WHO 1973 Biologic effects and health hazards of microwave radiation

Doctors’ and Scientists’ Appeals & Petitions Warning of the Dangers of EMFs–petitions-on-emfs.html

Bibliography of Reported Biological Phenomena (‘Effects’) and Clinical Manifestations attributed to Microwave and Radio-Frequency Radiation

“Chief Seattle’s Speech”

Yuval Noah Harari | “Neither the Gestapo or the KGB Could Do It, Humans Are Now Hackable Animals.”

The Brain Is the Battlefield of the Future, Peter Koenig, 14.6.23

The Battle for Control of Your Brain, Dr. James Giordano

The “covid”-5G Connection

Magda Havas & Angela Tsiang paper: “COVID-19 Attributed Cases and Deaths are Statistically Higher in States and Counties with 5th Generation Millimeter Wave Wireless Telecommunications in the United States”, 12.4.21

Questioning Covid by Ilana Nurpi (Italian doctor), 19.7.21

Spanish – Cuestionando al Covid:

Study of the correlation between cases of coronavirus and the presence of 5G networks, by Bartomeu Payeras i Cifre, March 2020

Beverly Rubik & Robert R. Brown: Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G. Journal of Clinical and Translational Research, 29 Sept. 2021

China Builds Experimental Antenna Five Times the Size of New York City in Secret Location, 1.1.19

The origins of the Grand Conspiracy now destroying our world

5G and Hidden Agendas- The UN’s Betrayal of the world it was intended to serve.pdf
The origins of the Grand Conspiracy now destroying our world.pdf

Study Shows Direct Correlation between 5G Networks and “Coronavirus” Outbreaks – RADIATION DANGERS

Study Shows Direct Correlation between 5G Networks and “Coronavirus” Outbreaks – RADIATION DANGERS
— Read on


Dr. Shiva Live: Time for Truth on Coronavirus:

See transcript attached. Great explanation of the immune system. His message is:


… Now, having said that, let’s talk a little bit about, now, you know, the key points of what I want to get to, okay? First of all, viruses do not harm or kill us. Let me repeat that three times: viruses do not harm or kill us. VIRUSES DO NOT HARM OR KILL US. Okay? …

Dr. Shiva Live- Time for Truth on Coronavirus.pdf

Raphaelle O’Neil Reports


An Informed Opinion with Recommendations


Raphaelle O’Neil

(Edited by Stephen Langley)

(June 5, 2019)

NEW ORLEANS citizens recently petitioned their city council to stop or delay 5G rollout until they produce a single study proving 5G is safe technology. What followed was a dog & pony show.(1) Citizens were stonewalled and railroaded. Officials ignored the precautionary principle. They favored industry over public safety. The New Orleans, Louisianna (NOLA) City Council engaged in intellectual dishonesty. The city council and the FCC both failed to cite a single specific study proving 5G’s safety. Instead, officials stated their opinions only, claiming they were informed by a series of studies supplied by industry and various agencies.The chicanery employed to avoid complying with citizens’ demands were many. The bottom line was gross negligence in insuring public safety.

Studies in Risk Where There is Chronic Exposure

According to the “Bio-initiative Report 2012, A Rationale for Biologically-based Public Exposure Standards for Electromagnetic Fields (ELF and RF)” (2), ”There is more evidence than we need” to oppose what is obviously dangerous and deadly.

”In twenty-one technical chapters of this 2012 update, the contributing authors discuss the content and implications of about 1800 new studies. Overall, there is reinforced scientific evidence of risk where there is chronic exposure to low-intensity electromagnetic fields and to wireless technologies (radio frequency radiation including microwave radiation).

The report’s conclusion states: “There is more evidence in 2012 that such exposures damage DNA, interfere with DNA repair, evidence of toxicity to the human genome (genes), more worrisome effects on the nervous system (neurology) and more and better studies on the effects of mobile phone base stations (wireless antenna facilities or cell towers) that report lower RFR levels over time can result in adverse health impacts. There has been a big increase in the number of studies looking at the effects of cell phones (on the belt, or in the pocket of men radiating only on standby mode) and from wireless laptops on impacts to sperm quality and motility; and sperm death (fertility and reproduction).  In other new studies of the fetus, infant and young child, and child-in-school – there are a dozen or more new studies of importance.”

