. Accessed January 2, 2019.

[15] Cooperation Agreement Between The International Criminal Police Organization Interpol and The International Telecommunication Union. Plenipotentiary Conference (PP-18) Dubai 29 October–16 November 2018. Accessed January 2, 2019.!!MSW-E.docx.

“2. In implementing the Agreement, each Party shall act within their respective areas of competence. More specifically, the implementation of the Agreement by ITU shall not exceed beyond its mandate pertaining to building confidence and security in the use of ICTs, in accordance to Plenipotentiary Conference Resolution 130 (Rev. Busan, 2014) and to its role on child online protection in accordance to Plenipotentiary Conference Resolution 179 (Rev. Busan, 2014), whereas the implementation of the Agreement by INTERPOL shall not exceed its mandate as defined by article 2 of its Constitution which include activities pertaining to cybercrime and online child exploitation”. (emphasis added)

[16] Hallmann C.A., M. Sorg and E. Jongejans. “More than 75 per cent decline over 27 years in total flying insect biomass in protected areas.” PLOS One 12, no. 10 (2017): e0185809. Accessed January 1, 2019.

[17] Laville, Sandra. “Millions of Trees at Risk in Secretive Network Rail Felling Programme.” The Guardian, April 29, 2018. Accessed January 1, 2019. apr/29/millions-of-trees-at-risk-in-secretive-network-rail-felling-programme.

[18] May, Todd. “Would Human Extinction Be a Tragedy?” The New York Times, December 17, 2018. Accessed January 1, 2019.

[19] Davis, Nicola. “Falling total fertility rate should be welcomed, population expert says: figures showing declining birth rates are ‘cause for celebration’, not alarm.” The Guardian, December 26, 2018. Accessed January 3, 2019.

[20] “Planet Earth: Worldwide 5G Radiation from Orbit?” Letter from Claus Scheingraber, Roland Wolff and others to Elon Musk. June 18, 2018. Brunnthal, Germany. “… We are sure that your satellite project is already at an advanced stage. But even if much money has been invested, one should consider that it is only a matter of time until the fact of damaging health potential of mobile communications – and especially of 5G-mobile communication – can no longer we overlooked. Therefore we emphatically recommend not to implement the satellite project.”

(Letter in German) (Letter in English) Claire Edwards

Claire Edwards, BA Hons, MA, worked for the United Nations as Editor and Trainer in Intercultural Writing from 1999 to 2017. Since May 2018, she has collaborated with Arthur Firstenberg to publish the International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space (

The Appeal has attracted over 30,000 individual and group signatories from 100 countries, but still needs to reach many more people.


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5G: The Dominoes Are Starting To Fall

by Claire Edwards

Long-time United Nations staff member Claire Edwards summarizes worldwide developments in the 5G situation. While still far from a victory claim, there is much to be hopeful about as millions around the world deepen involvement and take a stand for our shared future.

UPDATE 17 APRIL 2019: In Switzerland, some cantonal governments have blocked the granting of permits for new antennas or have adopted a 5G moratorium. But the telecoms bought the 5G licenses from the federal government, so they’re using their existing antennas to start deploying 5G. Greater grassroots involvement is needed. The updates we have provided were not a victory call — but rather a reason to hope and a call to join the movement on the ground where you live.

How do you stop the rollout of a 12 trillion dollar technology promoted by one of the most profitable industries on the planet and bulldozed through by the EU, FCC and the whole UN, most notably its WiFi enablers, WHO and ITU?

Many people have said it’s impossible. But even as the Trump administration attempts to ram through 5G in the United States, the dominoes are indeed falling around the world, as cities and entire nations are coming to their senses and putting the brakes on 5G.