Industry Officials’ Opinions are Inadequate

If the lives of millions depend on the opinions of those pouring over the scientific studies who ignore the thousands of peer-reviewed papers formed over decades unequivocally showing harm from EMF (including non-ionizing, non-thermal radiation) (3), then doesn’t the public have a right to see the specific studies? If there is any dispute as to safety and public health, shouldn’t the precautionary principle, i.e. erring on the side of caution, be given to human health & welfare, rather than bias favoring industry agendas & deadlines? Large scale frequency manipulation contravenes Life’s natural order with tremendous health implications. It should not be left to luck, wishful thinking or one power player’s opinions without FULL DISCLOSURE of the logic employed to reach said opinion and LIABILITY for it. This is where the focus of public pressure should be. To date, these specific studies are not presented to the public. The scant examples & studies cited by industry and government are part of a bigger game of smoke & mirrors, one in which the question of 5G safety is avoided, revealing blatant industry bias by playing with numbers that recalls Mark Twain’s observation:

“There are lies, damn lies, and STATISTICS!”

Public Pressure is a Key to Securing Health

Public pressure is key. More people must SHOW UP to put the ‘squeeze’ on their local city officials forcing this question to be answered or to delay 5G until the argument is unequivocally resolved.

We must force this question be answered at its roots until someone at the top takes responsibility and drafts federal policy prioritizing health implications of EMF exposure. Instead, the FCC has given itself permission to grant the wireless franchise industry free reign to sue any city that balks at 5G deployment?? UNDER WHAT AUTHORITY?? The claim of alleged “sustainability”?

Environmental Impacts & Sustainability Concerns

The sustainability argument is worthy of its own critiquing article, as the “climate change driven by CO2” narrative ignores the scientific fact that the most prominent greenhouse gas on earth is actually water vapor. Even NASA states clouds and water vapor are the most significant driver of climate (4), but we ignore the significance of this because we allegedly cannot affect or increase water evaporation levels anthropogenically. Yet, we are now going to proliferate microwaves across the globe that do affect dipole water molecules and call it “sustainable” (5)?? Never mind us unpacking that whole microwaves & weather (6 & 7) conversation, for now. Suffice it to say, there is no justification to the claim of blanketing the landscape with microwave radiation as sustainable to life on earth, nor can it help combat global warming. NO.

  1. We need to see the studies. In fact, WE DEMAND IT & are NOT GOING AWAY until we get studies that factually square with empirical reality.

As an environmental activist studying climate engineering I’ve long been concerned about the use of microwaves (Doppler radar, et al.) on weather and global warming, but it was only recently that I realized the health effects of them were what was ailing me & my family’s health for years. Only after living next to a cell phone mast for 5 years did those health effects become undeniable. It is for these reasons and NOLA City Council recently granting unprecedented charters allowing the telecommunications industry to alter the landscape of our historic city, did I realize the full spectrum impact of unsustainable Wi-Fi technology. These charters put 200-300-year-old beautiful, oxygen-producing, shade oaks at risk of destruction should they interfere with signaling in any way- including those of our historic St. Charles Ave.’s streetcar line!

Cyber-Security or Citizen Surveillance?

Other 5G concerns besides health emerged:  The 5G grid as “crowd management technology, etc.” (8); 5G as the groundwork for total surveillance via the “Internet of Things”; massive cyber security issues impacting our public & private institutions and services. Issue by issue and in total, 5G is completely irrational.

Nonetheless, NOLA city council unanimously approved its deployment.

How Officials Precluded Opposition

Citizens are reasonably concerned about the health impacts of 5G.

Myself and other concerned citizens pressed the City Council to cite the studies proving 5G & “smart” technology’s safety beyond all doubt.

Failing to produce a single study, the City Council agreed to adjourn a public meeting health panel to resolve the safety issue.

Wary that panels can be a sham if not administered honestly, we insisted on including our own health experts. So as to counter the biased industry narratives we had already challenged, which are contradicted in thousands of peer-reviewed studies and our own experiences with EMF, cell towers and wireless technology, we secured an all-star team of speakers to teleconference and video conference in. Each were denied platforms.

Among them, Dr. Martin Pall, author of 5G: Great risk for EU, U.S. and International Health! Compelling Evidence for Eight Distinct Types of Great Harm Caused by Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Exposures and the Mechanism that Causes Them, and Dr. David Carpenter, author of THE BIO-INITIATIVE REPORT(2). These two are leading medical EMF experts issuing appeals warning of inherent dangers of 5G. Both provided the science and counter-arguments to the industry narrative.

Also on board was Frank Clegg, former Microsoft CEO and founder of Canadians for Safe Technology (C4ST) (9). He represents industry needs, measured honestly in relation to public health.

Sterling Hill, founder (10), was also scheduled to present as an expert in DNA & metabolic processes. He had given testimony to EPA on glyphosate toxicity. Hill understands the mechanisms of EMF on biology both scientifically and personally as a victim of Electro-hypersensitivity.

However, their testimonies were not facilitated by City Hall. Eventually, they were denied opportunity to testify.

Obvious official malfeasance-‘done deal politics’–had already occurred. The industry “experts” had already been flown in and were settled into their hotels (all paid for by industry). Only they were given the public stage.

We requested our speakers give testimony via Skype. City Hall’s technical department said no problem. A meeting was set, and we informed our speakers. All confirmed their participation.

At that point, we were meeting privately with City Council in their offices. In those meetings, they seemed interested in hearing of the health concerns we brought. But they failed to respond responsibly. In hindsight, their responses were coyly patronizing and diversionary.

City Council rescheduled the health panel, and kept us out of the loop. They blew us off. They ignored our calls. They didn’t respond to questions. They never confirmed our experts would be given room at the health panel until the day before their final vote when we were told they cannot do a Skype set up, nor even a conference call.

As a final insult we were told that our expert speakers were welcome but relegated to two minutes during the public comment section of the meeting, just prior to the final vote!

We were wholly out maneuvered.

Undermining Legitimacy: More Obstruction of ‘Due Process’

Throughout, all meetings regarding “Smart” & “Sustainable” 5G rollout were posted at the last minute. They administered the hearings permitting as little public attendance as possible.

They certainly kept us confused and scrambling to keep up with council actions.

It was sheer providence that we were able to be present in October 2018 to initially object to the rollout. At that time, we first began looking for 5G issues on the city hall “menu” and we simply got lucky as it was included.

But even then, and before and after engaging with the city council, they included or deleted it on meeting agendas at the last possible minute. They skillfully avoided legal invalidation of a public meeting. Subsequently, this pattern-and-practice of stonewalling, railroading, and obfuscation continued throughout the proceedings, and until the final vote session.

The Sham ‘Health Panel’

What passed as a “health” panel was both a joke and an insult to intellectual honesty.

The “panel” was a lone paid “expert witness” lacking any health qualifications. It was Christopher Davis, Professor of Engineering at the University of Maryland who previously testified on behalf of the FCC.

Davis lacked any medical expertise. He:

1) Ignored proven non-thermal effects of non-ionizing radiation, (11) He ignorantly ignored the fact that one does not need to “feel” radiation to suffer its effects.

2) Failed to address WIFI’s current proliferation and the public’s full cumulative exposure levels over time from all radiation sources.

3) Cited placebo tests as hard evidence that EMF was safe by implying that those who feel symptoms are suffering from an idiopathic disorder, while ignoring studies that have proven NON idiopathic perception of EMF is real (12),

4) FAILED to prove 5G is safe or address the true risks sited by thousands of peer-reviewed studies conducted over decades by individual scientists and military alike.

Despite promising a panel discussion on health before voting on the rollout of proven hazardous 5G technology across the city, NO health experts were brought in, nor allowed a seat or voice on the panel.