Want to know more about 5G? Go here:

Lawmakers hitting the brakes on 5G:

USA, 24 March:Portland Oregon city officials state clear opposition to the installation of 5G networks around the city, supported by the mayor and two commissioners.
Italy, 28 March:Florence applies the precautionary principle, refusing permissions for 5G and referring to “the ambiguity and the uncertainty of supranational bodies and private bodies (like ICNIRP)”, which “have very different positions from each other, despite the huge evidence of published studies”.
Italy, 28 March:One Roman district votes against 5G trials, with others expected to follow. Other motions to Stop 5G are expected in the four regional councils, one provincial council and other municipal councils of Italy.
Russia, 28 March:The Russian Ministry of Defence refuses to transfer frequencies for 5G, which effectively delays any 5G rollout there for several years.
Belgium, 31 March:The Belgian Environment Minister announces that Brussels is halting its 5G rollout plans, saying, “The people of Brussels are not guinea pigs whose health I can sell at a profit.
Germany, 4 April:Germans sign a petition en masse to force the German Bundestag to debate 5G.
Netherlands, 4 April:Members of Parliament in the Netherlands insist that radiation research must be carried out before any approval of the 5G network.
USA, 5 April:California Supreme Court Justices unanimously uphold a 2011 San Francisco ordinance requiring telecommunications companies to get permits before placing antennas on city infrastructure.
Switzerland, 9 April:The Canton of Vaud adopts a resolution calling for a moratorium on 5G antennas until the publication this summer of a report on 5G by the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment.
Switzerland, 10 April:Geneva adopts a motion for a moratorium on 5G, calling on the Council of State to request WHO to monitor independent scientific studies to determine the harmful effects of 5G.

Overcoming the roadblocks

For me, it has always seemed an information problem. If the public simply understood the existential threat posed by adopting a military weapon as a communications technology, they would not accept it.

The challenge of informing people is twofold. The name “5G” is deceptive, implying a simple upgrade from the current 4G or fourth generation wireless. [And many WiFi routers now display “5G” as a mode option, but it means “5GHz” in that context, not actual “5G” — an industry ploy to normalize the term’s acceptance through intentional obfuscation. -Ed.]

This ruse cleverly disguises the reality that 5G means densification, with each individual, visible antenna being replaced by thousands of tiny antennas menacing people, animals and nature from every nook and cranny on Earth and from 20,000 or more satellites with lethal, laser-like beams hitting their unwitting targets millions of times a day like silent bullets.

The second difficulty is the tight control of the media. Hardly a whisper of negativity about 5G penetrates the public sphere, while its claimed benefits are constantly touted in puff pieces in newspapers and in numerous promotional videos.

Yet in the space of only a year since we first heard about the impending catastrophe that is 5G, the message has spread virally through the alternative and social media.

5G deserves the bad rap

Since US Senator Blumenthal dealt a major blow to the telecommunications industry by definitively establishing that no safety studies have been done, the bad news on 5G just keeps on coming. At least 21 US cities have passed ordinances restricting “small cell” installation, and many are charging “recertification fees” to make it unprofitable for the wireless industry.

And the UK-based microwave weapons expert Barrie Trower reports that 17 mystery countries are taking steps to avoid getting 5G.

While the EU eagerly promotes the rollout of 5G, a new EU report admits that 5G is a massive experiment, lamenting that:

“[T]he problem is that currently it is not possible to accurately simulate or measure 5G emissions in the real world … concern is emerging over the possible impact on health and safety arising from potentially much higher exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation arising from 5G.”

The EU report goes on to set out the dangers:

“Increased exposure may result not only from the use of much higher frequencies in 5G but also from the potential for the aggregation of different signals, their dynamic nature, and the complex interference effects that may result, especially in dense urban areas.”

Meanwhile, a court in France has recognized electrohypersensitivity (EHS) as an occupational disease that can be developed also from exposure to levels of radiation that are considered to be safe by the government.

No one wants 5G but the telcos

5G is beginning to look like an unwanted orphan. Everyone who hears the truth about it shuns it like the plague. Even most of its proponents clearly have no love for it.