Rather, partiality was given to salaried industry reps to present non-medical industry business narrative. Officials relegated all health-concerned opposition to two minute public comments (rather than the usual three as stated on the speaker request cards). We were cut down and shorted at every turn.

After nearly six months of delays and diversions by the City Council and staff to our requests to see the studies proving 5G health safety they unanimously voted in favor of the new wireless charter.

When I pressed Jason Williams, City Council Chair of the Smart & Sustainable Committee, how he could ignore all of the studies we submitted and pass in favor of the rollout, especially after I had later debunked his logic in a detailed letter with links to further studies (13 & 14) – he simply stated that he reviewed all of the material that I and others had sent in. He equated what I sent him to the material sent in from the FCC, ACS, NIH, FDA, NCI, ICNIRP, siding his opinion with those studies.

When I again reiterated my original running request of which specific studies he based his opinions on, he evasively restated that his OPINION was formed on ALL of the studies covered by those organizations; that 5G and EMF is safe to proliferate across our city.

Vague Disingenuous Cop-out!

But the question stands and the onus remains on City Council to present to the public the specific studies on which they are basing their opinion. The health and quality of life of New Orleans citizens, or any locale, should not rest on unaccountable opinion.


Our 5G-related Ailments and Symptoms

Stress underlies diseaseI personally experienced the effects of wireless tech after I added in-home Wi-Fi which compounded microwave radiation from a cell tower 2 blocks away.

I experienced chronic fatigue, my heart laboring to merely move about our home. My, then three-year-old, son complained daily of being tired at 10 a.m. a time of day he should have been at his peak of energy.

I also suffered from brain fog, extreme confusion and reduced mental RAM (so to speak). I felt BLAH all the time. I struggled to stay asleep waking nightly in sweats. All of this left me irritable.

I consulted a physician by having my heart checked. EKG was normal as were my cholesterol levels. Yet I felt terrible, commenting to friends- is this what getting older is supposed to feel like? – like DYING?? All of this at 42 years of age, active and physically fit.

Our health symptoms were real and not idiopathic as we experienced them before learning of studies demonstrating these same negative health effects result from EMF radiation.

Of course, the causes were not detectable by either my or my son’s doctors.

Despite tests, our multiple complaints were not abated by supplements we were put on to “optimize” our health (Vitamin D, etc.).

Only by moving away from the tower and hard-wiring our new home internet was our health restored. However, to this day my son & I remain prone to simultaneously experiencing sudden onset symptoms of EMF exposure, such as headaches on each of us that start at the same time, affecting the same part of our brains.

Concealed Rollout of 5G Technology

All of this while 5G infrastructure was clandestinely going up across the city. We were told that 5G was only in the planning stages. Yet, mysterious wireless masts very different from the existent 4G cell towers had popped up in our neighborhood during the previous couple of years. These, we were told by the workers installing them, are 5G.

AND our own EMF exposure meters registered radiation from them!

So, not only did they mow us over in political process, but they straight up lied to us.

Media Coverage Denied

So far, our attempts to educate the local press have fallen on deaf ears. Letters to the editor of local media outlets were NEVER published.

Only Jeff Crouere of Ringside Politics with a Punch! on WLAE TV; and Monica Clark on WHIV radio, were brave enough to follow our efforts with fair and honest coverage.

But where were the majority of local news journalists?

The overall media silence thwarted community awareness reducing potential numbers of concerned citizens demanding the precautionary principle. Social media yielded a few passionate warriors, but many more were needed to insure public demands be prioritized as they did in Danville, CA where citizens were able to to defeat Verizon’s 5G rollover of their community.

Public Health Damages Now Compounding

Now that the New Orleans City Council has green lighted widespread 5G deployment, individual health complaints have begun to mount. Symptoms include sleeplessness, headaches, general malaise and more. Only a few victims are astute enough to link the sources of their symptoms to specific sources of EMF radiation, e.g., towers outside their windows, Wi-Fi in their homes and places of work and community commons.

As we work educating our largely unknowing community of the dangers that we face, so that they, too, can link ill health symptoms to causes, we have and will continue to hold City Council and the upstream agencies they relied on LIABLE for their “opinion”, pressing them all for the SPECIFIC studies that CONCLUSIVELY allowed favoring industry over humanity and public health.

During my phone conversation with an FCC representative, I asked the same question:  WHICH SPECIFIC STUDIES can the Commission cite unequivocally substantiating safety and validating the agency’s choice to cast aside decades of studies proving the contrary?

The FCC representative answered vaguely saying: “We base this on countless studies we have poured over to come to the conclusion that it is safe”.

To which I replied, “Well, if your opinion is going to ignore thousands of studies that prove what my son and I know for ourselves already – that wireless cellular technology is NOT safe for human and biological exposure, especially at the rate of planned proliferation – then we need to see the studies which have helped you form this ‘opinion.’ This isn’t a risk we are willing to allow you to take with our lives and without liability.”

To which they replied, “feel free to go up on our website and make a request there to see it”.


In conclusion, 5G cannot be allowed to stand on unchallenged science and without liability for unjustified opinions that violate our inalienable rights and constitutional guarantee of self-determination.

We are not to be forced to live in a dangerous and inescapable irradiated field of unnatural microwave frequencies.

Presently we may have lost the local 5G battle, but the lessons learned will not be wasted. The Holy War of sanity for humanity rages on.

There is NO intellectually honest and scientifically sound justification for time bound 5G rollout, either locally or federally.

Everything 5G is touted to do can be done more securely, better and more safely with fiber optics & hard-wiring.

It is my humble non-violent opinion that forcing the agencies that industry and politicians are hiding behind to produce scientific justification, that is, The Safety Studies, is the KEY.

Also, future battles over liability need to be initiated, as well as continuing efforts to inform people of the harm that has been allowed. Local citizens must convince and support their local leaders in advancing lawsuits against industry and federal agencies to insure citizens’ safety. This was done by the citizens of Danville, CA against Verizon (15).

ONLY STRONG, OVERWHELMING public outrage can hope to yoke our governments back to their stated responsibility to protect public health and welfare.

We must keep fighting at the local, state and national level. Show up at  every city council meeting where 5G is being ramrodded.


















5G was tested in Russia on humans & animals with disturbing results: what you are not being told – Dr Barrie Trower & Mark Steele discuss

Environmental Health Watch NZ

Note re sharing: you are welcome to share but please link back to this site. Or use the reblog button. Thanks. EWR

“The USSR experimented on humans and animals with 5G in 1977, 1972 and 1997.  A proper military experiment. The humans suffered metabolic problems, ie everything started to fall apart, blood problems, immune system dysfunction, severe medical and neurological problems. With animals, since they were able to dissect them, they found the bone marrow was suffering (which produces the immune system), respiration damaged, enzyme activity damaged, nuclear dna damaged, and the total exposure time was only 15 hours over 60 days. Roughly 15 minutes a day and the levels were not high. Not as high as you are going to get in a classroom.” …. Dr Barrie Trower

Note: Since posting this people in NZ are asking what can we do? Some suggestions … visit the nz site

View original post 1,696 more words

Kevin Mottus: 5G Small-Cell Technology

Kevin Mottus is the director of the Brain Cancer Association and he speaks about the microwave radiation dangers of 5G at a meeting with the the Council Of The District Of Columbia Committee On Transportation and Environment

Here you find the complete hearing (Council of the district of columbia) (06:50:41min.) about Implementation of 5G Small Cell.Technology In The District:…

The cell transmitters will be located near every 2 to 10 homes, exposing families to harmful wireless radiation.

See for more info.

Lethal levels of microwaves are filling our living and outdoor spaces.

Wifi, wireless home phones, mobile phones and smart meters, WLAN, and now the 5th Generation 5G will flood our environment even more with even higher Levels of microwave radiation.

People are getting very sick and dying with neurological disease and cancer near cell towers. There are testimonials which we have from almost every state. With the recent findings of ‘Clear Evidence of Carcinogenicity’ in the $25 Million US NIH funded National Toxicology Program Study and others like it, we have enough scientific evidence to re-classify wireless radiation as a Class 1 Human Carcinogen like Asbestos and Cigarette smoke. Thus we should be warning and minimizing exposure, not maximizing exposure as we are doing with 5G which will require the installation of 800,000 new cell tower antennas.”