In his Palm Beach neighborhood, President Trump and his fellow billionaires are not having any of it. None of the EU institutions in Brussels are having it (European Commission, Council of the European Union, European Council and the European Parliament). And its very enablers, the UN and its WHO and ITU are not going to be having it in Geneva, either.

Watch for moratoria being declared in Washington, D.C., home to the FCC; and Munich, nearby home to ICNIRP. Either would be an obvious indicator that the game is rigged.

Unless this insane 5G satellite plan is stopped, they, too, might wake up to find themselves as much guinea pigs as everyone else in this massive biological experiment.

But one wonders how the 5G movers and shakers will avoid the satellites, which the 5G literature boasts as being intended to “blanket” the Earth. Perhaps the satellite beams will avoid the areas where they live. Or perhaps not. Unless this insane 5G satellite plan is stopped, they, too, might wake up to find themselves as much guinea pigs as the rest of us in this massive biological experiment.

While well over ten thousand peer-reviewed scientific studies on the biological effects of electromagnetic radiation provide a clear perspective on the unprecedented risk of 5G, the rhetoric from the corporate media would have you believe that it’s the greatest thing since sliced bread. One thing we can agree on: if we were to allow 5G to go ahead, it would make history. What a pity, then, that it would leave no one standing to celebrate it.

The tide is turning in our favour because people like you, dear reader, are becoming educated and involved. You are sharing information and speaking with leaders. Thanks to your willingness to stand up for life and love, we will succeed in this great battle of our time.


Washington Post: 5G is about to get a big boost from Trump and the FCC.

EDN Network: 5G: The twelve trillion dollar technology. 3 May 2017.–The-twelve-trillion-dollar-technology.

Digital Survivor: Portland Officials Attempt to Block 5G. 26 March 2019.

Oasi Sana: “Provoca danni al corpo!” Firenze frena sul 5G e applica il Principio di Precauzione. Approvata con voto (quasi) unanime la mozione in difesa della salute. 5 April 2019.

Terra Un Municipio di Roma vota contro il 5G: cosa farà la Giunta? (A municipality of Rome votes against 5G: What will the City Council do?)

Vedomosti: Минобороны отказалось передавать операторам частоты для 5G (Ministry of Defence refusing to transfer frequencies for 5G to operators). 28 March 2019.

Brussels Times: Radiation concerns halt Brussels 5G development, for now. 1 April 2019.

Telecom Paper: Germans petition Parliament to stop 5G auction on health grounds. 8 April 2019. germans-petition-parliament-to-stop-5g-auction-on-health-grounds–1287962

Algemeen Dagblad: Kamer wil eerst stralingsonderzoek, dan pas 5G-netwerk. 4 April 2019.

Zero5G: San Francisco Chronicle: California Supreme Court Sides with Cities in Small Cell Faceoff. 5 April 2019.

Take Back Your Power: 5G: Vaud (Switzerland) Adopts Resolution for a Moratorium. 9 April 2019.

Le Temps: Genève adopte une motion pour un moratoire sur la 5G. 11 April 2019.

US Department of Defense: Active Denial Technology. Non-Lethal Weapons Program. Published May 11, 2016.

Wireless Industry Confesses “No Studies Show 5G is Safe”. US Senator Blumenthal Raises Concerns on 5G Wireless Technology Health Risks at Senate Hearing.

EH Trust: USA City Ordinances To Limit And Control Wireless Facilities Small Cells In Rights Of Ways.

5G Gigantic health hazard – Barrie Trower & Sir Julian Rose. Video. 14 December 2018.

European Parliament: 5G Deployment: State of Play in Europe, USA and Asia. April 2019.

Zero5G: French court Recognizes EHS as an Occupational Disease. 2 April 2019.

Activist Post: Are Palm Beach and Trump’s Estate Exempt from Legislation Forcing 5G Small Cell Tower Installation Everywhere Else? 27 December 2018.