Contact Kevin via

Also see:


Environmental Health Trust | Information About Cell Phone, Wi-Fi, 5G, and Bluetooth Radiation Science Facts on Health Effects…

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Cell Phone Radiation and EMFs – Be prepared to be surprised

National Toxicology Cellphone Radiation Study Peer Review:

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5G – Coronavirus Briefing 24 April 2020

Here is the latest edition of the 5G – Coronavirus Briefing, 24 April 2020

It all continues to unravel on the globalists

Once again today we have a bumper crop in the briefing. It’s all here. Personally, I’m not sure that there is much that can be added after this. I think every aspect has been covered. We have the history of this murderous conspiracy going back over a hundred years, the exposure of the plannedemic hoax in terms of medicine, vaccines and economics, more information about the medical aspects, symptoms, etc., further exposure of the indisputable connection between 5G and coronavirus, and another solution in the shape of a downloadable Notice of Liability to protect yourself against vaccines.

  • The conspiracy is exposed. Even the famously conspiracy-allergic Arthur Firstenberg is coming out and saying that 5G and “coronavirus” are linked. He tells us that the symptoms of coronavirus are all classic symptoms or radiowave sickness. And there speaks the leader of an organisation to protect so-called electrohypersensitive people, i.e. those who have already been injured by the environmental toxin that is electromagnetic radiation.
  • He also explains that masks are not to be recommended as they are dangerous. It’s not just that they make you look like a “Covidiot”. And that lockdowns don’t achieve anything in terms of protecting anyone. All they do is trash the world economy and destroy our future.
  • We also have a Russian general succinctly exposing what is really going on – the globalist take over, the cull of the population, and the New World Order of AI, surveillance and technocracy, as many of us have been explaining, some for a very long time.
  • Anyone who has not yet watched Cyrus Parsa’s take on the AI and technocracy agenda needs to do so. It is a terrifying warning and a reminder that we have only one choice. We cannot let this beyond-nightmare happen. What the globalists have planned for humanity makes Orwell’s and Huxley’s dystopias look like Butlins holiday camps!
  • GreenMedinfo has set up a helpful site called “Questioning Covid”.
  • Ben Fulford gives us more insights into the geopolitical fun and games behind all this, although how much is made up and how much is real only time will tell, but it’s always interesting.
  • The conspiracy is unravelled in a major way in an article produced by Americans4innovation that takes us right back to Cecil Rhodes and into the history of the Black Nobility to explain what is now going on. This again is essential to understand and a clear and helpful interview is provided for that purpose.
  • There are a couple of inspiring talks from the Texas Lt. Governor and from a US Sheriff who reminds us that all of this is illegal and he has the courage to declare that he is not about to enforce illegal orders. Hooray for him! We need more people like him. But we must each do this individually. Without personal transformation, we simply won’t make it.
  • More and more doctors are stepping forward to denounce the medical fraud of this hoax plannedemic. Dr. Cowan gives another excellent interview, an anonymous respiratory doctor exposes the sham, and an epidemiologist explains why none of this makes sense.
  • A number of people in the public eye are exposed in this edition of the briefing, Fauci and Soros being just two of them,
  • We also see the NWO propaganda being rolled out in force from every controlled media organ. In this edition, we focus on the conditioning carried out by an online journal called The Conversation, which is getting us used to what the globalists hope we will accept as the new normal: no more work or income, food rationing, imprisonment at home unless we accept vaccinations, complete obeisance to our masters the oligarchs, permanent surveillance, shit quality of life, sickness and shit food.
  • There is more discussion on the strange phenomenon of “Covid toes”. So much of the mayhem caused by this non-existent virus aka 5G is unprecedented. This is what you notice when you listen to everyone dealing with it. Strange symptoms, treatments that would normally work but in this case don’t.
  • The translation of a Spanish study showing the crystal clear correlation between 5G and “coronavirus”. This is right at the end of the briefing as it is 15 pages long.
  • And last but not least, a downloadable Notice of Liability to protect your from being forced to accept vaccines.
  • The Truth About Vaccines – a free online educational series with 60 experts started this week, on 22 April and is continuing:

5G – Coronavirus Briefing 24 April 2020.pdf

5G – Coronavirus Briefing 21 April 2020

Here is the latest edition of the 5G – Coronavirus Briefing, 21 April 2020
NWO – New World Order or NO WORLD OPTION?
  • In today’s briefing, we learn that WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is very pally with Gates, Fauci and China and has such a colourful past that one wonders how he ever came to be D-G of WHO.
  • More doctors are coming forward to denounce the fake plannedemic.  And the biggest common denominator is how many of them remark on this being the first time in all their years of practice that they have seen this or that symptom. A new symptom is Covid toes, again a symptom never seen before and inexplicable to the doctors.
  • Dr Buttar blows Fauci and Gates out of the water. Another doctor asks why the usual procedures are not being followed, why the means of diagnosis is vastly different from those normally used, anyone who dies of anything has to be listed as having died from Coronavirus, why bodies have to be cremated and why there are plans afoot for an unneeded and very dodgy vaccine.
  • The question is answered by the patent held by Bill Gates for a very creepy scheme to RFID chip everyone that may indicate a connection with hijacking consciousness … Not as far-fetched as it may seem if you consider the US and Russian militaries’ very long involvement in consciousness research, in the case of the Russians going back to the early twentieth century. Another doctor discusses the common Coronavirus symptom of hypoxia, lack of oxygen, which is explained in an interview with Joe Imbriano as being caused by electromagnetic radiation and in particular 60 GHz.
  • Yet another doctor can’t understand, on the basis of the figures, why we even have a lockdown and heavily criticises the very irresponsible reporting in the media.  And today The Wall Street Journal is exposed for running a fake science scam over Coronavirus. The Coronavirus/Covid-19 mass illusion is explained by Jon Rappaport – people are programmed to believe that they know something when all they have seen is a bunch of pictures edited together to suggest a false narrative.  A German article declares that the scam is over – no one has died from Coronavirus – they all had pre-existing health conditions.
  • The US Surgeon-General is an intelligent man and is dropping the Fauci/Gates’ OMG-it’s-AIDS-SARS-HIV-Disease-X-great-plague-wipe-out-everyone-everywhere-grim-reaper-to-strike-at-any-moment-let’s-all-panic-and-vaccinate-everyone approach.
  • The exposure of the empty hospitals and idle hospital staff is ongoing, with more staff now speaking out.  The predictive programming of the 2012 opening ceremony of the London Olympics is exposed, revealing how the whole Coronavirus scenario was played out, with viruses, a giant, huge numbers of children in beds, dancing nurses and doctors, hand-washing and an irradiated baby.
  • And Obama now joins the list of people who seem to have known all about this plannedemic.  He talked about in 2014.  A Spanish-speaking woman in New York admitted for “Coronavirus” accuses the hospital of killing patients with lethal injections before dying herself.
  • An Australian NGO confronts the lying of the Australian Chief Medical officer, who has assured the public that 5G is completely safe, echoing the lie of ICNIRP.  WHO is now putting out its own propaganda about the connection bdtween Coronavirus and 5G, assuring the public that viruses cannot be carried on radio waves. Well, no one suggested they could. What many of us are suggesting – on the basis of solid scientific evidence consisting of at least 31K studies – is that the symptoms are not being caused by any virus but by electromagnetic radiation.  That would account for why everything about Coronavirus is unprecedented and leaving doctors scratching their heads.  The UK regulator Ofcom smacks David Icke and a television presenter for talking about the connection between 5G and “Coronavirus” and repeats the ICNIRP lie that there is no evidence that 5G causes cancer.  Anyone want to sue them?
  • More celebrities are speaking out about 5G – today it was Woody Harrelson
  • The Truth About Vaccines – a free online educational series with 60 experts starts this week, 22 April:

5G – Coronavirus Briefing 21 April 2020.pdf